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  #1   Report Post  
Old 15-05-2005, 05:04 AM
~ jan
Posts: n/a
Default Sick Fish/Pond Form 5/14

To whom it may concern. Fill out what you can, leave others blank, but
don't delete the questions.

Sick Fish or Sick Pond Form

Please describe your problem, including fish characteristics, like;
whirling, flashing, gasping at surface, wounds, etc.:

Pond Size in Gallons? (litres*.26=US Gallons):

Water Source (Well, Irrigation, City?)
If City how is water treated?: =

Time in Operation?
(How old is the pond/water?):

Liner type? (EPDM,PVC,RUBBER,Cement/Concrete etc):

Fish Population?
Type? Size? QTY, Time in Pond:

Food? Type and Frequency of feedings.:

Pump Type, IN/OUT of pond, GPH etc
(Describe your filtration system as well as possible):

Prefilter media type? Last cleaned?:

Filter is BIO or Mechanical? Last cleaned? How?:

Carbon added? How much? When last changed?:

Aeration? Waterfalls? Bubblers?

Water Temp?


Ammonia (ppm or mg/l):

Nitrite (ppm or mg/l):

Nitrate (ppm or mg/l):

Water Color, cloudiness, odor?:

Water changes? (% of pond volume and how often):

Additives used (water conditioners etc):

Tests done by self or another?:

Weather (what's it been like lately?):

Medications used?:

What Zone or Country of residence?:

~ jan
See my ponds thru the seasons and/or my filter design:

~Keep 'em Wet!~
Tri-Cities WA Zone 7a
To e-mail see website

See my ponds and filter design:

~Keep 'em Wet!~
Tri-Cities WA Zone 7a
To e-mail see website

~Power to the Porg, Flow On!~
  #2   Report Post  
Old 15-05-2005, 06:07 PM
Reel McKoi
Posts: n/a

~ jan wrote:
To whom it may concern. Fill out what you can, leave others blank, but
don't delete the questions.

Sick Fish or Sick Pond Form


this is about ponds, not a fish hospital.
  #3   Report Post  
Old 15-05-2005, 07:21 PM
Reel McKoi
Posts: n/a

Date: Sun, 15 May 2005 12:07:19 -0400
From: Reel McKoi
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Newsgroups: rec.ponds
Subject: Sick Fish/Pond Form 5/14
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Xref: rec.ponds:221147

"Reel McKoi" wrote in message
~ jan wrote:
To whom it may concern. Fill out what you can, leave others blank, but
don't delete the questions.

Sick Fish or Sick Pond Form


this is about ponds, not a fish hospital.

  #4   Report Post  
Old 20-05-2005, 07:47 AM
~ jan
Posts: n/a

To whom it may concern. Fill out what you can, leave others blank, but
don't delete the questions.

Sick Fish or Sick Pond Form

Please describe your problem, including fish characteristics, like;
whirling, flashing, gasping at surface, wounds, etc.:

Pond Size in Gallons? (litres*.26=US Gallons):

Water Source (Well, Irrigation, City?)
If City how is water treated?: =

Time in Operation?
(How old is the pond/water?):

Liner type? (EPDM,PVC,RUBBER,Cement/Concrete etc):

Fish Population?
Type? Size? QTY, Time in Pond:

Food? Type and Frequency of feedings.:

Pump Type, IN/OUT of pond, GPH etc
(Describe your filtration system as well as possible):

Prefilter media type? Last cleaned?:

Filter is BIO or Mechanical? Last cleaned? How?:

Carbon added? How much? When last changed?:

Aeration? Waterfalls? Bubblers?

Water Temp?


Ammonia (ppm or mg/l):

Nitrite (ppm or mg/l):

Nitrate (ppm or mg/l):

Water Color, cloudiness, odor?:

Water changes? (% of pond volume and how often):

Additives used (water conditioners etc):

Tests done by self or another?:

Weather (what's it been like lately?):

Medications used?:

What Zone or Country of residence?:

~ jan

See my ponds and filter design:

~Keep 'em Wet!~
Tri-Cities WA Zone 7a
To e-mail see website
  #5   Report Post  
Old 21-05-2005, 09:37 PM
Posts: n/a

"~ jan" wrote in message
To whom it may concern. Fill out what you can, leave others blank, but
don't delete the questions.

Sick Fish or Sick Pond Form

Please describe your problem, including fish characteristics, like;
whirling, flashing, gasping at surface, wounds, etc.:

Pond Size in Gallons? (litres*.26=US Gallons): 6

feet round 3 feet deep and the other 8 X 4 X 4

Water Source (Well, Irrigation, City?) Well
If City how is water treated?: =

Time in Operation?
(How old is the pond/water?): 2nd year

Liner type? (EPDM,PVC,RUBBER,Cement/Concrete etc): flex

Fish Population?
Type? Size? QTY, Time in Pond: 3 koi, 6 gold 10-15 minows

Food? Type and Frequency of feedings.: Tetra Pond pond sticks ones

daily 1/8 of a cup

Pump Type, IN/OUT of pond, GPH etc
(Describe your filtration system as well as possible): 1200GPH with a

6 foot rise to water fall

Prefilter media type? Last cleaned?: The punp had a filter with it when i

got it. it has a bag with small pebbals in it. clead daily.

Filter is BIO or Mechanical? Last cleaned? How?: from prefilter the

water gose in to a baral full of pea gravel the baral is about 2.5 round and
2.5 feet deep, from there the water gose into a bog filter filled with pea
gravel about 2 X 5 X 1.5 feet, to a waterfall.

Carbon added? How much? When last changed?: none, never

Aeration? Waterfalls? Bubblers? waterfall

Water Temp? 70


Ammonia (ppm or mg/l) don't know:

Nitrite (ppm or mg/l): on the thst srip it gose from wite to pink when

tested the srip turnd greenish gray

Nitrate (ppm or mg/l): 5-10

Water Color, cloudiness, odor?: greenish, cloudy, none.

Water changes? (% of pond volume and how often): have auto iller to keep

level up. other then that i don't change water.

Additives used (water conditioners etc): barly straw

Tests done by self or another?: self

Weather (what's it been like lately?): sunny

Medications used?: none

What Zone or Country of residence?: 5 USA

~ jan

My pond is about 1200gal or should I say two ponds that are connected.

the bottom pond has fish, six gold fish and three Koi and about 15 little
minnows that my kids got out of the local creek. I recently noticed one of
my gold fish with some of the skin is hanging a way. I think it is some
kind of fungus. Do you or anybody else out there know how to make a 3% salt
salutation. I want to make a small bowl with a 3% salt salutation and just
put the sick fish in it. Dose anybody know how to do this.

As I started to look at all the other fish I noticed another gold fish with
little black spots on its side. Looks like someone took a ballpoint pen and
put dots on it. Any idea or help would be welcome.
I am a 2nd year ponder. Last year I had a 6 foot round about 3 feet deep
pond. I simply fell in love with the whole thing. I did fight the string
algae all year but overall I loved it. I have six gold fish and three Koi
and about 15 little minnows that my kids got out of the local creek. My pump
is a 1200 gpm. The waterfall is about six feet up.

I loved the pond thing so mush that I put in another pond this year. It
connects with the first pond and is about 4 X 8 X 4 feet. I did not ad any
fish in it and left the old fish in the first pond. All of my lilies are
coming back strong. Even the tropical ones, they don't look as strong and
as big as the others. I got some barley straw early this year and haven't
had any problem with algae this year. The pond got crystal clear and stayed
that way for two or three weeks. Then it turned, I can still see the bottom
but it has a greenish tint, and just a little dead algae floating on top
every day. Nothing I can't skim off in 2 to 3 minutes. It all looks a
little stagnant and I also now have some sick fish. (See other massage Sick
fish). I also added a bog filter about 5 X 2 X 1.5 feet. I think that's all
the info you will need. So before I keep rambling on here are my questions:

Is my pump to small?

Is the decaying barley straw making my fish sick or responsible for the
murky water?

OH one more thing! About every other day I fish out a half gallon of frog
eggs. Now I don't mind some frogs but this is too much. Anyway I can get
rid of the frogs? Thanks for your help.


See my ponds and filter design:

~Keep 'em Wet!~
Tri-Cities WA Zone 7a
To e-mail see website

  #6   Report Post  
Old 21-05-2005, 10:48 PM
~ jan
Posts: n/a

snipped sick fish form
Do you or anybody else out there know how to make a 3% salt
salutation. I want to make a small bowl with a 3% salt salutation and just
put the sick fish in it. Dose anybody know how to do this.

Here's the dose. roughly...
1/2 cup salt in 1 gallon = 3%, the concentration for a dip. BUT

I don't think your problem is necessarily a disease or parasite, the
problem is poor water quality. You need to test for ammonia (and not with
strips, too often inaccurate) and know your pH. Water should be changed
with 10% old coming out and 10% new going in weekly. Auto fillers are fine
if you turn it off periodically to make sure your pond isn't leaking. You
mentioned well water, so at least chlorine isn't a problem.

little black spots on its side.

This could be black spot disease they pick up from snails. If on fins,
could be damage from ammonia. Crowding and poor water quality make them
more susceptible to black spot.

Is my pump to small?

No, but filter or piping may be. You mentioned a bog (I hope veggie filter
with plants not peat?) filter, if new, perhaps isn't up to snuff yet in
taking out the nutrients. What are the diameters of the veggie filter?

Is the decaying barley straw making my fish sick or responsible for the
murky water?

Not sick fish, and I even doubt murky water.

Anyway I can get rid of the frogs?

Catch adults and relocate and don't let any tadpoles grow to maturity in
the pond. You're sure they're frogs and not toads? ~ jan

~Power to the Porg, Flow On!~
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