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  #1   Report Post  
Old 01-01-2007, 07:41 PM posted to rec.ponds
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 514
Default Proper feeding and care of Trolls

What you idiots in this group do not realize is that it requires
certain items to be in place for a troll to survive. If they are not
fed they die. But this group above all other groups provides a banquet
for any poor troll that happens to stumble in this group. They are
readily pointed out and a huge banquet is made and fed tothe trolls
until they decide to cal it quits. So you all propagate trolls, and do
it quite readily without any prompting or consideration for anyone
else except to be able to see your name in living color oon any one really givea a shit about it.

The vast majority of folks in this group have a uncontrollable desire
to just have to reply to a troll as a trollhas the desire to entice
your posts, so therefor eyu not anay better than any troll is. YOu do
it at one end of the spectrum the troll does it at the other....anyone
who does contribute or entice a reply to a questionable post is no
better and in most cases worse thananya troll is, since its your
replies that starts more crap flowing than would have been made if
yuou just hit you ****wads get over feed
them so don't expect a troll to leave......For usch a varied group of
people who think their shit does not stink you all are about as smart
as a bucket full of rocks.

So if they gave out certificates for professional troll keeping I am
sure most of this group would certainly be in the receiving end of
getting that shingle awarded to them. Y'all do good at one thing and
one thing keeping a mess stirred with your never ending need
to reply and up your post now you fukwads can lay in
thebed you all made. Give it enough time and the so called moderated
group will also become a soggy mess of crap and control similar to
what all moderated forums and dictator ruled environments become.

So Rev Ron leads his sheeple down another road to vie for the title
held by Jim Jones. Just a word to the wise,Don't drink the kool-aide.

I forgot more about ponds and koi than I'll ever know!
  #2   Report Post  
Old 01-01-2007, 09:03 PM posted to rec.ponds
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 69
Default Proper feeding and care of Trolls

Just a thought....but surely by you, as a regular member and poster on
rec.ponds, joining in with the trolls fed them far more than any
individual that decided to respond after getting heated and
frustrated....and what could be more destructive and beneficial to the
trolls to have a regular, respected poster take their side and in fact
prove his ability to troll way over what they wanted or expected?????

Now in replying to you most will say I'm answering a troll....nah, I
don't think so.....but I'm sure at least one person will perpetuate this
by asking if I know who I am talking to (oh and do I check headers???? -

If people want to post on Usenet they take the rough with the
smooth....initially when I saw what was happening on rec.ponds I used
kill-files - now I don't touch them at brain can filter the
cr*p and I would hope most should be intelligent enough to do this as
well....the kill-file is a friend of the troll allowing them to
manipulate people into blocking those that they really want to
read....used in anger to block those with valid points just because they
dare air their views.....anyone who uses kill-files has no understanding
of what has been going on with rec.ponds....but JMO....

And yes, on the use of the word "PLONK" - a two finger salute made by
those that deem themselves above saying what they really think using the
anglo-saxon we can all relate to.....PLONK means nothing but everything
at the same time - those that say it have no intention of putting
someone in their I said, it is a two finger salute put
verbally and slightly more politely than what they really
mean.....resorting to playground tactics when all else this
is not the fault of these people....the blame lies firmly with those
that introduced these games and those perpetuating them by joining in


  #3   Report Post  
Old 01-01-2007, 09:17 PM posted to rec.ponds
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 514
Default Proper feeding and care of Trolls

On Mon, 01 Jan 2007 20:03:09 +0000, Gill Passman

Just a thought....but surely by you, as a regular member and poster on
rec.ponds, joining in with the trolls fed them far more than any
individual that decided to respond after getting heated and
frustrated....and what could be more destructive and beneficial to the
trolls to have a regular, respected poster take their side and in fact
prove his ability to troll way over what they wanted or expected?????

Have to dispute this statement. I have never been considered a regular
anything on this group but a troll. Always was and always will be due
in cause by Carol when she went by Windsong as well as another just
like her named Nedra.....So since I have always been pegged as such I
see no reason not to follow through with it all as i see no reason
that benefits me to change. ONLy real destructive posts are made by
jerks like CArol and others with a porpensity to aggravate others like
NIck and Nedra and those that like to spout off then go PLONK....thats
what mnakes crap like is in rec.ponds grow to the proportions its
does. Its not thre trolls, those labeld as trolls just don;t take crap
from assholes thaty loke to be heard like CArol and a few others.
Pretty simple if you ask me, and its perfectly easy to recify if they
really wanted to.....

Now in replying to you most will say I'm answering a troll....nah, I
don't think so.....but I'm sure at least one person will perpetuate this
by asking if I know who I am talking to (oh and do I check headers???? -

Carol wil eat yu for breakfast if yu do not hcek yu r headers. After
all she ought to know....she is a master at forgeing them and expects
all others to be able to differentiate like she does....but why chekc
headers, we all know CArol is gonna make a usenet alert news
announcement anyhow. Let carol do the checking it keeps her occupied
and less time to post. If checking headersw gets her off so be it, I
know randy is too busy with his downloads to pay any attention to the
attention whore in all reality anyhow. Oh, and I really am a troll. I
like that title and the ability to fight back and **** off folks that
**** me off. They all go away and sulk, I never have............never
will. I feel proud to be part of those that helped bring rp down all
in the name of CArol but it did not have to be that way if folks arond
here had backbones and told carol what to do and notified her ISP
instead of all those so called trolls, who never really lost their
accounts anyhow......

If people want to post on Usenet they take the rough with the
smooth....initially when I saw what was happening on rec.ponds I used
kill-files - now I don't touch them at brain can filter the
cr*p and I would hope most should be intelligent enough to do this as
well....the kill-file is a friend of the troll allowing them to
manipulate people into blocking those that they really want to
read....used in anger to block those with valid points just because they
dare air their views.....anyone who uses kill-files has no understanding
of what has been going on with rec.ponds....but JMO....

Exactly, my mind is much wquiker than kill filters, and if I see a
reasonable amount of folks whom I trust to respond to a so called
trolls post I will read it also. Other wise I may have missed somehitn
gthat I can utilize someday

And yes, on the use of the word "PLONK" - a two finger salute made by
those that deem themselves above saying what they really think using the
anglo-saxon we can all relate to.....PLONK means nothing but everything
at the same time - those that say it have no intention of putting
someone in their I said, it is a two finger salute put
verbally and slightly more politely than what they really
mean.....resorting to playground tactics when all else this
is not the fault of these people....the blame lies firmly with those
that introduced these games and those perpetuating them by joining in

See those assholes like to go PLONK just to make "their" statement and
cause and effect known, so why is it wrong fro any so called troll to
respoind as they feel fit either. Its not wrong, its totally right.
I am not familiar with a 2 finger salute, but am aware of a one finger
and five finger salute..both of which most members here are most
deserving of......No need to mention them all but it wold not be any
problem if you want a list. Its all those so called know it all
assholes who do not do any wrong that continually feed trolls and
protect jerks and go off and sulk, that are causing the trouble. Just
like Phyliss and Jims exhiliaratingpost on trolls. Sheeeesh grow the
**** up Jimmy boy, your a decrepit asshole if there ever was any with
such bullshit being posted and then complain because of crap being
posted or troll being incite this crap so get over it.



Tristan the Troll............unitil the time I feel I no longer need
to be a so called troll....and that my firends is all up to you and
your posts. I only reply to whats posted......and you feed me so don;t

Oh an yea, Bite my ass Nick your a lothesome old codger in too small
of panties to be even able to think straight.

I forgot more about ponds and koi than I'll ever know!
  #4   Report Post  
Old 01-01-2007, 10:00 PM posted to rec.ponds
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 69
Default Proper feeding and care of Trolls

Tristan wrote:

Have to dispute this statement. I have never been considered a regular
anything on this group but a troll.

As Tristan maybe, but I remember the days when you weren't considered a

Always was and always will be due
in cause by Carol when she went by Windsong as well as another just
like her named Nedra.....So since I have always been pegged as such I
see no reason not to follow through with it all as i see no reason
that benefits me to change.

Well I guess we can all bite ourselves on our own bums....bite our noses
off to spite our own faces.....

ONLy real destructive posts are made by
jerks like CArol and others with a porpensity to aggravate others like
NIck and Nedra and those that like to spout off then go PLONK....thats
what mnakes crap like is in rec.ponds grow to the proportions its
does. Its not thre trolls, those labeld as trolls just don;t take crap
from assholes thaty loke to be heard like CArol and a few others.
Pretty simple if you ask me, and its perfectly easy to recify if they
really wanted to.....

Nah, don't entirely agree here....your posts can be just as
destructive....if the victim doesn't have a thick skin or just realise
that Usenet is Usenet.....kind of brings to mind if you can't stand the
heat don't go in the kitchen....

Carol wil eat yu for breakfast if yu do not hcek yu r headers.

Oh dear did I forget to check my headers remiss of
me....wooops....must remember to do as I'm told in future and not rely
on the fact that I can recognise the style and the machinations of all
involved....but maybe I should use my kill-files more so I won't have a
clue who anyone is....

Oh, and I really am a troll. I
like that title and the ability to fight back and **** off folks that
**** me off. They all go away and sulk, I never have............never

Well you certainly have been going out to prove yourself as
reality I don't think the title will sit easily on your
shoulders.....but who am I to assume this....

I feel proud to be part of those that helped bring rp down all
in the name of CArol but it did not have to be that way if folks arond
here had backbones and told carol what to do and notified her ISP
instead of all those so called trolls, who never really lost their
accounts anyhow......

Well, if it all ends up with a group that can post on topic without any
crap you can be proud.......not sure I like your tactics but you know
that anyway....

Exactly, my mind is much wquiker than kill filters, and if I see a
reasonable amount of folks whom I trust to respond to a so called
trolls post I will read it also. Other wise I may have missed somehitn
gthat I can utilize someday

Well I guess we do it for the same reasons.....but I'm not doing it to
increase noise but just to understand the players and make my own
judgements.....I believe I have a pretty good handle on it now.....

See those assholes like to go PLONK just to make "their" statement and
cause and effect known, so why is it wrong fro any so called troll to
respoind as they feel fit either.

PLONK is joining in the game...and you can bet they haven' and
I share the same opinion on this as we have discussed in the past....

I am not familiar with a 2 finger salute, but am aware of a one finger
and five finger salute..both of which most members here are most
deserving of......

Oh dear, looks like I'm going to have to educate you again with the
British way (won't do it on rec.ponds though)....the one finger is
almost the same but not quite as rude well at least as I've understood
it but could be for five finger - I guess you need to
educate me on that one....

like Phyliss and Jims exhiliaratingpost on trolls. Sheeeesh grow the
**** up Jimmy boy, your a decrepit asshole if there ever was any with
such bullshit being posted and then complain because of crap being
posted or troll being incite this crap so get over it.

Nah, Jim and Phyllis are the good guys - repeat this 20 times before
going to sleep at night......



Tristan the Troll............

Or would you prefer Roy the Troll???????


PS When have tight pants ever done anything more than focus the

  #5   Report Post  
Old 01-01-2007, 10:51 PM posted to rec.ponds
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2006
Posts: 61
Default Proper feeding and care of Trolls

Gill Passman wrote:
[ . . . ]
And yes, on the use of the word "PLONK" - a two finger salute made by
those that deem themselves above saying what they really think using the
anglo-saxon we can all relate to.....PLONK means nothing but everything
at the same time - those that say it have no intention of putting
someone in their I said, it is a two finger salute put
verbally and slightly more politely than what they really
mean.....resorting to playground tactics when all else this
is not the fault of these people....the blame lies firmly with those
that introduced these games and those perpetuating them by joining in

Gill, you over generalize. I killfile posters for my convenience. When I
say, "PLONK," it is to let the PLONKEE know that it is senseless to post
anything referring to me, as I will not see it (except as quoted by someone
I haven't killfiled.

Nick. Support severely wounded and disabled Veterans and their families!

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  #6   Report Post  
Old 01-01-2007, 11:18 PM posted to rec.ponds
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 351
Default Proper feeding and care of Trolls

wrote in message
Gill Passman wrote:
[ . . . ]
And yes, on the use of the word "PLONK" - a two finger salute made by
those that deem themselves above saying what they really think using the
anglo-saxon we can all relate to.....PLONK means nothing but everything
at the same time - those that say it have no intention of putting
someone in their I said, it is a two finger salute put
verbally and slightly more politely than what they really
mean.....resorting to playground tactics when all else this
is not the fault of these people....the blame lies firmly with those
that introduced these games and those perpetuating them by joining in

Gill, you over generalize. I killfile posters for my convenience.

Exactly! It sure cleans up the NG. :-))

When I
say, "PLONK," it is to let the PLONKEE know that it is senseless to post
anything referring to me, as I will not see it (except as quoted by
I haven't killfiled.

And this is where they "force" us to read the trolls inane trash - they
insist on replying to the known trolls and include the troll's trash in
their replies. Here I think I may be reading something about the new group
to come, how to avoid trolls or maybe, just maybe something about ponds and
I end up seeing the troll's message. I'm trying to see their point in
patronizing the troll and fail totally......... it's pointless and makes our
killfiles almost useless. Not only that, but he knows someone is reading
this "trash" so it encourages him to keep posting and trolling here.

Frugal ponding since 1995.
rec.ponder since late 1996.
My Pond & Aquarium Pages:
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  #7   Report Post  
Old 01-01-2007, 11:42 PM posted to rec.ponds
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 514
Default Proper feeding and care of Trolls

On Mon, 01 Jan 2007 21:00:45 +0000, Gill Passman

Tristan wrote:


I am not familiar with a 2 finger salute, but am aware of a one finger
and five finger salute..both of which most members here are most
deserving of......

Oh dear, looks like I'm going to have to educate you again with the
British way (won't do it on rec.ponds though)....the one finger is
almost the same but not quite as rude well at least as I've understood
it but could be for five finger - I guess you need to
educate me on that one....

Five finger is often referred to as the five finger discount as well,
and I am sure, actuallay I just know that quite a few here have
probbaly been given it and some on a daily basis. Its whena person
holds his 5 fingers stretched outward or open handed with their thumb
touching their nose, and then flicking the whole hand towrads whoever
it is yur dealing with. It amounts to saying Kiss my GD A$$.

like Phyliss and Jims exhiliaratingpost on trolls. Sheeeesh grow the
**** up Jimmy boy, your a decrepit asshole if there ever was any with
such bullshit being posted and then complain because of crap being
posted or troll being incite this crap so get over it.

Nah, Jim and Phyllis are the good guys - repeat this 20 times before
going to sleep at night......

Be a cold day in Alabama before that ever happened ;-) Jim's post is
still a post that was meanty to incite more than educate as no one
really gives a rats ass what a trolll is in all do they
Jim, unless he is trying to figureout his inner self and hope he can
find sufficient evidence to not point to him as being a propagator of
trolls........which ain't gonna happen since his wa=y w8th words does
tend to incite rather than calm. NOw it may have been his wife that
made that post but until they split andpost with a differenctiating
addy or username, I am assuming its Jimmy boy. HOwever if its not so
be it. I am not above reproach as I can thrash and throw it at a
female just as easy if they deserve what IU think they shoud get.
After all this is USENET, can't take the heat get the hell away
from the fire.

It all means nothing afterall its USENET.......Hell I could be Jims
wifes gynecologist for all he knows!



Tristan the Troll............

Or would you prefer Roy the Troll???????

Makes no difference its only the all can call me
what turns your crank!


PS When have tight pants ever done anything more than focus the

And tight pants also affects a persons sperm producing ability. All we
can hope for is that soome folks here wear tighter than tight to keep
the better gene fields from getting poluted.......

I forgot more about ponds and koi than I'll ever know!
  #8   Report Post  
Old 01-01-2007, 11:44 PM posted to rec.ponds
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 514
Default Proper feeding and care of Trolls

Then why the hell do you not kill file all those that suppposedly
harrasas you carol. You do not kill filter anyone as you thrive on the
attention you get you little fat assed attention whore.

On Mon, 1 Jan 2007 16:18:46 -0600, Zëbulon

wrote in message
Gill Passman wrote:
[ . . . ]
And yes, on the use of the word "PLONK" - a two finger salute made by
those that deem themselves above saying what they really think using the
anglo-saxon we can all relate to.....PLONK means nothing but everything
at the same time - those that say it have no intention of putting
someone in their I said, it is a two finger salute put
verbally and slightly more politely than what they really
mean.....resorting to playground tactics when all else this
is not the fault of these people....the blame lies firmly with those
that introduced these games and those perpetuating them by joining in

Gill, you over generalize. I killfile posters for my convenience.

Exactly! It sure cleans up the NG. :-))

When I
say, "PLONK," it is to let the PLONKEE know that it is senseless to post
anything referring to me, as I will not see it (except as quoted by
I haven't killfiled.

And this is where they "force" us to read the trolls inane trash - they
insist on replying to the known trolls and include the troll's trash in
their replies. Here I think I may be reading something about the new group
to come, how to avoid trolls or maybe, just maybe something about ponds and
I end up seeing the troll's message. I'm trying to see their point in
patronizing the troll and fail totally......... it's pointless and makes our
killfiles almost useless. Not only that, but he knows someone is reading
this "trash" so it encourages him to keep posting and trolling here.

I forgot more about ponds and koi than I'll ever know!
  #9   Report Post  
Old 02-01-2007, 03:51 AM posted to rec.ponds
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 351
Default Proper feeding and care of Trolls

"Gill Passman" wrote in message
prove his ability to troll way over what they wanted or expected?????

Now in replying to you most will say I'm answering a troll....nah, I don't
think so.....but I'm sure at least one person will perpetuate this by
asking if I know who I am talking to (oh and do I check headers???? -

Then what would you consider a troll? You requested I not reply to this
poster (Roy-Tristan) and now you claim he's your friend on other NGs.
You're exact words were, "Let them stew in their own juices." I can see I
got the real run-around here where these trolls are concerned. I can't
imagine what you consider his constant attacks on anyone who posts here may
be. This group is unusanle because of his constant attacks on anyone who
posts here, including the mysterious Carol.

I can't believe I'm saying this but it sure looks like you've joined them.
Frugal ponding since 1995.
rec.ponder since late 1996.
My Pond & Aquarium Pages:
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  #10   Report Post  
Old 02-01-2007, 04:28 AM posted to rec.ponds
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 69
Default Proper feeding and care of Trolls

Zëbulon wrote:

Then what would you consider a troll?

Well I do think Roy pretty much qualifies for this name...but you and
Jabbers do and Jan - well in spite of your accusations
haven't quite reached the heady heights of trolldome yet......but only
ever would do by your definition.....I rather think Roy and Jabbers and
the rest of the kooks you play with would laugh us off the playing field
if we tried....

You requested I not reply to this
poster (Roy-Tristan) and now you claim he's your friend on other NGs.

Not sure I ever claimed Roy as a friend....but I will say that when I
have a mushroom coral colony spewing it's guts out like spaghetti and
killing off my inverts in my little sal****er tank I will post on a reef
related group....and if I get good advice I will take it.....I'm not
about to post this on rec.ponds or any of the aquatic groups.....I asked
for help - I got it.....and very much appreciated it was (thanks
Roy).....if I had no history with rp or the aquarium groups I wouldn't
have a clue about the person who gave me such great help......get a
grip......usenet is not just about where you post.....and it is not just
about wars on rec.ponds and the aquarium groups.....

You're exact words were, "Let them stew in their own juices."

Yes....and quite right too.....problem is you just can't do that...

This group is unusanle because of his constant attacks on
anyone who posts here, including the mysterious Carol.

Give us all a break with the "mysterious Carol" stuff CAROL - everyone
knows your name and in fact it doesn't matter a can play
at zebulon, koi-lo, reel-mckoi, windsong - doesn't matter....just like
me you are who you are....

I can't believe I'm saying this but it sure looks like you've joined
them. :-O

Watch yourself there lady.....I am not a troll, never have been and
never will be....but I will speak my mind and none of you are going to
stop me doing this whatever insults you care to throw at me....Oh, and
yes I stupidly do this with a traceable email addy - why???? because I
have nothing to hide......


  #11   Report Post  
Old 02-01-2007, 05:09 AM posted to rec.ponds
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2006
Posts: 351
Default Proper feeding and care of Trolls

"Gill Passman" wrote in message
Zëbulon wrote:

Then what would you consider a troll?

Well I do think Roy pretty much qualifies for this name...but you and
Jabbers do and Jan - well in spite of your accusations
haven't quite reached the heady heights of trolldome yet......but only
ever would do by your definition.....I rather think Roy and Jabbers and
the rest of the kooks you play with would laugh us off the playing field
if we tried....

I play with Roy? Think again. He's your chew-toy Gill, not mine. As for
Jabbers.... let me remind you I didn't pay him to attack this NG.

You requested I not reply to this
poster (Roy-Tristan) and now you claim he's your friend on other NGs.

Not sure I ever claimed Roy as a friend....but I will say that when I have
a mushroom coral colony spewing it's guts out like spaghetti and killing
off my inverts in my little sal****er tank I will post on a reef related
group....and if I get good advice I will take it.....I'm not about to post
this on rec.ponds or any of the aquatic groups.....I asked for help - I
got it.....

Nothing wrong with that. I don't think anyone here cares where else he
posts or what he posts elsewhere - he's keeping this group in turmoil for no
good reason that I can see.

and very much appreciated it was (thanks
Roy).....if I had no history with rp or the aquarium groups I wouldn't
have a clue about the person who gave me such great help......get a
grip......usenet is not just about where you post.....and it is not just
about wars on rec.ponds and the aquarium groups.....

Others sure seem to have an interest where else I post. :-)

You're exact words were, "Let them stew in their own juices."

Yes....and quite right too.....problem is you just can't do that...

Check those headers again Gill. If you didn't constantly reply to him and a
few others here who do also, I wouldn't even see his hate-filled posts.

This group is unusanle because of his constant attacks on anyone who
posts here, including the mysterious Carol.

Give us all a break with the "mysterious Carol" stuff CAROL - everyone
knows your name and in fact it doesn't matter a bit.......

Uh, you said he isn't obsessed with me Gill. If he couldn't care less about
me, most of his message wouldn't even mention me. He's killfiled because he
posts off topic personal attacks/insults and crap in plain English.

you can play
at zebulon, koi-lo, reel-mckoi, windsong - doesn't matter....just like me
you are who you are....

I can't believe I'm saying this but it sure looks like you've joined
them. :-O

Watch yourself there lady.....I am not a troll, never have been and never
will be....but I will speak my mind and none of you are going to stop me
doing this whatever insults you care to throw at me...

It's not an insult. When you defend and feed a troll who keeps this NG in
turmoil for his own gratification, what else would it be called?

..Oh, and
yes I stupidly do this with a traceable email addy - why???? because I
have nothing to hide......

No one said you did.

Frugal ponding since 1995.
rec.ponder since late 1996.
My Pond & Aquarium Pages:
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