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tomato? Solanum or Lycopersicon potato was a mutated tomato some
24 Oct 2002 03:35:16 GMT mel turner wrote:
In article , wrote... [snip] As far as I know the majority view is that Lycopersicon is an independent genus. However it certainly is not cast in stone. There have been, and likely still are, those who regard the tomato and potato as belonging to the same genus Indeed, that is the current classificatory trend. The tomato group is nested very deep in a much larger _Solanum_ clade. It would be hard to recognize it as a separate genus [doing so would seem to require breaking the rest of Solanum up into many small genera]. Recent researchers include not only tomatoes but also the "tree tomato" 'Cyphomandra betacea' and its kin in the genus Solanum. http://newcrop.hort.purdue.edu/newcr...ee_tomato.html http://www.crfg.org/pubs/ff/tamarillo.html [links illustrating "tree tomatoes"] I believe the Tomato is Solanum and not Lycopersicon. Or, "Lycopersicon" is a name that was applied to one particular small subgroup of _Solanum_. I believe this because I hypothesize that some million/s of years ago the Tomato plants of South America, a few of them gained a mutation. And this mutation of a few tomato plants had the tomato fruit buried in the soil so that the fruit became a tuber. No. Tomatoes and potatoes are indeed fairly closely related to one another within the huge genus _Solanum_, but the potato tuber is a modified underground stem, not a fruit. Cultivated potatoes still do flower and fruit [but many varieties set few fruit], and the fruits do still look like small greenish tomatoes. Tomatoes and the potato fruits develop from the ripened ovaries of the flowers, but the potato tubers develop from whole branch shoots. It's a stem, not a fruit. http://waynesword.palomar.edu/vege1.htm http://www.plantkingdom.com/kingdom/...ae/solanum.htm http://www.plantkingdom.com/kingdom/...e/lycprscn.htm http://newcrop.hort.purdue.edu/newcr...99/v4-379.html And thus was born the first creation of the potato plant. And since Potato plant is a Solanum, then obviously the tomato is a Solanum. And so is the eggplant and a great many other plant species including herbs, shrubs, woody vines and even some moderate-sized trees. Some _Solanum_ species are common weeds, and a few are cultivated ornamentals. Most are tropical. http://pi.cdfa.ca.gov/weedinfo/SOLANUMC2.html http://pi.cdfa.ca.gov/weedinfo/SOLANUMB2.htm list some weeds Question: do the Paleontologists have any fossil record of the tomato and potato? Don't know. The following site indicated "no records found" for a search on "Solanum" http://ibs.uel.ac.uk/ibs/palaeo/pfr2/pfr.htm If there is any fossil record for members of this group, it may well just be of fossil pollen grains, which would tell you very little about tubers. Does the tomato exist further back in time than the potato? My guess is yes considering the above Hypothesis. And one should be able to duplicate the experiment that Nature already did. One should be able to find a *wild tomato* and by testing thousands of these wild tomatoes one should be able to find one of these wild-tomatoes place its fruit into the ground and become a *tuber*. There are several wild species of tomatoes and also various wild species of potatoes. Several of the wild potatoes do form tubers. The tubers again are modified stems, not fruits. The many wild potato species also flower and form small tomato-like berries on their above-ground branches. http://www.grida.no/cgiar/awpack/diversit.htm http://ethesis.helsinki.fi/julkaisut...roduction.html http://plants.gardenbed.com/65/6421_edi.asp http://www.zum.de/stueber/ross/potato/herbarium_Ia.html http://www.zum.de/stueber/ross/potato/herbarium_Ib.html http://www.zum.de/stueber/ross/potato/herbarium_II.html http://www.zum.de/stueber/ross/potat...arium_III.html http://www.zum.de/stueber/ross/potato/supplement_A.html [lists of wild potato collections] other misc. links. http://www.ecpgr.cgiar.org/Workgroup...solanaceae.htm http://newcrop.hort.purdue.edu/newcr...99/v4-379.html http://www.keil.ukans.edu/delta/angio/www/solanace.htm http://www.ume.maine.edu/PAA/abstramgen2001.htm http://www.ars-grin.gov/ars/MidWest/NR6/ar99.html cheers Thanks for that well-informed response. Question: how far away are we from getting a entire genome project on the *wild potato* and *wild tomato* plus all the other Solanum species? Are we 50 years away from getting that data? My hypothesis is that once the data is available that the wild potato and wild tomato genomes are the closest-matching genomes of all the Solanum species. We do have genetic data on all the primates and the Human genetics closest- match is the chimpanzee. So my theory is that as close as Human genetics matches chimpanzees of all the primates, that the wild-potato matches the closest with the wild-tomato of all of the Solanum species. Archimedes Plutonium, whole entire Universe is just one big atom where dots of the electron-dot-cloud are galaxies |
tomato? Solanum or Lycopersicon potato was a mutated tomato some
In article ,
mel turner wrote: Mel, you are posting a lot of really neat refs. Thanks! I'll have to try to find some of these papers when I get time. Whoever named the section Petota and the subgenus Potatoe must have been snickering as he typed! I found the abstract below particularly interesting in that I always thought the eggplant (S.melongena) originated in India. I guess Solanums are the veggies of Gondwanaland. This would make it a really old genus, antedating the south Atlantic Ocean. No wonder it's so huge. TI: Implications for the phylogeny, classification, and biogeography of Solanum from cpDNA restriction site variation. AU: Olmstead-Richard-G {a}; Palmer-Jeffrey-D SO: Systematic-Botany. 1997; 22 (1) 19-29.. AB: A phylogenetic analysis of Solanum based on chloroplast DNA restriction site variation confirms previous findings that Lycopersicon and Cyphomandra are derived from within Solanum. Three out of four Solanum subgenera with more than one representative in this analysis (Minon, Potatoe, Solanum) are found to be polyphyletic, suggesting that the subgeneric classification of the genus needs revision. Subgenus Leptostemonum is monophyletic within the context of our sampling. Three primary clades can be distinguished within Solanum. Clade I includes representatives of sections Archaesolanum, Dulcamara, Holophylla, Jasminosolanum, and Solanum. Clade II includes members of subgenus Potatoe (sections Basarthrum, Lycopersicon, and Petota). Clade III includes all representatives sampled from subg. Leptostemonum, sects. Allophyllum, Brevantherum, Geminata, Pseudocapsocum, and Cyphomandropsis, and species formerly assigned to Cyphomandra. Solanum as a whole and each of the three primary clades appear to be New World in origin. Within Leptostemonum, African and Australian members are derived from New World ancestors. |
tomato? Solanum or Lycopersicon potato was a mutated tomato some
In article , wrote...
In article , mel turner wrote: Mel, you are posting a lot of really neat refs. Thanks! I'll have to try to find some of these papers when I get time. Me too. Whoever named the section Petota and the subgenus Potatoe must have been snickering as he typed! So, maybe Dan Quayle was correctly spelling the subgenus name? Who knew he was so well-informed on matters concerning vegetables...? I found the abstract below particularly interesting in that I always thought the eggplant (S.melongena) originated in India. I'd vaguely thought it might be from North Africa, but http://waynesword.palomar.edu/ecoph21.htm and http://www.museums.org.za/bio/plants..._melongena.htm http://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/BODY_CV124 http://www.mobot.org/education/05act...egetables.html etc. do all say "Asia", so you seem to be right.. Anyway, I think that's not really a contradiction-- they just seem to be saying that the whole group of African or Asian species that eventually gave rise to the cultivated eggplant [in Africa or Asia] would ultimately have been derived from tropical American ancestors at some point in the remote past. [I haven't checked their reasoning, but it probably follows from their identifying the early branches of the major clades as all being strictly South American.] I guess Solanums are the veggies of Gondwanaland. This would make it a really old genus, antedating the south Atlantic Ocean. No wonder it's so huge. That conclusion seems unnecessary. The group could have arisen much more recently, and dispersed and radiated from wherever its place of origin happened to be. In fact, they seem to argue for just this, since they speak of New World ancestors, and not Gondawanaland ancestry. TI: Implications for the phylogeny, classification, and biogeography of Solanum from cpDNA restriction site variation. AU: Olmstead-Richard-G {a}; Palmer-Jeffrey-D SO: Systematic-Botany. 1997; 22 (1) 19-29.. AB: A phylogenetic analysis of Solanum based on chloroplast DNA restriction site variation confirms previous findings that Lycopersicon and Cyphomandra are derived from within Solanum. Three out of four Solanum subgenera with more than one representative in this analysis (Minon, Potatoe, Solanum) are found to be polyphyletic, suggesting that the subgeneric classification of the genus needs revision. Subgenus Leptostemonum is monophyletic within the context of our sampling. Three primary clades can be distinguished within Solanum. Clade I includes representatives of sections Archaesolanum, Dulcamara, Holophylla, Jasminosolanum, and Solanum. Clade II includes members of subgenus Potatoe (sections Basarthrum, Lycopersicon, and Petota). Clade III includes all representatives sampled from subg. Leptostemonum, sects. Allophyllum, Brevantherum, Geminata, Pseudocapsocum, and Cyphomandropsis, and species formerly assigned to Cyphomandra. Solanum as a whole and each of the three primary clades appear to be New World in origin. Within Leptostemonum, African and Australian members are derived from New World ancestors. cheers |
tomato? Solanum or Lycopersicon potato was a mutated tomato some
In article ,
mel turner wrote: In article , wrote... In article , mel turner wrote: I guess Solanums are the veggies of Gondwanaland. This would make it a really old genus, antedating the south Atlantic Ocean. No wonder it's so huge. That conclusion seems unnecessary. The group could have arisen much more recently, and dispersed and radiated from wherever its place of origin happened to be. In fact, they seem to argue for just this, since they speak of New World ancestors, and not Gondawanaland ancestry. TI: Implications for the phylogeny, classification, and biogeography of Solanum from cpDNA restriction site variation. AU: Olmstead-Richard-G {a}; Palmer-Jeffrey-D SO: Systematic-Botany. 1997; 22 (1) 19-29.. Solanum as a whole and each of the three primary clades appear to be New World in origin. Within Leptostemonum, African and Australian members are derived from New World ancestors. I read the New World ancestry assertion to be consistent with Solanum having arisen in the part of Gondwanaland that became South America, but it's hard to conclude anything from an abstract. I wonder if they address this in the paper. It's hard to imagine how Solanums could have crossed both the Atlantic and Pacific from South America, but I don't know much about long-distance dispersal mechanisms. Unfortunately, the university library has access to volumes 25(2000) to present through one provider, and volumes 1-21 (1976-1996) through another ("moving wall system"). So I'll either have to wait a few months, or go over to a physical library and find a physical journal... Hmm, just wasted too much time searching what lit I can get at from my desk, and it turns out that eggplants are in Leptostemonum, and can float in seawater for five weeks and still have good seeds. This is in the context of Madagascar which has two dozen endemic Solanum spp, but was separated from Africa and the rest of Gondwanaland before the development of flowering plants. Of course the straits are not all that wide. Africa is just lousy with Solanum spp and there's a secondary center of diversity in New Guinea. I better get back to the work I'm being paid for... |
tomato? Solanum or Lycopersicon potato was a mutated tomato some
Also consider that many species of Solanum have fruit that are berries eaten
by birds and may be carried long distances. Also the seeds are often imbedded in a mucilaginous pulp that can stick to the beaks and feet of birds. Beverly Erlebacher wrote in message . .. In article , mel turner wrote: In article , wrote... In article , mel turner wrote: I guess Solanums are the veggies of Gondwanaland. This would make it a really old genus, antedating the south Atlantic Ocean. No wonder it's so huge. That conclusion seems unnecessary. The group could have arisen much more recently, and dispersed and radiated from wherever its place of origin happened to be. In fact, they seem to argue for just this, since they speak of New World ancestors, and not Gondawanaland ancestry. TI: Implications for the phylogeny, classification, and biogeography of Solanum from cpDNA restriction site variation. AU: Olmstead-Richard-G {a}; Palmer-Jeffrey-D SO: Systematic-Botany. 1997; 22 (1) 19-29.. Solanum as a whole and each of the three primary clades appear to be New World in origin. Within Leptostemonum, African and Australian members are derived from New World ancestors. I read the New World ancestry assertion to be consistent with Solanum having arisen in the part of Gondwanaland that became South America, but it's hard to conclude anything from an abstract. I wonder if they address this in the paper. It's hard to imagine how Solanums could have crossed both the Atlantic and Pacific from South America, but I don't know much about long-distance dispersal mechanisms. Unfortunately, the university library has access to volumes 25(2000) to present through one provider, and volumes 1-21 (1976-1996) through another ("moving wall system"). So I'll either have to wait a few months, or go over to a physical library and find a physical journal... Hmm, just wasted too much time searching what lit I can get at from my desk, and it turns out that eggplants are in Leptostemonum, and can float in seawater for five weeks and still have good seeds. This is in the context of Madagascar which has two dozen endemic Solanum spp, but was separated from Africa and the rest of Gondwanaland before the development of flowering plants. Of course the straits are not all that wide. Africa is just lousy with Solanum spp and there's a secondary center of diversity in New Guinea. I better get back to the work I'm being paid for... |
tomato? Solanum or Lycopersicon potato was a mutated tomato some
In article m,
Cereoid+10 wrote: Also consider that many species of Solanum have fruit that are berries eaten by birds and may be carried long distances. Also the seeds are often imbedded in a mucilaginous pulp that can stick to the beaks and feet of birds. And then the bird flies from South America to Australia... I like the floating eggplant theory better, myself, if I can't have the 'veggies of Gondwanaland' one. Btw, IIRC most birds in Madagascar are endemics, as was almost everything in Madagascar until recently. |
tomato? Solanum or Lycopersicon potato was a mutated tomato some
The flyway is between Australia and tropical Asia by way of Malaysia, do I
believe. Most Solanum species have a mucilaginous pulp rather than a spongy one. The present connection between Madagascar and continental Africa is by way of the Comoros and other small island chains between them. There are a number of fleshy fruited species that have been island hopping by that route presumably by birds. Beverly Erlebacher wrote in message . .. In article m, Cereoid+10 wrote: Also consider that many species of Solanum have fruit that are berries eaten by birds and may be carried long distances. Also the seeds are often imbedded in a mucilaginous pulp that can stick to the beaks and feet of birds. And then the bird flies from South America to Australia... I like the floating eggplant theory better, myself, if I can't have the 'veggies of Gondwanaland' one. Btw, IIRC most birds in Madagascar are endemics, as was almost everything in Madagascar until recently. |
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