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Old 13-07-2006, 09:46 PM posted to sci.geo.meteorology,sci.materials,
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Default can thistle be a 3X summer crop?? Cirsium arvense Thistle seed to solve Global Warming

Cirsium arvense or Canada thistle is what I have. Not sure if I have
Cirsium vulgare or Bull thistle.

And whether the world has an even better seed crop to solve Global
Warming. It would be nice to have some plant without all those stickers
and grows as wild and easily as thistle.

It is too difficult to harvest cottonwood seed trees some 50 feet tall
or taller.

Dandelion seed are too fragile. I need a seed that can be stored easily
and then put into airplanes and emitted at the apogee of their
flightpath. So that constraint rules out dandelion seed.

Perhaps cotton may do. Perhaps cotton may even be better than thistle
seed. Can we cut cotton into very fine and small fibers. And how does
cotton perform as a reflectant of sunlight?

Now I needed to shift this discussion to where someone
can answer this question. For I noticed on thistle that it seems to be
able to grow during the summer to provide not just 1 crop harvest of
seed but 3 crop harvests of seed. Where it is fully mature by June for
a first harvest, cut the patch down and grow a 2nd crop and harvest the
seed by Aug, then cut the patch and grow a 3rd crop and harvest by
October. Correct me if wrong or right, thistle as a solver of global
warming grown as a crop to harvest its seeds in order to put into the
upper atmosphere by airplanes emitting in the apogee of their
flightpath, can have 3 harvests per year.

Is that true about Thistle???

And perhaps growing thistle will have many agriculture firsts. The
first time a weed, and highly obnoxious weed is used as a beneficial
crop. But is it the first crop that can have 3 harvests per year. I
know alfalfa has several cuts during the year but unlike thistle.

Now I computed that if thistle has one crop of seed per year would
require 1/9 of all the land of the USA to solve global warming using
Pinatuba 1992 summer as the model. Or instead of 1/9 of USA land to
grow thistle, 2 countries the sum size of Afghanistan growing thistle.
I prefer drug countries to switch from drugs to thistle solving global
warming. Or many poor countries paid a international price for each
thistle pod of seed.

But if thistle can be grown to have 3 crop harvests per year would mean
that instead of 1/9 of all of USA to solve global warming we have
merely 1/27. So instead of say the land of California and Texas used to
grow thistle to solve global warming, all of a sudden becomes merely
the land of say Kansas that grows three crops of thistle per year and
solves global warming.

We may have trouble in harvesting the seed pods as to fragility. And it
maybe the case were it is best to grow all the thistle in one country
or state or location and thence distribute it to all the airplane

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