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Old 03-04-2003, 08:56 AM
Jeffrey L. Hook
Posts: n/a
Default Digital Sports Timers/Stopwatches for Field Biology Work

I'm sorry about the excessive cross-posting, but I'm in need of some =
*quick* help, and I hope you won't mind.

I'm not a trained biologist. I'm only a public volunteer. I believe =
sports time-keeping equipment can help me in my field work in a =
wildlife-survey project. I need some guidance about that equipment, =
however, and I'm confident there are plenty of coaches and athletes here =
who can help me. Because I'm making this inquiry on my own initiative, =
I'd rather not identify the project, and I'd prefer not even to disclose =
the state in which I'll be participating, although I can say I'll be =
doing this volunteer work in the USA.

Here's some text about measuring the amount of time which we spend =
listening for animal calls at pre-determined points along our assigned =
observation routes. This comes from this project's strict procedural =
guidelines. (I added the emphasis.) =20

=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3 D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D

"At each stop the observer listens for 5 minutes, and then records the =
amphibian calling index for each species heard. The 5 minute listening =
period has no initial waiting period. The observer indicates whether =
background noise impaired his/her ability to hear (most surveys use =
yes/no checkbox; some have adopted the noise index developed by =
Massachusetts). If there is *a major noise disturbance*, **lasting one =
minute or longer**, the observer may break the listening period to =
avoid sampling during the excessive noise. If such a time out is taken, =
this is noted on the datasheet. After the major disturbance ends, the =
observer *resumes* listening *for the time remaining*. The time out =
should not be used for background noise."

=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3 D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D

A couple points come to mind:

1. It'd be just about impossible for one observer, working alone, to do =
this with an analog wrist watch, without going nuts, but sports timers =
(or sports stop watches) would seem to be ideal for this.

2. The timer (or stop watch) should be digital, so the user would see a =
clear display, which'd be easy to read.

3. The timer (or stop watch) should be easy to operate, with simple =
push-button controls.

4. The timer (or stop watch) must be able to count down five minutes, =
and it should feature a loud, audible alarm, so an observer who's not =
watching the timer's display will be reminded when the observation =
period has ended. =20

I suspect this is no problem so far, because I guess most inexpensive =
sports timers (or stop watches) can satisfy all those requirements =
easily. =20

The problem pops up when we start thinking about being able to stop the =
five-minute count-down and to resume it for "a major noise disturbance," =
but ONLY for such "noise disturbances" which last a minute or more! =
Hey! Who can tell how long any "major noise disturbance" will last when =
it *starts*? *Nobody* can! =20

It therefore seems such a timer must have "dual capability." It must be =
able to:

A. Count DOWN from five minutes to zero, and

B. Start a *second* count, "counting UP," at the instant any "major =
noise disturbance" begins, and continue to measure the length of that =
"major noise disturbance," to allow the user to know if the =
"disturbance" lasted for a minute or more, AND

C. Then, if the "major noise disturbance" lasts for a minute or more, =
the timer (or stop watch) must somehow be able to ADD the length of that =
disturbance to the end of the five minute original time interval, to =
compensate for the "disturbance."

Whewf! Does this make any sense? I don't see how you can STOP the =
original five minute count-down when any "major noise disturbance" =
begins, because you'll never know if the "disturbance" will last for a =
minute or more. For that reason, it seems you must let the original =
count-down run, but you must also monitor the length of the "major noise =
disturbance," to see if it continues for a minute or more. For that you =
need a timer which can count down from five minutes to zero and which =
can count "up" from zero, in a *second* count, both at the same time. =
Then, assuming the original five-minute count-down doesn't finish before =
the "major noise disturbance" does, you'd want to add the length of that =
"major noise disturbance" to the original five minutes! Good grief! =
Can any timer do that?

It looks like the statement that=20

"the observer may break the listening period to avoid sampling during =
the excessive noise"

doesn't have much practical benefit, unless that observer is some kind =
of clairvoyant, and *knows in advance* how long the "excessive noise" =
will continue! As I said, it looks like the observer must continue the =
original five-minute count-DOWN, while simultaneously "counting UP" to =
determine the length of the "excessive noise," and then must perform =
some miracle to add the disruption to the original count.

(Of course, the best idea might be to forget the whole thing, just to =
start the original count-down over, and to *hope* for no noise =
interruptions! Hah!)=20

1. Does anybody know if inexpensive (c. $25??) sports timers/stop =
watches can do all of this?

2. Can anyone recommend a suitable model?

3. I found a good selection of timers and of stop watches at=20

They're in a price range which isn't too painful for me. Can anyone =
tell me if any of the models on that page can do what this project seems =
to require?


Jeff Hook
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