#1   Report Post  
Old 09-09-2004, 05:53 AM
Posts: n/a
Default mushrooms

I am curious if any of you have every had orange stinky mushrooms in your
yard/gardens. They have like four colums, like a table I guess, and under
the top there is a muddy green sticky substance that reeks! They start out
as an off white-orange round ball and then grows to this mushroom that
stands about 2-3 inches high. How do I rid myself of them? I have pulled
them up, as soon as I spot them and have to do so w/ a plastic ziplock back
turned inside out, like a glove for my hand, then turn it right side out,
after I have it pulled up and seal the bag...and have to get rid of it
immediately or else it will smell through the bag! Suggestions? a Name for
my nemisis?
Thank you

  #2   Report Post  
Old 09-09-2004, 03:17 PM
William W. Plummer
Posts: n/a

raizn3kids wrote:

I am curious if any of you have every had orange stinky mushrooms in your
yard/gardens. They have like four colums, like a table I guess, and under
the top there is a muddy green sticky substance that reeks! They start out
as an off white-orange round ball and then grows to this mushroom that
stands about 2-3 inches high. How do I rid myself of them? I have pulled
them up, as soon as I spot them and have to do so w/ a plastic ziplock back
turned inside out, like a glove for my hand, then turn it right side out,
after I have it pulled up and seal the bag...and have to get rid of it
immediately or else it will smell through the bag! Suggestions? a Name for
my nemisis?
Thank you

Lime (not limestone).
  #3   Report Post  
Old 14-09-2004, 02:43 AM
Posts: n/a

Often the mushroom spores are always there and just waiting for the
right conditions. If you go through a rainy spell where it rains every
day or every other day for ten days or so you get a crop of mushrooms,
otherwise they lay dormant. You can go a whole summer without
mushrooms on your lawn but the spores are still there. They are very
sensitive to the frequency of rainfall.


"William W. Plummer" wrote in message news:EJY%c.155561$Fg5.1650@attbi_s53...
raizn3kids wrote:

I am curious if any of you have every had orange stinky mushrooms in your
yard/gardens. They have like four colums, like a table I guess, and under
the top there is a muddy green sticky substance that reeks! They start out
as an off white-orange round ball and then grows to this mushroom that
stands about 2-3 inches high. How do I rid myself of them? I have pulled
them up, as soon as I spot them and have to do so w/ a plastic ziplock back
turned inside out, like a glove for my hand, then turn it right side out,
after I have it pulled up and seal the bag...and have to get rid of it
immediately or else it will smell through the bag! Suggestions? a Name for
my nemisis?
Thank you

Lime (not limestone).

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