Originally Posted by Jon_H
Does anyone have the above and could they send me a picture of where the carb linkage meets the vertical rod from the governer arm.
My newly acquired mower runs fine when adjusting the carb by hand, but the throttle control on the handlebars seems to do nothing ie I can't control the revs. The lever is working and the cable running free and fine. It seems to be connected all the way to the vertical rod in the picture.
Any help much appreciated, I spent a long emotional weekend trying to fix it/work it out and got nowhere.
Hi I have been very frustrated by the same problem and the picture made it worse. I took it that the picture was the correct arrangement so that was me stuck.
The link from the carburetor should be in the other hole in the plate on top of the carb.It will be seen to be then a straight line rather at an angle the nylon fitting on top of the linkage will need adjesting (it is much easier if you make screwdriver slot on top of the nylon nut using a hacksaw)
all the best Jimmy Gardiner