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  #31   Report Post  
Old 23-08-2004, 10:03 PM
Posts: n/a

So is your president's.

Love him or dispise him, it's OUR President. Are you not a citizen of this
  #32   Report Post  
Old 23-08-2004, 10:20 PM
Doug Kanter
Posts: n/a

"IntarsiaCo" wrote in message
So is your president's.

Love him or dispise him, it's OUR President. Are you not a citizen of this

I didn't vote for Reagan, but I accepted him as the leader of this country.
Bush, on the other hand, is an embarrassment to this nation, a pathetic
excuse for a human being. He is useful to just two groups of people:

1) The official slime who put him where he is, and who profit from his


2) The intellectually lazy voters who think that faith and a handful of nice
slogans are enough to get this country through each year. Unfortunately,
this is the type of thinking that got us into the mess we have in the Middle

In order to be eligible for the presidency, you must be 35 years old. I add
my own set of rules: The candidate's cognitive and communication abilities
must be at LEAST at the level of my 15 year old son and his cadre of smart
friends. Otherwise, the candidate is welcome to do nothing more than pick up
my trash at the curb every Monday morning.

  #33   Report Post  
Old 24-08-2004, 12:39 AM
remove munged
Posts: n/a

On 23 Aug 2004 19:03:01 GMT, (IntarsiaCo) wrote:

It seems that you are claiming that there are over 2 million war criminals, a
leap of faith that I am unwilling to commit to. Your personal experiences are
in direct opposition to most of those brave and valiant soldiers to whom I have
spoken. Painting with such broad strokes as Kerry did with his testimony is
slanderous to those that served and died with honour and there is little proof
that crimes were committed with the "full awareness of officers at all levels
of command" as claimed during that testimony. Mr. Kerry owes an apology for his
over the top testimony (as even he has hinted at). A brave warrior such as
Kerry should have no problem admitting this mistake and then moving on (.org)
to other important matters.

PS: You demean yourself with the name calling, but if you wish to play handball
against the curb, let the games begin.

Proud member of a proud military family fighting to preserve your rights and
safety through sacrifice, honour and courage.

What f-ing planet are you on? As a part of the Vietnam Veterans and
Veterans against the war campaign, I was in Washington during the
testimony. If you think for one moment that massive atrocities did not
take place and that officers had a part then you don't deserve to wear
or support anyone in uniform.

Many of us understand we served to preserve the right to protest and
yes speak out against a misguided military. So far that's what makes
Americans special. Until GW and the patriot act we had clear given
rights to speak out against a corrupt and misguided military.

Now go troll the toilet...

  #34   Report Post  
Old 24-08-2004, 02:52 AM
Paul E. Lehmann
Posts: n/a

remove munged wrote:

On 23 Aug 2004 19:03:01 GMT, (IntarsiaCo) wrote:

It seems that you are claiming that there are over 2 million war
criminals, a
leap of faith that I am unwilling to commit to. Your personal experiences
are in direct opposition to most of those brave and valiant soldiers to
whom I have
spoken. Painting with such broad strokes as Kerry did with his testimony
is slanderous to those that served and died with honour and there is
little proof that crimes were committed with the "full awareness of
officers at all levels of command" as claimed during that testimony. Mr.
Kerry owes an apology for his
over the top testimony (as even he has hinted at). A brave warrior such
as Kerry should have no problem admitting this mistake and then moving on
(.org) to other important matters.

PS: You demean yourself with the name calling, but if you wish to play
handball against the curb, let the games begin.

Proud member of a proud military family fighting to preserve your rights
and safety through sacrifice, honour and courage.

What f-ing planet are you on? As a part of the Vietnam Veterans and
Veterans against the war campaign, I was in Washington during the
testimony. If you think for one moment that massive atrocities did not
take place and that officers had a part then you don't deserve to wear
or support anyone in uniform.

Many of us understand we served to preserve the right to protest and
yes speak out against a misguided military. So far that's what makes
Americans special. Until GW and the patriot act we had clear given
rights to speak out against a corrupt and misguided military.

Now go troll the toilet...


Well said.
A fellow Vietnam Veteran.
  #36   Report Post  
Old 24-08-2004, 08:22 AM
Posts: n/a

Paul, I forwarded your message to my brother, with whom I'm having an
internet battle over these swift boat ads. But his response to your message
was "how does a person have two involuntary tours of duty to Vietnam?"
I'm presuming that you were given two separate assignments consecutively
there, but maybe I'm wrong. I will forward your response to him.
Thanks, Greg
"Paul E. Lehmann" wrote in
I spent two involuntary tours in Vietnam in the U.S. Army between 1967 and
1979 and I witnessed atrocities such as cutting off ears of the dead,
burning down villages, shooting of water buffalo and ducks and rape.

in Vietnam who did not witness or perform such were probably garrison
troops in a headquarters unit.

Also, I spent some time at a place called Dong Tam in the Mekong Delta.

could climb a short distance up the comms tower and look into Cambodia.

was common knowledge that the boats there and troops WERE going into

  #38   Report Post  
Old 24-08-2004, 06:41 PM
Paul E. Lehmann
Posts: n/a

gregpresley wrote:

Paul, I forwarded your message to my brother, with whom I'm having an
internet battle over these swift boat ads. But his response to your
message was "how does a person have two involuntary tours of duty to
Vietnam?" I'm presuming that you were given two separate assignments
consecutively there, but maybe I'm wrong. I will forward your response to

I originally enlisted in the U.S. Army in July, 1965. I was going to be
drafted so I enlisted for three years hoping to get some schooling.

The recruiter told me I was going to be a radar repairman. He lied. I was
assigned to an Army Air Defense Command Nike Hercules site as an On the job
trainee as a radar "operator".

After one year, one was able to do what is called taking a "short" and
re-enlisting. I did this. This effectively ended my original three year
enlistment and I started on my second enlistment. This second enlistment
was for four years.

As part of my re-enlistment, I was permitted to select a school. I choose
Radio Relay repair school. The School was 7 months long and was at Ft.
Gordon, GA. After the 7 months, everyone in my class got orders for Ft.
Bragg. We thought we had lucked out of going to Vietnam.

When we got to Bragg, we were issued M-16s and told to report the the JAG
and fill out last wills and powers of attorney and we began training for
Vietnam. The company I was in all went to Vietnam on a boat (what a trip).

My first tour was in support of the 9th Infantry Division at Bear Cat and
Dong Tam. Dong Tam was also a base for the swift boats and "Brown Water
Navy". After one year in Vietnam (June 1967 to June 1968) I was sent home
on leave and then assigned to Ft. Hood, Texas. I served in both the First
Armored Division and Second Armored Division at Hood.

A little over a year at Ft. Hood, I came down on orders for Vietnam, AGAIN.
I complained and was told there was nothing I could do about it even though
I had slightly less than a year to go in the Army and my wife was pregnant.
The post chaplain said it was "God's will". I told him what I thought of
his god and said I did not see any god damn Vietnam medals on HIS uniform.

I shipped out again for Vietnam in September 1969 and my tour ended when my
enlistment was up in July, 1970. That is how I served TWO involuntary
tours in Vietnam. At least in those days, when you were sent to Vietnam
you KNEW when you were coming home. There were no INVOLUNTARY extensions
like there are today.

If your brother has any other questions, he can email me. Hope this helps.

  #39   Report Post  
Old 25-08-2004, 08:52 AM
Posts: n/a

Paul, thanks for your quick response. I have forwarded it to my brother. Bit
by bit, I think he's starting to realize that putting all of his eggs in the
swift boat veterans' basket might have been ill-advised. Unfortunately, a
lot of damage has already been done to Kerry. I get furious at the idea that
Bush has now impugned the reputations of THREE Vietnam vets - McLain,
Cleland, and Kerry, when neither he, nor his vice-president ever set foot in
Vietnam, or in any other military conflict. I wish the current members of
the military, all military veterans, and Vietnam vets in particular realized
that they have been played for fools in all of this - perhaps then they'd
get an inkling of what being "commander-in-chief" means to this President.

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