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  #1   Report Post  
Old 16-05-2004, 05:02 PM
Posts: n/a
Default a vote for Dubaya Bush is a vote for WWIII

Go research yourself, you delusional Bunker-brained inbred Republi-Nazi. Too
bad your keepers took away all your crayons.

Nix on Nader. A vote for that spoiler is as bad as a vote for Bush. He
should do everybod a favor and drive off a cliff in a Ford Pinto.

Wouldn't vote for that bumbling Dubaya Bush even if both his daughters gave
me a Lewinsky. That's what the two bimbos are famous for in Georgetown! You

Would much rather vote for Kerry than have WWIII.

"Offbreed" wrote in message

You should research this twit. He would vote for Nader if they let him
out of the nut house long enough to get to the polls. And if the poll
workers would allow him to mark the ballot with crayon.

This nice people with the white coats and little pill cups won't let
him have anything sharp.

Cereus-validus wrote:

We should all keep on top posting just to **** off that fascist Allan.

those right wing republi-Nazis for trying to take away out first

right to free speech.

Power to the people!!!!

  #2   Report Post  
Old 16-05-2004, 06:02 PM
Posts: n/a
Default a vote for Dubaya Bush is a vote for WWIII

On Sun, 16 May 2004 14:59:44 GMT, "Cereus-validus"

Go research yourself, you delusional Bunker-brained inbred Republi-Nazi. Too
bad your keepers took away all your crayons.

Nix on Nader. A vote for that spoiler is as bad as a vote for Bush. He
should do everybod a favor and drive off a cliff in a Ford Pinto.

Wouldn't vote for that bumbling Dubaya Bush even if both his daughters gave
me a Lewinsky. That's what the two bimbos are famous for in Georgetown! You

Would much rather vote for Kerry than have WWIII.

WWIII started on 9/11/01, you pinhead. Bush is the only candidate
willing to win this war.

A vote for Kerry is a de facto vote for bin Laden.


"Offbreed" wrote in message

You should research this twit. He would vote for Nader if they let him
out of the nut house long enough to get to the polls. And if the poll
workers would allow him to mark the ballot with crayon.

This nice people with the white coats and little pill cups won't let
him have anything sharp.

Cereus-validus wrote:

We should all keep on top posting just to **** off that fascist Allan.

those right wing republi-Nazis for trying to take away out first

right to free speech.

Power to the people!!!!

  #3   Report Post  
Old 16-05-2004, 07:02 PM
Bob Brock
Posts: n/a
Default a vote for Dubaya Bush is a vote for WWIII

On Sun, 16 May 2004 15:51:46 GMT, Strider wrote:

WWIII started on 9/11/01, you pinhead. Bush is the only candidate
willing to win this war.

A vote for Kerry is a de facto vote for bin Laden.

"rec.gardens?" Damn, when you guys spam, it doesn't matter where it
goes does it?
  #4   Report Post  
Old 16-05-2004, 08:04 PM
Damned Liberal
Posts: n/a
Default a vote for Dubaya Bush is a vote for WWIII

Strider wrote in

Would much rather vote for Kerry than have WWIII.

WWIII started on 9/11/01, you pinhead. Bush is the only candidate
willing to win this war.

A vote for Kerry is a de facto vote for bin Laden.


Prove it.

Your ignorant Republican arguments are consistently based on half truths,
name calling and sappy emotional pleas.

Pathetic Bush may claim to be willing to play the "war" game that he was
either too culpable or inept to prevent, but after 2.5 years of inept
leadership of the most powerful military in the world, he still hasn't
accomplished anything aside from setting up a couple of useless, unstable
puppet governments, waste a lot of tax payer money on a trumped up war (but
made a tidy sum for his buddies) and killed a lot of innocent people.

Where are the WMDs? Where is Bin Laden? Having missed his chance in
Vietnam, if Bush wants to play hero in his old age, let him do on his own
time and his own dime. He's already gotten his free jet ride.
  #5   Report Post  
Old 16-05-2004, 08:06 PM
Jeffrey C. Dege
Posts: n/a
Default a vote for Dubaya Bush is a vote for WWIII

On 16 May 2004 17:33:40 GMT, Damned Liberal wrote:

Where are the WMDs?

Being trucked into Jordan from Syria in multi-ton lots, by al Qaeda

Haven't you been paying any attention at all?

The most exciting phrase to hear in science, the one that heralds new
discoveries, is not "Eureka!" ("I found it!") but rather "hmm....that's
-- Isaac Asimov

  #7   Report Post  
Old 16-05-2004, 08:11 PM
Posts: n/a
Default a vote for Dubaya Bush is a vote for WWIII

Let's keep our bushes in the nursery. There are plenty of dedicated newsgroups
for political wrangling, not to mention the corner bar.
  #8   Report Post  
Old 16-05-2004, 09:02 PM
Stan Goodman
Posts: n/a
Default a vote for Dubaya Bush is a vote for WWIII

On Sun, 16 May 2004 16:46:15 UTC, Bob Brock opined:
On Sun, 16 May 2004 15:51:46 GMT, Strider wrote:

WWIII started on 9/11/01, you pinhead. Bush is the only candidate
willing to win this war.

A vote for Kerry is a de facto vote for bin Laden.

"rec.gardens?" Damn, when you guys spam, it doesn't matter where it
goes does it?

Apparently not. I notice that it's crossposted to a thing called
"misc.suvivalism"; hard to see why the first offender thought it would be of
interest to gardeners as well as to miscellaneous survivors.

I subscribed to this group only a few hours ago. Does this kind of thing
happen frequently here?

Stan Goodman
Qiryat Tiv'on

To send me email, please replace the CAPITAL_LETTERS with "sig". Please do
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  #9   Report Post  
Old 16-05-2004, 09:05 PM
Jeffrey C. Dege
Posts: n/a
Default a vote for Dubaya Bush is a vote for WWIII

On 16 May 2004 17:51:18 GMT, Damned Liberal wrote:
(Jeffrey C. Dege) wrote in

On 16 May 2004 17:33:40 GMT, Damned Liberal

Where are the WMDs?

Being trucked into Jordan from Syria in multi-ton lots, by al Qaeda

Haven't you been paying any attention at all?

I guess American's knowledge of geography really is that bad.

Are you saying that the geography of the area prevents material from
being trucked from Iraq to Syria or from Syria to Jordan?

Why else would we invade the wrong country?
oh yeah, oil.

If Iraq hadn't had oil, Saddam wouldn't have had been the threat that
he was. So oil certainly has some bearing on the issue.

But if you're trying to pretend that we're going to make a profit off
of this by selling off Iraqi oil - it's a farcical claim.

[Liberty] is a modest and even humble creed, based on a low opinion of
men's wisdom and capacities and aware that, withing the range for which
we can plan, even the best society will not satisfy all our desires.
It is as remote from perfectionism as it is from the hurry and impatience
of the passionate reformer, whose indignation about particular evils
so often blinds him to the harm and injustice that the realization of
his plans is likely to produce. Ambition, impatience, and hurry are
often admirable in individuals; but they are pernicious if they guide
the power of coercion and if improvement depends on those who, when
authority is conferred on them, assume that in their authority lies
superior wisdom and thus the right to impose their beliefs on others.
I hope our generation may have learned that it has been perfectionism of
one kind or another that has often destroyed whatever degree of decency
societies have achieved. With more limited objectives, more patience,
and more humility, we may in fact advance further and faster than we have
done while under the guidance of "a proud and most presumptive confidence
in the transcendent wisdom of this age, and in its discernment."
- F.A. Hayek, "The Constitution of Liberty"
  #10   Report Post  
Old 16-05-2004, 09:08 PM
Damned Liberal
Posts: n/a
Default a vote for Dubaya Bush is a vote for WWIII

(Jeffrey C. Dege) wrote in

On 16 May 2004 17:51:18 GMT, Damned Liberal
(Jeffrey C. Dege) wrote in

On 16 May 2004 17:33:40 GMT, Damned Liberal

Where are the WMDs?

Being trucked into Jordan from Syria in multi-ton lots, by al Qaeda

Haven't you been paying any attention at all?

I guess American's knowledge of geography really is that bad.

Are you saying that the geography of the area prevents material from
being trucked from Iraq to Syria or from Syria to Jordan?

You would think that wouldn't you. The question remains, where are they
and why if your claims are true, why are they still moving around? And
if they are so easily moved around, how much sense did it make to invade
Iraq when we can't stop the traffic? Are we going to keep invading
countries until we get it right? At best what it amounts to is
ineptitude and at worst, subterfuge.

btw, where is Bin Laden?

Why else would we invade the wrong country?
oh yeah, oil.

If Iraq hadn't had oil, Saddam wouldn't have had been the threat that
he was. So oil certainly has some bearing on the issue.

But if you're trying to pretend that we're going to make a profit off
of this by selling off Iraqi oil - it's a farcical claim.

Of course the American people aren't going to benefit from control of
Iraq's oil, but it doesn't mean Bush's oil buddies aren't going to turn a
tidy profit from contracts. You can call it farcical all you want.
There certainly don't appear to be any plans to invade Jordan or Syria,
where you claim to be WMDs in multi-ton lots. Where is the "willing to
win"? Too busy in Iraq murdering people who actually are defending their

  #13   Report Post  
Old 16-05-2004, 11:07 PM
Posts: n/a
Default a vote for Dubaya Bush is a vote for WWIII

"Cereus-validus" wrote in message ...
Go research yourself, you delusional Bunker-brained inbred Republi-Nazi. Too
bad your keepers took away all your crayons.

Your post makes no sense at all, unless you are another Alan Connor sock puppet.
  #14   Report Post  
Old 17-05-2004, 12:02 AM
Posts: n/a
Default a vote for Dubaya Bush is a vote for WWIII

On Sun, 16 May 2004 15:51:46 GMT, Strider opined:

WWIII started on 9/11/01, you pinhead. Bush is the only candidate
willing to win this war.

A vote for Kerry is a de facto vote for bin Laden.


Uh, the war started on 9-11-01 with Afghanistan, not Iraq. Get YOUR facts
straight. There is no winning a war on terrorism. That's as idiotic as this
war on drugs. Puleeze.
  #15   Report Post  
Old 17-05-2004, 12:08 AM
Posts: n/a
Default a vote for Dubaya Bush is a vote for WWIII

On 16 May 2004 17:58:27 GMT, "Stan Goodman" opined:

On Sun, 16 May 2004 16:46:15 UTC, Bob Brock opined:
On Sun, 16 May 2004 15:51:46 GMT, Strider wrote:

WWIII started on 9/11/01, you pinhead. Bush is the only candidate
willing to win this war.

A vote for Kerry is a de facto vote for bin Laden.

"rec.gardens?" Damn, when you guys spam, it doesn't matter where it
goes does it?

Apparently not. I notice that it's crossposted to a thing called
"misc.suvivalism"; hard to see why the first offender thought it would be of
interest to gardeners as well as to miscellaneous survivors.

I subscribed to this group only a few hours ago. Does this kind of thing
happen frequently here?

No, it rarely happens, however I do see you continued by crossposting it again.
Please do not crosspost if you don't want to see that type of shit here.
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