#1   Report Post  
Old 21-09-2003, 03:12 PM
llama mama
Posts: n/a
Default amaryllis ?

my amaryllis have been outside for the summer, but show no sign of dying
back yet. how do i get them ready to rest so i get blooms again?
oh, and at what age can i expect a bulblet to be big enough to bloom?
should i pot it seperately when i repot the parent? (it's 2 years old &
quarter sized)
  #2   Report Post  
Old 21-09-2003, 03:32 PM
Posts: n/a
Default amaryllis ?

llama mama wrote in

my amaryllis have been outside for the summer, but show no sign of
dying back yet. how do i get them ready to rest so i get blooms
oh, and at what age can i expect a bulblet to be big enough to
should i pot it seperately when i repot the parent? (it's 2 years
old & quarter sized)

Good questions. I have an amaryllis that I got from Home Depot a few
years ago at the end of the season. I planted it and it grew and
bloomed. After it bloomed I put it in the garage and didn't water
it. It finally died back. I put it outside again and it grew and
bloomed nicely. I left it outside all year since I live in the south
and it has rebloomed again this year, without dying back.

We'll see what happens next year, as I don't plan on bringing it
indoors this fall either.

Dan Harriman
Orange, Texas
  #3   Report Post  
Old 21-09-2003, 05:42 PM
Andrew Ostrander
Posts: n/a
Default amaryllis ?

Where do you live (what zone)? Do you have freezing temperatures in winter?

If you have freezing temperatures you should dig your bulb and let it dry.
You can pot it and cut back on the water gradually or just cut the water off
completely now. The leaves will die. Then the bulb needs 6 or more weeks
in a cool place, 55 F or cooler. During this cool time it will produce
flower buds inside the bulb. Then replant it and water it at your

Bulblets can be removed and planted separately when they are the size of a
"llama mama" wrote in message
. ..
my amaryllis have been outside for the summer, but show no sign of dying
back yet. how do i get them ready to rest so i get blooms again?
oh, and at what age can i expect a bulblet to be big enough to bloom?
should i pot it seperately when i repot the parent? (it's 2 years old &
quarter sized)

  #4   Report Post  
Old 21-09-2003, 06:02 PM
Posts: n/a
Default amaryllis ?

Too bad there are no websites with information on growing Amaryllis or bulbs
in general nor is there such thing as a google search to find them.

We may never be able to find any way to get the answers to your basic

llama mama wrote in message
. ..
my amaryllis have been outside for the summer, but show no sign of dying
back yet. how do i get them ready to rest so i get blooms again?
oh, and at what age can i expect a bulblet to be big enough to bloom?
should i pot it seperately when i repot the parent? (it's 2 years old &
quarter sized)

  #5   Report Post  
Old 21-09-2003, 08:02 PM
Posts: n/a
Default amaryllis ?

If you are in zone 9 you can leave them outside in a sheltered spot. I have
6 by my front door that started out as just one bulb. I leave mine in the
ground and let the grass grow up around them as mulch. They love to be
crowded and mine have survived flood, drought, being mowed, weed whacked,
and replanted three times within 2 weeks. I get blooms twice a year between
25 and 35 blooms. Basically mine have naturalized in the spot by the front
door. I don't fertilize either, just what they get from decomposing grass


"llama mama" wrote in message
. ..
my amaryllis have been outside for the summer, but show no sign of dying
back yet. how do i get them ready to rest so i get blooms again?
oh, and at what age can i expect a bulblet to be big enough to bloom?
should i pot it seperately when i repot the parent? (it's 2 years old &
quarter sized)

  #6   Report Post  
Old 22-09-2003, 02:42 AM
Posts: n/a
Default amaryllis ?

We grow them in the ground here in Zone 8. But we also keep some in pots for
winter blooming. After years of playing with the timing we've hit on a
fairly good pattern. Grow them with lots of water and fertilizer until mid
to late August. The number of bloom stems is directly related to the number
and size of bulb scales added and therefore also to the number and good
growth of leaves. We then dry them off completely until most foliage is
dead. Then we clean them and divide if necessary (roots can live more than 1
year- remove only dead ones), dip in insecticide for possible insects; treat
cut areas with powdered sulfur; dry some more; repot in barely most soil and
don't water (you can mist some to prevent further dehydration if that seems
to be a problem) until the tops start up. Some of ours are already sending
up bloom stems and others have some new green growth tips. Most of ours go
through multiple bloom periods this way without any further treatments. I
know some people do what we do and then refrigerate to delay the bloom stem
until the holiday season. Ours usually send up a second bloom stem around
the holiday season, so why bother with the refigerator? Plus they have a
lush green growth with the bloom instead of a naked stem.
Dwarfs will flower when about 1-1 1/2 inches across but we've rarely had a
full sized flower from a bulb less than 2 1/2 - 3" across (4-5" is better
for full sized blooms). Hope this helps you.

"llama mama" wrote in message
. ..
my amaryllis have been outside for the summer, but show no sign of dying
back yet. how do i get them ready to rest so i get blooms again?
oh, and at what age can i expect a bulblet to be big enough to bloom?
should i pot it seperately when i repot the parent? (it's 2 years old &
quarter sized)

  #7   Report Post  
Old 22-09-2003, 04:02 PM
llama mama
Posts: n/a
Default amaryllis ?

"Cereoid-UR12-" wrote in

Too bad there are no websites with information on growing Amaryllis or
bulbs in general nor is there such thing as a google search to find

We may never be able to find any way to get the answers to your basic

yeah, sad isn't it?
BTW, Google can't find any info on ox harness... or ox harness. you'd
think *someone* would have info on making a bow & chain set-up...
lee it was late, i was lazy. asking a garden group a garden question is
pretty awful
  #8   Report Post  
Old 22-09-2003, 04:42 PM
Posts: n/a
Default amaryllis ?

There isn't much on buggy whips or hand cranked magnetos either. So, what's
your point?

llama mama wrote in message
. ..
"Cereoid-UR12-" wrote in

Too bad there are no websites with information on growing Amaryllis or
bulbs in general nor is there such thing as a google search to find

We may never be able to find any way to get the answers to your basic

yeah, sad isn't it?
BTW, Google can't find any info on ox harness... or ox harness. you'd
think *someone* would have info on making a bow & chain set-up...
lee it was late, i was lazy. asking a garden group a garden question is
pretty awful

  #9   Report Post  
Old 22-09-2003, 08:02 PM
llama mama
Posts: n/a
Default amaryllis ?

"Cereoid-UR12-" wrote in

There isn't much on buggy whips or hand cranked magnetos either. So,
what's your point?

i have a calf (eventually he'll be an ox) i need to train to twitch
logs. i can do that, no big deal. i need some equipment however, & i was
kinda hoping i could find some online or at least some instructions on
putting it together myself. i guess oxen just aren't as cough glamorous
as draft horses. i'll just start harrassing the older local farmers until
i find someone with a bow up in the barn he hasn't sold to some tourist
for big bucks as a rumpus room decor object

since you're responding, is there a good published field guide to North
American cactus? hard to tell online if the illustrations are any good
before i buy.
  #10   Report Post  
Old 14-10-2003, 05:32 AM
David Ross
Posts: n/a
Default amaryllis ?

llama mama wrote:

my amaryllis have been outside for the summer, but show no sign of dying
back yet. how do i get them ready to rest so i get blooms again?
oh, and at what age can i expect a bulblet to be big enough to bloom?
should i pot it seperately when i repot the parent? (it's 2 years old &
quarter sized)

Often, there is confusion between Amaryllis belladonna (commonly
called "naked lady" or "belladonna lily") and various species and
hybrids of Hippeastrum (commonly called "amaryllis"). While both
are natives of similar climates, their care and culture differ.
See my http://www.rossde.com/garden/garden_hippeastrum.html.
David E. Ross
Climate: California Mediterranean
Sunset Zone: 19 -- interior Santa Monica Mountains with some ocean
influence (USDA 10a)
Gardening pages at http://www.rossde.com/garden/

  #11   Report Post  
Old 14-10-2003, 02:32 PM
Posts: n/a
Default amaryllis ?

llama mama wrote:

my amaryllis have been outside for the summer, but show no sign of dying
back yet. how do i get them ready to rest so i get blooms again?
oh, and at what age can i expect a bulblet to be big enough to bloom?
should i pot it seperately when i repot the parent? (it's 2 years old &
quarter sized)

The directions that came with my first Amaryllis said "after the
leaves die down and before first frost..." bring the pot in to
overwinter in a cool, dry place. Well, my leaves didn't die down
either, and I found myself in the back yard with a flashlight after
hearing a late forecast of "frost tonight." Have since learned a light
frost isn't lethal. :-) If the leaves haven't died off, just bring
the pot in around the time of frost and store it, without watering,
for 2-3 months. The leaves *will* die then. The bulb may signal
readiness to grow by putting up new leaf shoots, which is the time to
bring it inside and begin watering. Otherwise, after a cool dormant
period, bring it indoors and water, and new shoots should appear.

Amaryllis is said to enjoy being "crowded" in the pot, so I transplant
infrequently. If a 'baby' bulb looks viable (quarter sized bulb would
seem well-established), I split it off and give it its own pot then.
  #12   Report Post  
Old 21-10-2003, 07:02 PM
Posts: n/a
Default amaryllis ?

In addition to amaryllis, I thought I had hippeaster, an amaryllis
lookalike, but a landscape architect pointed out it was actually chrinum
morea (not sure spelling is correct). In my garden books, all three look
very similar. In my climate (Los Angeles, Sunset zone 23), I don't remove
from the ground except when bulbs get very crowded. They seem to bloom at
least twice a year. I give them water when it is very dry. Some of the
stalks grow to be almost 3 feet high--the amaryllis that is. The Chrinum
gets very large and spreads out, also has offsets, and look great when
crowded. The flowers are long lasting, but plants blooms only once a year.


"David Ross" wrote in message
llama mama wrote:

my amaryllis have been outside for the summer, but show no sign of dying
back yet. how do i get them ready to rest so i get blooms again?
oh, and at what age can i expect a bulblet to be big enough to bloom?
should i pot it seperately when i repot the parent? (it's 2 years old &
quarter sized)

Often, there is confusion between Amaryllis belladonna (commonly
called "naked lady" or "belladonna lily") and various species and
hybrids of Hippeastrum (commonly called "amaryllis"). While both
are natives of similar climates, their care and culture differ.
See my http://www.rossde.com/garden/garden_hippeastrum.html.
David E. Ross
Climate: California Mediterranean
Sunset Zone: 19 -- interior Santa Monica Mountains with some ocean
influence (USDA 10a)
Gardening pages at http://www.rossde.com/garden/

  #13   Report Post  
Old 22-10-2003, 06:02 PM
David Ross
Posts: n/a
Default amaryllis ?

It's Crinum moorei, which is closely related to Amarillys

I've never tried to smell an Amarillys belladonna. Hippeastrum
has no great aroma. But the Crinums are pleasantly fragrant.


David E. Ross
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