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  #1   Report Post  
Old 25-02-2003, 04:51 PM
Elizabeth Brown
Posts: n/a

This newsgroup is being ruined by all of the off topic threads. Go
somewhere else with you politics, race, war, and etc. Let us just garden.

  #2   Report Post  
Old 25-02-2003, 05:51 PM
Bill Litchfield
Posts: n/a

"Elizabeth Brown" wrote in message
This newsgroup is being ruined by all of the off topic threads. Go
somewhere else with you politics, race, war, and etc. Let us just garden.

Your opinion is duly noted. However, my opinion is that the O.T's aren't
ruining this group at all. In fact, I rather welcome the humorous O.T's of
Tom Kan Pa and others during these dark, long winter days.


  #3   Report Post  
Old 25-02-2003, 06:27 PM
Posts: n/a

This newsgroup is being ruined by all of the off topic threads. Go
somewhere else with you politics, race, war, and etc. Let us just garden.

Learn to use filters.

The US government wants the power to read citizens' email, but refuses to
defend the nation's borders. What's wrong with this picture?
  #4   Report Post  
Old 25-02-2003, 06:39 PM
Posts: n/a

I used to get as offended as yourself when these discussions ensued.

Now, I've come to a different conclusion based on:

point: it is just part of human nature to digress
point: it is easy to avoid those topics in which one has no interest.
point: I now find it rather charming that people who gather to share one
interest care about and respect each other enough to share other topics that
concern them.

It's what makes community.

"Elizabeth Brown" wrote in message
This newsgroup is being ruined by all of the off topic threads. Go
somewhere else with you politics, race, war, and etc. Let us just garden.

  #5   Report Post  
Old 25-02-2003, 08:04 PM
Posts: n/a

Remember that gardening is a WAR, always doing battle with the elements,
pests, and other problems. and a good measure of Sh** (sorry Manure). always
helps things to grow and gardening is a RACE against time, always more to
do than there is time to do it in, so it is often POLITIC to let some things
As for the Etc, well that has to be the TLC that all gardeners have in
varying measure, but which makes them accept almost everything that gets
thrown at them.Even here.

David Hill
Abacus Nurseries

  #6   Report Post  
Old 25-02-2003, 08:04 PM
Posts: n/a

In article , Elizabeth Brown

This newsgroup is being ruined by all of the off topic threads. Go
somewhere else with you politics, race, war, and etc. Let us just garden.

Your new thread is off topic & you are ruining this newsgroup!

But seriously, any group that has 200+ on-topic threads for every one
off-topic thread is at the high end of nowhere near ruined.

Get a better newsreader that will give you the option to killfile threads
or subjects you deplore, if you're so upset that even gardeners express
opinions about other things at least occasionally.

-paghat the ratgirl

"Of what are you afraid, my child?" inquired the kindly teacher.
"Oh, sir! The flowers, they are wild," replied the timid creature.
-from Peter Newell's "Wild Flowers"
See the Garden of Paghat the Ratgirl:
  #7   Report Post  
Old 25-02-2003, 08:15 PM
Posts: n/a

On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 09:48:04 -0600, Elizabeth Brown

This newsgroup is being ruined by all of the off topic threads. Go
somewhere else with you politics, race, war, and etc. Let us just garden.

See ya.
  #8   Report Post  
Old 25-02-2003, 08:39 PM
J Kolenovsky
Posts: n/a

More important things in the world that OT in the ng's.

Betsy's reply to you was great:

"I used to get as offended as yourself when these discussions ensued.

Now, I've come to a different conclusion based on:

point: it is just part of human nature to digress
point: it is easy to avoid those topics in which one has no interest.
point: I now find it rather charming that people who gather to share
one interest care about and respect each other enough to share other
topics that concern them.

It's what makes community."

Take your time like nature does. It'll relax you and you will discern

Elizabeth Brown wrote:

This newsgroup is being ruined by all of the off topic threads. Go
somewhere else with you politics, race, war, and etc. Let us just gard=


-- =

J. Kolenovsky, A+, Network +, MCP
=F4=BF=F4 - - commercial
=F4=BF=F4 -
  #9   Report Post  
Old 25-02-2003, 09:04 PM
Posts: n/a

Race against time is right! Here in texas i try to get the plants out
as soon as i can so that they have given me lots of fruit by the time
the extreme dog days of summer hit and some plants all but die.

On Tue, 25 Feb 2003 18:56:04 -0000, "david"

Remember that gardening is a WAR, always doing battle with the elements,
pests, and other problems. and a good measure of Sh** (sorry Manure). always
helps things to grow and gardening is a RACE against time, always more to
do than there is time to do it in, so it is often POLITIC to let some things
As for the Etc, well that has to be the TLC that all gardeners have in
varying measure, but which makes them accept almost everything that gets
thrown at them.Even here.

·.·´¨ ¨)) -:¦:-
¸.·´ .·´¨¨))
((¸¸.·´ ..·´
-:¦:- ((¸¸

  #10   Report Post  
Old 25-02-2003, 09:04 PM
Posts: n/a

What really bothers little Lizzy is that all of the recent topics have been
over her head and she is overwhelmed by it all!!!

You should all take pity on baby girl. She still needs someone to hold her
hand just to cross the street!!! She'd much rather be making mud pies in her
secret little garden hidden from the big bad world!!!!!!

Bill Litchfield wrote in message

"Elizabeth Brown" wrote in message
This newsgroup is being ruined by all of the off topic threads. Go
somewhere else with you politics, race, war, and etc. Let us just


Your opinion is duly noted. However, my opinion is that the O.T's aren't
ruining this group at all. In fact, I rather welcome the humorous O.T's of
Tom Kan Pa and others during these dark, long winter days.


  #11   Report Post  
Old 25-02-2003, 10:51 PM
it's me
Posts: n/a

Elizabeth Brown wrote:

This newsgroup is being ruined by all of the off topic threads. Go
somewhere else with you politics, race, war, and etc. Let us just garden.

This is mild. Go over to the RV, or Alt.Fan Tolkien NGs it NUTS over
there. I don't read 10% of the ON topic post, I can skip over OT post
just as well.

You can never police these groups so take a pill and "GET OUT THERE AND
DIG IN YOUR GARDEN!" At least until the war's over -End-o-March should
do it


There are three kinds of men. The one that learns by reading. The few
who learn by observation. The rest of them have to pee on the electric
fence for themselves.
Will Rogers

  #12   Report Post  
Old 25-02-2003, 11:03 PM
it's me
Posts: n/a

Cereoid+10+ wrote:

What really bothers little Lizzy is that all of the recent topics have been
over her head and she is overwhelmed by it all!!!

You should all take pity on baby girl. She still needs someone to hold her
hand just to cross the street!!! She'd much rather be making mud pies in her
secret little garden hidden from the big bad world!!!!!!

Ms. Brown is right this is a NG about gardening and posts should be limited to gardening.

As long as groups are not moderated you will continue to get OT Post,
people who don't use Spell Check, Top Post, Use poor Grammer, Etc...
Deal with it.

But it's A$$holes like you that make personal attacks on people for no
good reason is far worst than any OT Post and does more to break up NGs
then anything else.

So, I hope you have a cold wet spring and all your seeds ROT! Followed
by NO rain this summer, And you are hit with a early Killing FROST!

There, I feel better. and no I didn't use spell check.


Some days it doesn't pay to chew through the straps!

  #13   Report Post  
Old 26-02-2003, 12:52 AM
Posts: n/a

That's a very reasonable response.

Also, what if you see connections between gardening and some other
current events. A big topic these days is people being separated
from their land by big agribusiness and IMF and World Bank policies,
etc. Things are more related than they appear to be on the surface.

My initial perusal of the threads here suggest that most of them
or not off topic (at least compared to other NGs).

Betsy wrote:

I used to get as offended as yourself when these discussions ensued.

Now, I've come to a different conclusion based on:

point: it is just part of human nature to digress
point: it is easy to avoid those topics in which one has no interest.
point: I now find it rather charming that people who gather to share one
interest care about and respect each other enough to share other topics that
concern them.

It's what makes community.

"Elizabeth Brown" wrote in message
This newsgroup is being ruined by all of the off topic threads. Go
somewhere else with you politics, race, war, and etc. Let us just garden.

  #14   Report Post  
Old 26-02-2003, 04:15 AM
Posts: n/a

"Elizabeth Brown" wrote in message
This newsgroup is being ruined by all of the off topic threads. Go
somewhere else with you politics, race, war, and etc. Let us just garden.

I've read here and commented off and on for the last few years. It's how
this group functions, so if you're going to stay you'll have to get used to
it. Good gardening advice from all kinds of people. Just like I pick and
choose which gardening related items interest me, I pick and choose which OT
items interest me. Your mind works better than any filter, don't read the
stuff that doesn't interest you. Most of the time if you read the first
couple posts you can tell if it's worth your time. I'll block whole sections
out as "mark as read".


  #15   Report Post  
Old 26-02-2003, 06:15 AM
Bob Provencher
Posts: n/a

"Betsy" -0 wrote in message
I used to get as offended as yourself when these discussions ensued.

Now, I've come to a different conclusion based on:

point: it is just part of human nature to digress
point: it is easy to avoid those topics in which one has no interest.
point: I now find it rather charming that people who gather to share one
interest care about and respect each other enough to share other topics

concern them.

It's what makes community.

Well, that's all true -- but there are reasons the newsgroup rules of
netiquette such as not posting off topic were first established. There are
well known rules for polite and proper use of usenet -- and one thing is for
sure, the "regular's rule" rule that seems to prevail here is _not_ the
standard, nor is it user friendly, not conducive to attracting more members
to a group, which is after all what you'd want to happen.

For example, in order ignore a thread I still have to download the header to
know it is something I want to ignore or filter. Not everyone has a high
speed connection yet where it is easy to do that. By allowing as many
off-topic posts as this group does it only serves to disappoint computer
novices in favor of the technically elite who have the horsepower. That's
one reason the guidelines where established.

Then, there is the "the regulars have decided this is what they want this
group to be so tough shit" argument. I love that one. I can guarantee you
that I have been a USENET regular for much longer than anyone in this group,
and I have seen this stuff destroy groups time and again. But what the
hell, everyone has to learn for themselves.

Finally, there is the lovely response to a posting like this where the
poster gets called an A$$HOLE simply for posting her opinion about off-topic
posts. I love that one, so it's ok to blabber about all sorts of off-topic
posts but it's not ok to question whether it should be done. Ok, sure.

I offered up the same opinion (more because I've never been able to convince
anyone of my political views -- it's rather futile) than from the
perspective of really caring if it's done or not, but I can almost guarantee
this note will generate the same sort of responses I got the last time --
not open and honest debate but more of an "F you, we've been here longer so
we can do what we want" sort of reaction. Oh well. Off topic debate is
welcome here as long as we don't challenge any of the gods of the group.

Anyway, I look forward to reading more on-topic posts from everyone.

Bob Provencher
ICQ 881862
AIM bproven

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