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  #1   Report Post  
Old 12-07-2006, 09:29 AM posted to rec.gardens
Posts: n/a
Default Tropical seeds to swap

hi to all,

ref. my previous messages, i live in reunion island, i'm a gardener and
a collector. regarding plants, i mostly collect carnivorous plants,
passiflora vines, hot peppers,...

i have a lot of seeds to swap or trade. i have already swapped with
many people worldwide.

my seeds come from my own gardens, my friends and neighbors's gardens.
that's why the list is long, many people are interested in plants here
in reunion island as the weather is wonderful and almost everything can

in exchange of my seeds i was looking for pygmy drosera seeds, but i'm
not looking for these seeds anymore as i found what i was looking for.
i'm not really looking for any other seeds as i can find almost what i
want in reunion as i belong to a gardening club. i'm just looking for
seeds of some plumeria kinds (colored hybrids) as i only have a few
species, also a few passiflora vines like alata, aurantia, coccinea,
coriacea, cuprea, incarnata, quadrangularis, vitifolia,... and a few
brugmansia/datura species like candida,... i cannot find here.

anyway, for those who are interested in tropical seeds, i can swap my
seeds in exchange of other things:

- i collect mint and used stamps with the following thematics:
nudibranches, carnivorous plants, some minerals, turtles, dendrobates
and some other themes. i also collect mint and used stamps of all
themes from vatican, english and french old colonies.

- i collect used thematic phonecards (same themes as stamps) and also
french and greek chip phonecards of all kinds.

i'd be very happy to swap my seeds in exchange of those items in order
to see my collections grow! email me if you have something that might
interest me .

if you don't have what i'm looking for in exchange of my seeds, i
accept to ship my seeds in exchange of s&h cost (this means envelope,
packs and postage).

regarding s&h cost, I can email the Reunion price list / cost (in Euro
and in French) to everybody who requests it by email. but, to let you
have an idea, the cost of an international letter (under 20 g) is about
$1.30/$1.40 (depends on the cost of $ ref. to Euro) and the cost
doubles about every 20 grams in more (I hope you understand me, sorry
for my poor English...), so the s&h cost depends on the total weight of
the envelope. i cannot accept sase unless you have french mint stamps
as i'm not in the usa. i can accept payment in us$ (banknotes only, no
coins) as i sometimes purchase items on the web and i pay in cash us$,
also euro currency of course + paypal.

find under my updated list of available seeds with average numbers of
seeds packed (numbers of seeds per pack depends on the size of the
seeds + the numbers of seeds the flower/plant/tree give + the numbers
necessary to get a good percentage of germination (following my own
experience) and also to have enough seeds for everybody who want some:

vinca / periwinkle (between 10 and 15 seeds per pack for all kinds):
- vinca rosea white (white periwinkle)
- vinca rosea pink (pink periwinkle)
- vinca rosea purple/violet (violet periwinkle)
- vinca rosea red (tropical periwinkle)
- vinca tropicana white (tropical periwinkle)
- vinca tropicana pink (tropical periwinkle)
- vinca tropicana pink with shiny eye (tropical periwinkle)

hot peppers (between 15 and 25 seeds per pack for all kinds):
- red bird pepper (one of the hottest in the world)
- cabri hot pepper (small very hot pepper kind annuum from reunion)
- achard hot pepper (long and large hot pepper from reunion (capsicum
baccatum), eaten green and red)
- cayenne hot pepper (long and thin hot pepper like bird pepper)
- hot pepper sudanese
- hot pepper scotch bonnet
- yellow hot pepper big sun
- hot pepper burkina yellow
- hot pepper safi
- white reunion island hot pepper
- sweet italian pepper marconi

passiflora - passion fruit / vines:
- passiflora caerulea (passion fruit/vine) (between 5 and 10 seeds per
- passiflora edulis (passion fruit/vine - purple fruit) (between 10 and
15 seeds per pack)
- passiflora foetida (passion fruit/vine - love-in-a-mist) (between 10
and 15 seeds per pack)

bauhinia / orchid trees (between 5 and 10 seeds per pack for all
- bauhinia monandra (pink orchid tree) great small tree with wonderful
and smelly flowers
- bauhinia purpurea (purple orchid tree) great small trees with
wonderful and smelly flowers
- bauhinia var. alba (white orchid tree) great small trees with
wonderful and smelly flowers

fruits (between 5 and 10 seeds per pack for all kinds):
- annona squamosa (zatte - fruit with a taste mixed of apple and
cinnamon / cannelle)
- citrus lemon (wild lemon from reunion - citron péi)
- citrus hystrix (combava)
- citrus aurantifolia (mexican lime citron galet)
- punica granatum (grenada)
- carica papaya
- tomato in tree (cyphomandra betacea)

- ipomea mix alba purpurea indica (morning glory) (between 10 and 15
seeds per pack)
- ipomea large blue flowers (morning glory) (between 10 and 15 seeds
per pack)
- asariana scandens (violet vine - climbing snapdragon) (between 5 and
10 seeds per pack)
- lantana camara red/orange kind (between 5 and 10 seeds per pack)
- lantana camara pink kind (between 5 and 10 seeds per pack)
- crossandra (between 5 and 10 seeds per pack)
- petrea volubilis (vine) (between 5 and 10 seeds per pack)
- adenium obesum (desert rose) (between 5 and 10 seeds per pack)
- coleus rainbow mix (between 15 and 25 seeds per pack)
- antigonon leptopus (pink coral vine) (between 5 and 10 seeds per
- musella lasiocarpa (chinese dwarf banana) (between 5 and 10 seeds per
- hibiscus trionum "cream coffee" (between 5 and 10 seeds per pack)
- albizzia julibrissin (pink silk tree) (between 5 and 10 seeds per
- belamcanda chinensis (leopard flower) (between 5 and 10 seeds per
- datura innoxia (white) (between 10 and 15 seeds per pack)
- datura fastuosa (blue) (between 5 and 10 seeds per pack)
- tabebuia heterophylla (pink tabebuia) flowers look like orchids
(between 30 and 50 seeds per pack)
- asclepias curassavica (butterfly weed hawaï princess) (between 5 and
10 seeds per pack)
- mimosa pudica (sensitive) (between 5 and 10 seeds per pack)
- cotton (between 5 and 10 seeds per pack)
- canna edulis red (indian shot) a pure tropical flower easy to grow
(between 5 and 10 seeds per pack)
- callistemon citrinus (red) (between 15 and 25 seeds per pack)
- false pepper tree (Brazilian pepper-tree / Christmas berry-tree)
bright red berries which have a flavour both sweet and spicy and are
used asspice or substitute for pepper (I got the information that the
seeds must be used only for bonzaï or in a closed garden (a green
house /veranda, I'm not sure of the word in English) due to the fact
that this plant is too invasive, propagation must be prevented (between
20 and 30 seeds per pack)
- duranta repens (cayenne vanilla tree), flowers are blue and fruits
are orange, it smells vanilla, it's also called "cayenne vanilla tree
(between 10 and 20 seeds per pack)
- caesalpina pulcherrima (red small flame tree), this is one of my
favourite flower (between 5 and 10 seeds per pack)
- caesalpina giliesii (yellow small flame tree), this is one of my
favourite flower (between 5 and 10 seeds per pack)
- tecoma stans (gold trumpet) (lovely small tree with beautiful yellow
flowers) (between 30 and 50 seeds per pack)
- jacaranda (mimosaefolia) tree with blue/purple flowers (between 30
and 50 seeds per pack)
- spathodea campanulata (gabon tulip tree) wonderful orange flowers
(between 30 and 50 seeds per pack)
- cananga odorata (ylang ylang) (between 5 and 10 seeds per pack)
- clitorea ternatea (between 5 and 10 seeds per pack)
- ravenala madagascariensis (the traveller tree) (between 5 and 10
seeds per pack)
- plumbago capensis (between 5 and 10 seeds per pack)
- coffea arabica (between 5 and 10 seeds per pack)
- musa velutina (between 5 and 10 seeds per pack)

+ a few palm seeds and other big seeds (small pack between 3 and 6
seeds per pack for all, big seeds) of:
- phoenix roebellini (palm)
- trachicarpus fortunei (palm)
- caryota mitis (fishtail palm)
- livingstonia chinensis (palm)
- chrysalidocarpus lutescens (areca palm)
- butia capitata (jelly palm)
- adansonia digitata (baobab)
- mucuna pruriens (velvet bean)
- delonix regia (flame tree)
- palm dictyosperma alba (hurricane palm)
- heliconia wagneriana
- strelitzia reginae (bird of paradise)
- strelitzia nicholai (white bird of paradise)

let me know if there's something you're looking for which is not in the
list (as long as it's not a protected/endangered specie) and I'll let
you know if I can get or not. i'll have other seeds soon.

thank you to contact me on my email address directly please

i hope to hear from you soon.

kind regards


  #2   Report Post  
Old 01-12-2010, 11:40 AM
Registered User
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2010
Posts: 1

Hi deedee974,

I'd like to swap some seeds with you if its still possible or to buy them, whatever you like. There are quite a few I'm interested in. But first things first: I'm from Slovenia, EU. This would not be a problem for sending, would it?
Secondly, if swaping is an option, what to swap? I'll give you the address of my family's web site, please check out 'plant nursery', then 'seeds'. You and everyone else are of course welcomed to check out the entire page, although it is not yet completely translated into English, it is not even completely constructed. In hopes that the administrator doesn't delete this post: we're not a shop in the commercial sence, yes among other things we do, we also sell plants and seeds, but the proceeds go as donations to local animal shelters and are also used to pay for heating of our greenhouse and acquiring of new plant species. We have quite a large collection of plant species. It is easier for me to just give you the link and be open about our identity and work: raznolikost
If there is anything you like please contact me, if not and I could still buy some seeds, also - please contact me.
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