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Old 12-09-2003, 11:22 AM
McCord Tech
Posts: n/a
Default Planting a 3 week old tank and propagating a 2 year old sword rhizome

This is my first time posting a question, so forgive me if I make any

I just set up a 40 gallon long in my grandparents bedroom 3 weeks ago. They
love it. They watch it more than TV (LOL, too bad, I think the TV was
cheaper). My grandparents are 86 and 92. They live with my parents instead
of a nursing home. The tank has a Magnum Pro 350 with Bio-wheels, 45 lbs of
fluorite, 15lbs of "Profile" Shultz aquatic soil (I bought the profile at
the local farm supply, 50lb for $6.00), 150w heater and an All-Glass 48"
light with (2) 65 watt high output compact fluorescent strip-lites (9325K
"super daylite" fresh & sal****er color). I did not make a list my fish,
since I only have them in the tank to produce organic fertilizer. Most if
not all are no threat to the plants. I have used Stress Zyme (8 tsp./week
totaling 3 treatments) to help cycle the tank fast. I have not done any
water chages yet.

Avg. Temp: 82.8F +- 1.0 (grandparents keep room too warm)
Avg. Hours of light: on 12-14
Fish Load: 40 fish (I plan on moving half to my next tank)
PH 7.2
Water Source: Tap
Nitrites: a little high
Nitrates: low
Ammonia: low-normal

I purchased some plants (25+) on Ebay and had them shipped from California.
They use Jobes plant spikes in the substrate to boost growth. Their plants
had tons of roots, with the exception of the Amazon sword. The Amazon sword
has only a few small rotting leaves, a large rhizome (1.5 inches long), and
3-4 new roots shooting down from top part of the rhizome. The rhizome is
very solid. I was thinking of cutting the rhizome as specified in this
article from . Here is a quote from the text there "can try
digging it up, and cutting its rhizome into segments. For this to work, you
need an old, well-established plant that has had a year or two to develop a
long rhizome. Float these segments until you see plantlets growing from
them, then plant them"
( written by by (Paul Krombholz).

Questions I am seeking answers for:

1. Has anyone ever done this with an Amazon sword?

2. Should I cut the top half of the rhizome off and plant the top?

3. Then cut the bottom into .25inch segments, then float them as described

4. What is the best way to make this plant happy, I read it should grow in
real soil or sand rich in organic matter.

5. Does anyone like or use plant plugs?

6 Can I use peat pots or peatmoss to plant with?

7. Is there any advice on planting anything else listed below?

8. When should I need my first water change?

***Here is a list of what I had already in my tank before the 25+ plants
from CA:

Common name......botanical name.....................
comments on plant comments

GreenWendth.......(Cryptocoryne wendtit)........
foreground, low to moderate light.....looks good & has new growth

Red Wendth.........(Cryptocoryne wendtit)........
foreground, low to moderate light.....looks under stress

Water Sprite.........(Ceratopteris thalictroides)...
midground, moderate light................looks ok

Hornwort.......................................... ...............
.................................................. ......looks ok but no new

Mondo Grass............................................. ......
.................................................. ......looks ok but no new

Aubius............................................ ..................
.................................................. ......looks good & has new

***Here is a list of (25+) Plants I got from CA on Ebay:

Red Wendth.........(Cryptocoryne wendtit).......
foreground, low to moderate light.......mesh of baby plants

Green Wendth......(Cryptocoryne wendtit).......
foreground, low to moderate growing well, new growth

Vallisneria.............(Vallisneria Americana).......
background, moderate to bright growing ok maybe 20 runners

Anubias................(unidentified)............. ..........
foreground, moderate to bright very small but lots of roots

Amazon sword.......(unidentified).....................
foreground, moderate to bright light....large rhizome few roots, stressed

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