#1   Report Post  
Old 20-04-2003, 07:24 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Flora APM to prevent algae?

Has anybody out there tried Flora APM ? It is a barley extract that is said
to prevent algae. It is not an algaecide, and I believe it is supposed to be
safe for plants and fish. I am thinking of trying it and would like to hear
from anyone who has used it as to its effectiveness.

  #2   Report Post  
Old 20-04-2003, 07:24 AM
Pete Bradbury
Posts: n/a
Default Flora APM to prevent algae?

If it for a pond just go to your local pet shop, buy som pete straw (which
should be pesticide free). Put the straw as muchas you can into a pair of
ladies tights.
Tie up the end and submerge in pond.

Works a treat! Last all season, and can be used for compost in the autumn.

"Henry" wrote in message
Has anybody out there tried Flora APM ? It is a barley extract that is

to prevent algae. It is not an algaecide, and I believe it is supposed to

safe for plants and fish. I am thinking of trying it and would like to

from anyone who has used it as to its effectiveness.

  #3   Report Post  
Old 20-04-2003, 07:24 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Flora APM to prevent algae?

It is for an aquarium. I wonder if I could put the straw in my filter? On
the other hand perhaps I will just try the product.

"Pete Bradbury" wrote in message
If it for a pond just go to your local pet shop, buy som pete straw (which
should be pesticide free). Put the straw as muchas you can into a pair of
ladies tights.
Tie up the end and submerge in pond.

Works a treat! Last all season, and can be used for compost in the autumn.

"Henry" wrote in message
Has anybody out there tried Flora APM ? It is a barley extract that is

to prevent algae. It is not an algaecide, and I believe it is supposed

safe for plants and fish. I am thinking of trying it and would like to

from anyone who has used it as to its effectiveness.

  #4   Report Post  
Old 20-04-2003, 07:24 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Flora APM to prevent algae?

what about putting this in a bag in your canister filter

also, does this control algae that grows on the glass or does this just
control green water?
"Henry" wrote in message
It is for an aquarium. I wonder if I could put the straw in my filter? On
the other hand perhaps I will just try the product.

"Pete Bradbury" wrote in message
If it for a pond just go to your local pet shop, buy som pete straw

should be pesticide free). Put the straw as muchas you can into a pair

ladies tights.
Tie up the end and submerge in pond.

Works a treat! Last all season, and can be used for compost in the


"Henry" wrote in message
Has anybody out there tried Flora APM ? It is a barley extract that is

to prevent algae. It is not an algaecide, and I believe it is supposed

safe for plants and fish. I am thinking of trying it and would like to

from anyone who has used it as to its effectiveness.

  #5   Report Post  
Old 20-04-2003, 07:24 AM
Posts: n/a
Default Flora APM to prevent algae?

"Henry" wrote in message ...
Has anybody out there tried Flora APM ? It is a barley extract that is said
to prevent algae. It is not an algaecide, and I believe it is supposed to be
safe for plants and fish. I am thinking of trying it and would like to hear
from anyone who has used it as to its effectiveness.

Never did anything on any of my tanks that we tested it own nor two
other folks that controlled other variables.
All test kits were Lamott.

The literature also says it only seems to control Green water and
phytoplankton. Plant tanks have issues more with epiphytic algae and
at least 3 research studies show it has no effect on these types of
There does not seem to be much consensus in the literature overall and
know one really knows what is going on with the algae at the
biochemical level etc which is key to understanding what is going on.

I tried extract and also the raw straw in aquariums following the
protocol for rotting it.

At 27.99$ for a bottle and considering it does merely prevents new
algae from growing, I find it.......well........ unless.

If I add a shrimp or SAE it'd have a better effect or add KNO3 or
KH2PO4 etc.

Grow the plants well and you don't have algae. The same thing is true
with ponds, lakes etc.

As far as I know, barley straw extract is not a nutrient and does not
help plants grow better. A healthy plant is simply the best method to
prevent algae.

I certainly have never found a need for such products. I thought they
might help and wasted money years ago on these algae
removers/controllers etc.

But I'll tell you, work on the NO3, CO2, K, PO4 and traces.

That will get you much further along in having better healthier plants
with far less algae. I am very anti algae removers since they keep you
dependent on their products and it never improves the plant health and
it cost more.

Personally, I'd rather add more plants to my pond and fertilize it and
thr same for my tank than to have a bale of rotting straw in it. You?

I think a number of companies jumped on the bandwagon without looking
into why a plant tank does well and why another does not.

Straw does not harm a tank though. That I can say.

Tom Barr
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