#1   Report Post  
Old 14-05-2019, 03:53 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
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Â* Strawberries , that is . With today's haul we have enough for a batch
of jam ... half pints are in the dishwasher , berries are on the counter
ready to cap-n-smash .In addition , the corn is coming up nicely , I
will have to reseed a couple of spots though . Taters are boomin' , got
them hilled up nicely and mulched heavily with straw . I'm seeing a few
beans sprouting (blue lake bush) and the bunching onions are mostly up
now . The tomatoes got the cardboard then straw mulch treatment , trying
to prevent soil splashing on them to help prevent blight problems . And
yesterday I saw some of the beets have come up too . It's been a cool
wet spring , I feel like I'm behind - but I'm not really , summer's here
are pretty long and I won't worry about frost until early October .

Yes , I'm old
and crochety - and armed .
Get outta my woods !

  #2   Report Post  
Old 14-05-2019, 10:38 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Dec 2009
Posts: 330
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On Tuesday, May 14, 2019 at 9:53:22 AM UTC-4, Terry Coombs wrote:
Â* Strawberries , that is . With today's haul we have enough for a batch
of jam ... half pints are in the dishwasher , berries are on the counter
ready to cap-n-smash .In addition , the corn is coming up nicely , I
will have to reseed a couple of spots though . Taters are boomin' , got
them hilled up nicely and mulched heavily with straw . I'm seeing a few
beans sprouting (blue lake bush) and the bunching onions are mostly up
now . The tomatoes got the cardboard then straw mulch treatment , trying
to prevent soil splashing on them to help prevent blight problems . And
yesterday I saw some of the beets have come up too . It's been a cool
wet spring , I feel like I'm behind - but I'm not really , summer's here
are pretty long and I won't worry about frost until early October .

Yes , I'm old
and crochety - and armed .
Get outta my woods !

Our garden is doing well but we've had too much rain here in Maryland to get out and weed properly. The front lawn is getting near the point where I can bale it for the sheep to eat next winter.

  #3   Report Post  
Old 14-05-2019, 11:13 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2012
Posts: 678
Default Pick pick pick !

On 5/14/2019 3:38 PM, Pavel314 wrote:
On Tuesday, May 14, 2019 at 9:53:22 AM UTC-4, Terry Coombs wrote:
Â* Strawberries , that is . With today's haul we have enough for a batch
of jam ... half pints are in the dishwasher , berries are on the counter
ready to cap-n-smash .In addition , the corn is coming up nicely , I
will have to reseed a couple of spots though . Taters are boomin' , got
them hilled up nicely and mulched heavily with straw . I'm seeing a few
beans sprouting (blue lake bush) and the bunching onions are mostly up
now . The tomatoes got the cardboard then straw mulch treatment , trying
to prevent soil splashing on them to help prevent blight problems . And
yesterday I saw some of the beets have come up too . It's been a cool
wet spring , I feel like I'm behind - but I'm not really , summer's here
are pretty long and I won't worry about frost until early October .

Yes , I'm old
and crochety - and armed .
Get outta my woods !

Our garden is doing well but we've had too much rain here in Maryland to get out and weed properly. The front lawn is getting near the point where I can bale it for the sheep to eat next winter.


Â* Straight to the compost heap ... luckily we've had enough breaks in
the rain for me to get things done as needed . I guess I oughta get the
vine stuff set out ...

Yes , I'm old
and crochety - and armed .
Get outta my woods !

  #4   Report Post  
Old 15-05-2019, 01:52 AM posted to rec.gardens.edible
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2015
Posts: 1,112
Default Pick pick pick !

On 5/14/19 6:53 AM, Terry Coombs wrote:
Â* Strawberries , that is . With today's haul we have enough for a batch
of jam ... half pints are in the dishwasher , berries are on the counter
ready to cap-n-smash .In addition , the corn is coming up nicely , I
will have to reseed a couple of spots though . Taters are boomin' , got
them hilled up nicely and mulched heavily with straw . I'm seeing a few
beans sprouting (blue lake bush) and the bunching onions are mostly up
now . The tomatoes got the cardboard then straw mulch treatment , trying
to prevent soil splashing on them to help prevent blight problems . And
yesterday I saw some of the beets have come up too . It's been a cool
wet spring , I feel like I'm behind - but I'm not really , summer's here
are pretty long and I won't worry about frost until early October .


What zone are you in?

  #5   Report Post  
Old 15-05-2019, 02:08 AM posted to rec.gardens.edible
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2012
Posts: 678
Default Pick pick pick !

On 5/14/2019 6:52 PM, T wrote:
On 5/14/19 6:53 AM, Terry Coombs wrote:
Â*Â* Strawberries , that is . With today's haul we have enough for a
batch of jam ... half pints are in the dishwasher , berries are on
the counter ready to cap-n-smash .In addition , the corn is coming up
nicely , I will have to reseed a couple of spots though . Taters are
boomin' , got them hilled up nicely and mulched heavily with straw .
I'm seeing a few beans sprouting (blue lake bush) and the bunching
onions are mostly up now . The tomatoes got the cardboard then straw
mulch treatment , trying to prevent soil splashing on them to help
prevent blight problems . And yesterday I saw some of the beets have
come up too . It's been a cool wet spring , I feel like I'm behind -
but I'm not really , summer's here are pretty long and I won't worry
about frost until early October .


What zone are you in?

Â* We're in 7a , north central Arkansas .

Yes , I'm old
and crochety - and armed .
Get outta my woods !

  #6   Report Post  
Old 15-05-2019, 03:04 AM posted to rec.gardens.edible
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2010
Posts: 3,072
Default Pick pick pick !

Terry Coombs wrote:

Â* Strawberries , that is . With today's haul we have enough for a batch
of jam ... half pints are in the dishwasher , berries are on the counter
ready to cap-n-smash .In addition , the corn is coming up nicely , I
will have to reseed a couple of spots though . Taters are boomin' , got
them hilled up nicely and mulched heavily with straw . I'm seeing a few
beans sprouting (blue lake bush) and the bunching onions are mostly up
now . The tomatoes got the cardboard then straw mulch treatment , trying
to prevent soil splashing on them to help prevent blight problems . And
yesterday I saw some of the beets have come up too . It's been a cool
wet spring , I feel like I'm behind - but I'm not really , summer's here
are pretty long and I won't worry about frost until early October .

sounds good to me.

strawberries are just starting to bloom here.
i'm hoping no more hard frosts, but we could still
get a few.

i am behind in some places, but that is because
i'm trying to get the fencing put up before the
lilacs and honeysuckles bloom and it's been raining
quite a bit. most the important stuff is done well
enough for now. just whatever extra gardens i can
get ready before planting the warm season crops is
nice to have done.

  #7   Report Post  
Old 15-05-2019, 05:05 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2019
Posts: 23
Default Pick pick pick !

songbird wrote:

Terry Coombs wrote:

Strawberries , that is . With today's haul we have
enough for a batch
of jam ... half pints are in the dishwasher , berries are
on the counter ready to cap-n-smash .In addition , the
corn is coming up nicely , I will have to reseed a couple
of spots though . Taters are boomin' , got them hilled up
nicely and mulched heavily with straw . I'm seeing a few
beans sprouting (blue lake bush) and the bunching onions
are mostly up now . The tomatoes got the cardboard then
straw mulch treatment , trying to prevent soil splashing
on them to help prevent blight problems . And yesterday I
saw some of the beets have come up too . It's been a cool
wet spring , I feel like I'm behind - but I'm not really
, summer's here are pretty long and I won't worry about
frost until early October .

sounds good to me.

strawberries are just starting to bloom here.
i'm hoping no more hard frosts, but we could still
get a few.

i am behind in some places, but that is because
i'm trying to get the fencing put up before the
lilacs and honeysuckles bloom and it's been raining
quite a bit. most the important stuff is done well
enough for now. just whatever extra gardens i can
get ready before planting the warm season crops is
nice to have done.


Lovely lettuce here, mostly Tom Thumb, New Red Fire, and
Summertime. The basic materials for dinner salads.

Snap peas are growing like gangbusters, but no visible
blossoms yet. First planting of Blue Lake Bush Bean seeds
was a bust, so replanted a few days ago.

Broccoli was the only thing I didn't plant myself from
seed, and it too was a bust. It is all going to seed stalks
rather than forming nice, big heads. It's the first time I've
ever had that happen.

Lots of onions coming up, both from sets and seed starts.

Four tomato plants are in pots on the deck with a half-dozen
more to go out into the garden beds this weekend, weather

The blueberry bushes have already blossomed and two of the
older plants are covered in tiny green blueberries to be.

Too much rain here and a portion of the backyard is mud with
grass on top. Can't get either the rider or push mower through
it, so I keep hoping for a dry spell.

More work to do!

Nyssa, who has a couple of new tricks up her sleeve in case
the deer return this summer

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