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done planting beans
the other day i finished weeding a part of a garden
outside the fenced gardens and planted it. with the recent heat and me really needing to take a break to let various body parts recover i decided that this was enough bean planting for the season. i have a few bare spots i'll replant, but otherwise this is my list of varieties planted. (G) generally available (N) network bean (O) other source (P) personal collection/selection for evaluation grow outs: my names may change as i determine if i really want to continue these - as of yet i haven't given any a final name. Varieties Sorted List: Mystery Bean plus: - Appaloosa (bush, dry) (O) - Blue Pod (semi, dry) (P) (SMR-2017-BP) - Burgundy Kidney (bush, dry) (N) - Dapple Grey (bush, dry) (N) - Dark Accent (semi?, dry?) (P) (SMR-2017-DA) - Early Warwick (bush, dry) (N) - Etna (bush, dry) (O) - Fordhook Lima (bush) (G) - Fort Portal Jade (semi, dry) (N) - Goats Eye Pinto (semi?, dry?) (P) (SMR-2017-GEP) - Half Brown (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-HB) - Half Dark (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-HD) - Half Light (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-HL) - Half Pinto (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-HP) - Kermit's Smokey Mountain (pole) (O) - Large Olive (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-LO) - Lavender (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-L) - Mattie Greene (bush) (O) - Meravigllia de Veneza (pole wax) (N) - Montezuma Red (semi, dry) (N) - Munachedda Pale (pole, dry) (N) - Odd Pinto (semi?, dry?) (P) (SMR-2017-OP) - Old Black Coco (semi, dry) (N) - Olive (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-O) - Olive Eye (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-OE) - Pink Early (semi, dry) (N) - Pink Pinto (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-PP) - Pink Pinto Long (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-PPL) - Pinto (semi, dry) (N) - Purple Dove (bush, dry) (N) - Purple Eye (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-PE) - Red Bollito (pole) (N) - Red Goats Eye (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-RG) - Red Lima (pole) (N) - Red Ryder (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-RR) - Speckeled Stripe Mix (semi?, dry?) (P) (SMR-2017-SSM) - Speckled Dark (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-SD) - Spotted Brown (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-SB) - Spotted Yellow Eye (semi, dry) (P) (SMR-2017-SYE) - Steel Purple (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-SP) - Stripe (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-ST) - Sunset (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-S) - Swedish Brown (bush, dry) (N) - Tan Goats Eye Misfits (semi?, dry?) (P) (SMR-2017-TGEM) - Top Notch (bush, wax) (G) - Two Spot (early?, bush? wax?) (P) (SMR-2017-TS) - Yed (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-YED) - Yellow (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-Y) - Yellow Eye 1 (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-YE-1) - Yellow Eye 2 (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-YE-2) - Yellow Eye 3 (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-YE-3) - Yellow Eye 4 (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-YE-4) - Yellow Eye (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-YE) - Yellow Long (pole, wax) (N) - Yellow Soldier (bush?, wax?) (P) (SMR-2017-YS) List by Planting Date and for Each Garden May 31st - Lima Garden North 1st Row Planting Along Fence: - Red Lima (pole) (N) - Munachedda Pale (pole, dry) (N) - Red Bollito (pole) (N) 2nd Row - Purple Dove (bush, dry) (N) - Pink Early (semi, dry) (N) - Dapple Grey (bush, dry) (N) 3rd Row - Swedish Brown (bush, dry) (N) - Pink Early (semi, dry) (N) - Early Warwick (bush, dry) (N) 4th Row - Yellow Soldier (bush?, wax?) (P) (SMR-2017-YS) 5th Row - Mattie Greene (bush) (O) - Fort Portal Jade (semi, dry) (N) - Yellow Soldier (bush?, wax?) (P) (SMR-2017-YS) 3 Other Rows - Fordhook Lima (bush) (G) May 31st and June 5th - North Fence Garden East - Yellow Long (pole, wax) (N) - Meravigllia de Veneza (pole wax) (N) - Pinto (semi, dry) (N) - Kermit's Smokey Mountain (pole) (O) - Fort Portal Jade (semi, dry) (N) - Munachedda Pale (pole, dry) (N) - Red Lima (pole) (N) - Yellow Long (pole, wax) (N) - Meravigllia de Veneza (pole wax) (N) June 5th - Next to Cucumbers Garden West 1st Row - Early Warwick (bush, dry) (N) - Pinto (semi, dry) (N) - Yellow Eye 1 (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-YE-1) - Lavender (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-L) - Olive (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-O) - Yellow (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-Y) - Montezuma Red (semi, dry) (N) - Yellow Soldier (bush?, wax?) (P) (SMR-2017-YS) 2nd and 3rd Row - Early Warwick (bush, dry) (N) - Yellow Eye 1 (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-YE-1) - Lavender (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-L) - Olive (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-O) - Yellow (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-Y) - Montezuma Red (semi, dry) (N) - Yellow Soldier (bush?, wax?) (P) (SMR-2017-YS) 4th Row - Montezuma Red (semi, dry) (N) - Purple Dove (bush, dry) (N) - Swedish Brown (bush, dry) (N) - Burgundy Kidney (bush, dry) (N) - Dapple Grey (bush, dry) (N) - Old Black Coco (semi, dry) (N) - Yellow Soldier (bush?, wax?) (P) (SMR-2017-YS) 5th Row - Montezuma Red (semi, dry) (N) - Pinto (semi, dry) (N) - Swedish Brown (bush, dry) (N) - Burgundy Kidney (bush, dry) (N) - Dapple Grey (bush, dry) (N) - Old Black Coco (semi, dry) (N) - Yellow Soldier (bush?, wax?) (P) (SMR-2017-YS) June 6th - South Fence Garden East 1st Row - Burgundy Kidney (bush, dry) (N) - Pink Pinto (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-PP) - Dapple Grey (bush, dry) (N) - Yellow Eye 2 (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-YE-2) - Steel Purple (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-SP) - Sunset (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-S) - Red Goats Eye (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-RG) - Yellow Eye 4 (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-YE-4) 2nd Row - Old Black Coco (semi, dry) (N) - Pink Pinto (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-PP) - Yellow Eye 2 (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-YE-2) - Steel Purple (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-SP) - Sunset (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-S) - Red Goats Eye (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-RG) - Olive (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-O) - Large Olive (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-LO) - Yellow Eye 3 (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-YE-3) - Lavender (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-L) - Fort Portal Jade (semi, dry) (N) - Yellow Long (pole, wax) (N) June 7th - Large Tulip Garden East 1st and 2nd Row - Half Dark (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-HD) - Yellow Eye (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-YE) 3rd Row - Red Ryder (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-RR) - Pink Pinto Long (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-PPL) - Yellow (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-Y) - Half Brown (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-HB) 4th Row - Half Dark (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-HD) - Red Ryder (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-RR) - Yellow Eye (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-YE) 5th Row - Speckled Dark (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-SD) - Pink Pinto (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-PP) - Yellow Eye (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-YE) 6th Row - Stripe (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-ST) - Blue Pod (semi, dry) (P) (SMR-2017-BP) 7th Row - Pink Pinto (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-PP) - Half Brown (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-HB) - Speckled Dark (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-SD) - Yellow (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-Y) - Half Dark (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-HD) 8th Row - Top Notch (bush, wax) (G) - Red Ryder (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-RR) 9th Row - Sunset (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-S) - Top Notch (bush, wax) (G) 10th Row - Lavender (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-L) - Pink Pinto Long (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-PPL) - Yellow Eye (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-YE) June 8th - Small Tulip Garden West 1st Row - Appaloosa (bush, dry) (O) - Etna (bush, dry) (O) - Pink Pinto (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-PP) - Spotted Yellow Eye (semi, dry) (P) (SMR-2017-SYE) 2nd Row - Yed (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-YED) - Two Spot (early?, bush? wax?) (P) (SMR-2017-TS) - Purple Eye (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-PE) - Olive Eye (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-OE) - Olive (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-O) - Sunset (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-S) 3rd Row - Appaloosa (bush, dry) (O) - Half Pinto (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-HP) - Red Goats Eye (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-RG) - Etna (bush, dry) (O) 4th Row - Half Light (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-HL) June 8th - Onion Garden - Spotted Yellow Eye (semi, dry) (P) (SMR-2017-SYE) June 10th - Strawberry Garden East 1st Row - Top Notch (bush, wax) (G) - Pink Pinto (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-PP) - Yed (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-YED) - Pink Pinto Long (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-PPL) - Yellow (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-Y) 2nd Row - Yellow Eye (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-YE) - Speckled Dark (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-SD) - Spotted Brown (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-SB) - Appaloosa (bush, dry) (O) 3rd and 4th Row - Yellow Eye (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-YE) - Half Light (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-HL) - Steel Purple (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-SP) - Half Pinto (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-HP) - Appaloosa (bush, dry) (O) - Etna (bush, dry) (O) 5th Row - Yellow Eye (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-YE) June 15 - Outside the Fence West 1st and 2nd Row - Red Ryder (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-RR) 3rd and 4th Row - Tan Goats Eye Misfits (semi?, dry?) (P) (SMR-2017-TGEM) 5th Row - Speckeled Stripe Mix (semi?, dry?) (P) (SMR-2017-SSM) - Odd Pinto (semi?, dry?) (P) (SMR-2017-OP) - Goats Eye Pinto (semi?, dry?) (P) (SMR-2017-GEP) 6th Row - Speckeled Stripe Mix (semi?, dry?) (P) (SMR-2017-SSM) 7th Row - Red Ryder (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-RR) - Yellow (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-Y) Mystery Bean on the Hill 8th Row - Red Ryder (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-RR) 9th Row - Spotted Yellow Eye (semi, dry) (P) (SMR-2017-SYE) 10th Row - Spotted Yellow Eye (semi, dry) (P) (SMR-2017-SYE) - Dark Accent (semi?, dry?) (P) (SMR-2017-DA) songbird |
done planting beans
songbird wrote:
the other day i finished weeding a part of a garden outside the fenced gardens and planted it. with the recent heat and me really needing to take a break to let various body parts recover i decided that this was enough bean planting for the season. i have a few bare spots i'll replant, but otherwise this is my list of varieties planted. (G) generally available (N) network bean (O) other source (P) personal collection/selection for evaluation grow outs: my names may change as i determine if i really want to continue these - as of yet i haven't given any a final name. Varieties Sorted List: Mystery Bean plus: - Appaloosa (bush, dry) (O) - Blue Pod (semi, dry) (P) (SMR-2017-BP) - Burgundy Kidney (bush, dry) (N) - Dapple Grey (bush, dry) (N) - Dark Accent (semi?, dry?) (P) (SMR-2017-DA) - Early Warwick (bush, dry) (N) - Etna (bush, dry) (O) - Fordhook Lima (bush) (G) - Fort Portal Jade (semi, dry) (N) - Goats Eye Pinto (semi?, dry?) (P) (SMR-2017-GEP) - Half Brown (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-HB) - Half Dark (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-HD) - Half Light (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-HL) - Half Pinto (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-HP) - Kermit's Smokey Mountain (pole) (O) - Large Olive (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-LO) - Lavender (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-L) - Mattie Greene (bush) (O) - Meravigllia de Veneza (pole wax) (N) - Montezuma Red (semi, dry) (N) - Munachedda Pale (pole, dry) (N) - Odd Pinto (semi?, dry?) (P) (SMR-2017-OP) - Old Black Coco (semi, dry) (N) - Olive (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-O) - Olive Eye (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-OE) - Pink Early (semi, dry) (N) - Pink Pinto (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-PP) - Pink Pinto Long (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-PPL) - Pinto (semi, dry) (N) - Purple Dove (bush, dry) (N) - Purple Eye (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-PE) - Red Bollito (pole) (N) - Red Goats Eye (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-RG) - Red Lima (pole) (N) - Red Ryder (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-RR) - Speckeled Stripe Mix (semi?, dry?) (P) (SMR-2017-SSM) - Speckled Dark (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-SD) - Spotted Brown (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-SB) - Spotted Yellow Eye (semi, dry) (P) (SMR-2017-SYE) - Steel Purple (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-SP) - Stripe (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-ST) - Sunset (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-S) - Swedish Brown (bush, dry) (N) - Tan Goats Eye Misfits (semi?, dry?) (P) (SMR-2017-TGEM) - Top Notch (bush, wax) (G) - Two Spot (early?, bush? wax?) (P) (SMR-2017-TS) - Yed (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-YED) - Yellow (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-Y) - Yellow Eye 1 (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-YE-1) - Yellow Eye 2 (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-YE-2) - Yellow Eye 3 (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-YE-3) - Yellow Eye 4 (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-YE-4) - Yellow Eye (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-YE) - Yellow Long (pole, wax) (N) - Yellow Soldier (bush?, wax?) (P) (SMR-2017-YS) List by Planting Date and for Each Garden May 31st - Lima Garden North 1st Row Planting Along Fence: - Red Lima (pole) (N) - Munachedda Pale (pole, dry) (N) - Red Bollito (pole) (N) 2nd Row - Purple Dove (bush, dry) (N) - Pink Early (semi, dry) (N) - Dapple Grey (bush, dry) (N) 3rd Row - Swedish Brown (bush, dry) (N) - Pink Early (semi, dry) (N) - Early Warwick (bush, dry) (N) 4th Row - Yellow Soldier (bush?, wax?) (P) (SMR-2017-YS) 5th Row - Mattie Greene (bush) (O) - Fort Portal Jade (semi, dry) (N) - Yellow Soldier (bush?, wax?) (P) (SMR-2017-YS) 3 Other Rows - Fordhook Lima (bush) (G) May 31st and June 5th - North Fence Garden East - Yellow Long (pole, wax) (N) - Meravigllia de Veneza (pole wax) (N) - Pinto (semi, dry) (N) - Kermit's Smokey Mountain (pole) (O) - Fort Portal Jade (semi, dry) (N) - Munachedda Pale (pole, dry) (N) - Red Lima (pole) (N) - Yellow Long (pole, wax) (N) - Meravigllia de Veneza (pole wax) (N) June 5th - Next to Cucumbers Garden West 1st Row - Early Warwick (bush, dry) (N) - Pinto (semi, dry) (N) - Yellow Eye 1 (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-YE-1) - Lavender (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-L) - Olive (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-O) - Yellow (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-Y) - Montezuma Red (semi, dry) (N) - Yellow Soldier (bush?, wax?) (P) (SMR-2017-YS) 2nd and 3rd Row - Early Warwick (bush, dry) (N) - Yellow Eye 1 (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-YE-1) - Lavender (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-L) - Olive (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-O) - Yellow (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-Y) - Montezuma Red (semi, dry) (N) - Yellow Soldier (bush?, wax?) (P) (SMR-2017-YS) 4th Row - Montezuma Red (semi, dry) (N) - Purple Dove (bush, dry) (N) - Swedish Brown (bush, dry) (N) - Burgundy Kidney (bush, dry) (N) - Dapple Grey (bush, dry) (N) - Old Black Coco (semi, dry) (N) - Yellow Soldier (bush?, wax?) (P) (SMR-2017-YS) 5th Row - Montezuma Red (semi, dry) (N) - Pinto (semi, dry) (N) - Swedish Brown (bush, dry) (N) - Burgundy Kidney (bush, dry) (N) - Dapple Grey (bush, dry) (N) - Old Black Coco (semi, dry) (N) - Yellow Soldier (bush?, wax?) (P) (SMR-2017-YS) June 6th - South Fence Garden East 1st Row - Burgundy Kidney (bush, dry) (N) - Pink Pinto (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-PP) - Dapple Grey (bush, dry) (N) - Yellow Eye 2 (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-YE-2) - Steel Purple (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-SP) - Sunset (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-S) - Red Goats Eye (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-RG) - Yellow Eye 4 (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-YE-4) 2nd Row - Old Black Coco (semi, dry) (N) - Pink Pinto (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-PP) - Yellow Eye 2 (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-YE-2) - Steel Purple (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-SP) - Sunset (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-S) - Red Goats Eye (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-RG) - Olive (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-O) - Large Olive (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-LO) - Yellow Eye 3 (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-YE-3) - Lavender (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-L) - Fort Portal Jade (semi, dry) (N) - Yellow Long (pole, wax) (N) June 7th - Large Tulip Garden East 1st and 2nd Row - Half Dark (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-HD) - Yellow Eye (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-YE) 3rd Row - Red Ryder (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-RR) - Pink Pinto Long (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-PPL) - Yellow (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-Y) - Half Brown (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-HB) 4th Row - Half Dark (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-HD) - Red Ryder (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-RR) - Yellow Eye (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-YE) 5th Row - Speckled Dark (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-SD) - Pink Pinto (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-PP) - Yellow Eye (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-YE) 6th Row - Stripe (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-ST) - Blue Pod (semi, dry) (P) (SMR-2017-BP) 7th Row - Pink Pinto (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-PP) - Half Brown (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-HB) - Speckled Dark (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-SD) - Yellow (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-Y) - Half Dark (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-HD) 8th Row - Top Notch (bush, wax) (G) - Red Ryder (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-RR) 9th Row - Sunset (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-S) - Top Notch (bush, wax) (G) 10th Row - Lavender (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-L) - Pink Pinto Long (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-PPL) - Yellow Eye (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-YE) June 8th - Small Tulip Garden West 1st Row - Appaloosa (bush, dry) (O) - Etna (bush, dry) (O) - Pink Pinto (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-PP) - Spotted Yellow Eye (semi, dry) (P) (SMR-2017-SYE) 2nd Row - Yed (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-YED) - Two Spot (early?, bush? wax?) (P) (SMR-2017-TS) - Purple Eye (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-PE) - Olive Eye (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-OE) - Olive (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-O) - Sunset (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-S) 3rd Row - Appaloosa (bush, dry) (O) - Half Pinto (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-HP) - Red Goats Eye (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-RG) - Etna (bush, dry) (O) 4th Row - Half Light (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-HL) June 8th - Onion Garden - Spotted Yellow Eye (semi, dry) (P) (SMR-2017-SYE) June 10th - Strawberry Garden East 1st Row - Top Notch (bush, wax) (G) - Pink Pinto (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-PP) - Yed (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-YED) - Pink Pinto Long (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-PPL) - Yellow (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-Y) 2nd Row - Yellow Eye (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-YE) - Speckled Dark (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-SD) - Spotted Brown (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-SB) - Appaloosa (bush, dry) (O) 3rd and 4th Row - Yellow Eye (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-YE) - Half Light (semi?,dry?,early?) (P) (SMR-2017-HL) - Steel Purple (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-SP) - Half Pinto (early?, bush?) (P) (SMR-2017-HP) - Appaloosa (bush, dry) (O) - Etna (bush, dry) (O) 5th Row - Yellow Eye (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-YE) June 15 - Outside the Fence West 1st and 2nd Row - Red Ryder (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-RR) 3rd and 4th Row - Tan Goats Eye Misfits (semi?, dry?) (P) (SMR-2017-TGEM) 5th Row - Speckeled Stripe Mix (semi?, dry?) (P) (SMR-2017-SSM) - Odd Pinto (semi?, dry?) (P) (SMR-2017-OP) - Goats Eye Pinto (semi?, dry?) (P) (SMR-2017-GEP) 6th Row - Speckeled Stripe Mix (semi?, dry?) (P) (SMR-2017-SSM) 7th Row - Red Ryder (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-RR) - Yellow (early?) (P) (SMR-2017-Y) Mystery Bean on the Hill 8th Row - Red Ryder (semi, dry) (O) (SMR-2017-RR) 9th Row - Spotted Yellow Eye (semi, dry) (P) (SMR-2017-SYE) 10th Row - Spotted Yellow Eye (semi, dry) (P) (SMR-2017-SYE) - Dark Accent (semi?, dry?) (P) (SMR-2017-DA) songbird Dang! That's a LOT of beans! I haven't planted by favorite Blue Lake beans because of losing two rows to Bambi last season and still having the moochers hanging around. sob! Nyssa, who could practically live on fresh Blue Lake beans in the summer when the crop is good |
done planting beans
Nyssa wrote:
.... Dang! That's a LOT of beans! I haven't planted by favorite Blue Lake beans because of losing two rows to Bambi last season and still having the moochers hanging around. sob! Nyssa, who could practically live on fresh Blue Lake beans in the summer when the crop is good i like fresh beans too. wax beans, green beans, shellies, crunchy, lightly steamed, boiled to mush is even acceptable in some things (sheppards pie)... i usually am sampling at all stages any new variety to see how they're going to work out. fence is all that works here and even then sometimes they find ways in or over. they ran down some fence out front the other night. it's only chicken wire and the poles weren't that strong either so they managed to knock it down. i have good poles going up and much better fence but need to recover some more before i start in on that project. a good fence makes for tolerable bambi's. i'm pretty sure i'll put in a hot wire aka electric fence in eventually. songbird |
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