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  #31   Report Post  
Old 23-09-2017, 08:22 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2010
Posts: 3,072
Default the storm

George Shirley wrote:
I seldom buy anything from Walmart, it seems that most of their items
are from some country I never heard of and the items have a less than 30
day lifetime.

they have a Made in USA push (sorta) going on
as we are finding more items made here.

My wife buys cloth for sewing up stuff for the grands and
great grands so she stays happy with cheap stuff they have and the kids
don't keep the stuff long anyway. Heck, I have shirts and slacks that
are over 20 years old that still fit and aren't worn out as my daily
clothing is a pair of cheap shorts and a tee shirt that is about worn
out but feels good. I have good shoes that are older than some of my
grandchildren and no one knows the difference.

yes, the shorts i have on now are hand-me-downs
from someone else and i've got AC/holes through the
pockets and they are about see through from being
worn so much. i don't wear them outside often as
i prefer to keep the direct sun off my skin most
of the time. just a few minutes here or there for
Vit D and that's it. t-shirt is a few years old
but a work shirt so it has a life span of another
five to ten years. my shoes, i just added a good
layer of rubber to the gardening crocs so they
should last another 10-15 years. i don't spend
money on clothes that often. the used goods
stores are places i will go first. i do need a
replacement pair of jeans for my old ones which
have lasted about 10yrs. i only wear them when
we go out and about. my work pants for the gardens
are hand-me-downs that were going to get thrown
away (i could have had another 15 pair but
compromised at five pair). i suspect they will
last me the rest of my lifetime, very sturdy work
pants from a friend who's company was bought out
by another so they changed the uniform.
unfortunately the shirts were not to my suiting.

George, up early giving the dawg her meds, everyone in this household
has a bottle of something the doctors said was good for us. Tomorrow I
will be 78 years old and I don't expect any presents either. G I'm
aiming, eventually for 100 or more, yeah, that works, sure!

congrats and all that on the BD and being
around and still kicking.

  #32   Report Post  
Old 23-09-2017, 09:44 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2014
Posts: 851
Default the storm

On 9/23/2017 1:22 PM, songbird wrote:
George Shirley wrote:
I seldom buy anything from Walmart, it seems that most of their items
are from some country I never heard of and the items have a less than 30
day lifetime.

they have a Made in USA push (sorta) going on
as we are finding more items made here.

My wife buys cloth for sewing up stuff for the grands and
great grands so she stays happy with cheap stuff they have and the kids
don't keep the stuff long anyway. Heck, I have shirts and slacks that
are over 20 years old that still fit and aren't worn out as my daily
clothing is a pair of cheap shorts and a tee shirt that is about worn
out but feels good. I have good shoes that are older than some of my
grandchildren and no one knows the difference.

yes, the shorts i have on now are hand-me-downs
from someone else and i've got AC/holes through the
pockets and they are about see through from being
worn so much. i don't wear them outside often as
i prefer to keep the direct sun off my skin most
of the time. just a few minutes here or there for
Vit D and that's it. t-shirt is a few years old
but a work shirt so it has a life span of another
five to ten years. my shoes, i just added a good
layer of rubber to the gardening crocs so they
should last another 10-15 years. i don't spend
money on clothes that often. the used goods
stores are places i will go first. i do need a
replacement pair of jeans for my old ones which
have lasted about 10yrs. i only wear them when
we go out and about. my work pants for the gardens
are hand-me-downs that were going to get thrown
away (i could have had another 15 pair but
compromised at five pair). i suspect they will
last me the rest of my lifetime, very sturdy work
pants from a friend who's company was bought out
by another so they changed the uniform.
unfortunately the shirts were not to my suiting.

George, up early giving the dawg her meds, everyone in this household
has a bottle of something the doctors said was good for us. Tomorrow I
will be 78 years old and I don't expect any presents either. G I'm
aiming, eventually for 100 or more, yeah, that works, sure!

congrats and all that on the BD and being
around and still kicking.


I'm also very pleased by outliving most of my high school males in my
class. Several died in Vietnam and other fights, some just fell over
dead one day, and a few were deliberately killed by someone who didn't
like them. I liked most of my class mates but a few I cheered when I
read their names in the paper. Every small high school seems to have a
cluster of a-holes, mostly the jocks. Seems most of the women in that
small class are still alive, I don't go to reunion's very often so don't
see to many from 1957. Wife is on a tear again so I'm laying low, she
gets frantic about her garden and yard and then goes wild. Tried to get
her to let me hire someone for that stuff but she insists on doing it
herself, even with grands and greatgrands two blocks away. Some of her
ancestors were Germans and you know how hard headed they are. G

  #33   Report Post  
Old 24-09-2017, 08:10 AM posted to rec.gardens.edible
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2010
Posts: 3,072
Default the storm (was: Today's due diligence

Derald wrote:
the water access. Now, the wading pool put out there for the cats'
benefit or the watering stations in the garden are different stories.
The signs I put up don't do any good so I just live with it.

they are completely non-destructive here as far as i
can tell. it helps that we do not plant sweet corn and
have the onion starts inside the fenced gardens. before
when we planted those outside the fence the raccoons
would sometimes pull some of those up (fish ferts in the
potting mix attracts them is my guess) - they'd not eat
or damage the onions themselves, but leave them on the
ground nearby.

by far the deer, chipmunks and groundhogs do a lot more
damage to gardens but i try to get along with them before
engaging lethal methods. if we'd done a better fence i
think that would have helped, but i'm not willing to redo
the fence, yet... more likely i will fence a new area
if i get frustrated enough. we'll see...

  #34   Report Post  
Old 24-09-2017, 08:14 AM posted to rec.gardens.edible
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2010
Posts: 3,072
Default the storm

George Shirley wrote:
and only eat the heads. I never had a raccoon mess up my garden, they
went for the chickens, pigeons, and even the caged rabbits. They may be
cute little bandits but they will scratch, bite, whatever they can do to
you. Be careful of them or maybe you have peaceful raccoons, ours fought
all the time.

i rarely ever hear them (i keep the patio door closed
at night because i can't sleep with night time noises
from birds, animals and bugs), but i have had them climb
the screen door a few times (youngsters playing)...
i've never seen them in the daytime.

we don't keep animals outside (i keep my worm farm in
this room). so nothing is set up to attract them as best
i can manage and they seem to leave things alone other
than flipping some pieces of wood over once in a while.
i'm ok with that as they help break it down that ways
scratching for goodies.

  #35   Report Post  
Old 24-09-2017, 08:24 AM posted to rec.gardens.edible
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2010
Posts: 3,072
Default the storm

Derald wrote:
The raccoons here eat baby squirrels in their nests. I sometimes
find a headless squirrel and had thought it to be left by one of the
cats who, I know for certain, eats heads first. Perhaps some of those
carcasses were left by raccoons. They occasionally dig in a garden bed.
They dig most often in newly tilled beds or those with small plants.
Most recent casualties are onions (a couple of years past) and mustard
seedlings that emerged a few days before Irma came through. The 'coons
got to them before she did but left enough that when I thin,the
seedlings may be transplanted elsewhere in the same bed.

they and the possums go for eggs in some of the
bird nests, they also eat quite a bit of the hornet/
wasps/bees nests that are wedged behind a lot of the
larger rocks we have around.

Don't let the Disney cartoon face fool you. Raccoons can turn
fiercely aggressive with little to no apparent provocation. At certain
times of day, in the garden, I keep a sledge hammer handle within reach.
It doesn't pay to kill them. They just increase production when
threatened or their numbers reduced.

i rarely see them during the day. i'm not outside at
night or in the early morning. the last animal that tried
to attack me was a very tiny snake in the palm of my hand
it was trying to bite me and would bounce off my skin.
good laugh. a few spider bites or mosquitoes. nothing
major. oh, except the stupid dogs that barked and one that
actually nipped. those were potentially serious but i didn't

the air rifle gets some use once in a while but i try to
keep it to deterring animals instead of killing. not always
possible, but i try...


  #36   Report Post  
Old 25-09-2017, 02:41 AM posted to rec.gardens.edible
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2015
Posts: 259
Default the storm

On 9/23/2017 3:44 PM, George Shirley wrote:
On 9/23/2017 1:22 PM, songbird wrote:
George Shirley wrote:
I seldom buy anything from Walmart, it seems that most of their items
are from some country I never heard of and the items have a less than 30
day lifetime.

Â*Â* they have a Made in USA push (sorta) going on
as we are finding more items made here.

My wife buys cloth for sewing up stuff for the grands and
great grands so she stays happy with cheap stuff they have and the kids
don't keep the stuff long anyway. Heck, I have shirts and slacks that
are over 20 years old that still fit and aren't worn out as my daily
clothing is a pair of cheap shorts and a tee shirt that is about worn
out but feels good. I have good shoes that are older than some of my
grandchildren and no one knows the difference.

Â*Â* yes, the shorts i have on now are hand-me-downs
from someone else and i've got AC/holes through the
pockets and they are about see through from being
worn so much.Â* i don't wear them outside often as
i prefer to keep the direct sun off my skin most
of the time.Â* just a few minutes here or there for
Vit D and that's it.Â* t-shirt is a few years old
but a work shirt so it has a life span of another
five to ten years.Â* my shoes, i just added a good
layer of rubber to the gardening crocs so they
should last another 10-15 years.Â* i don't spend
money on clothes that often.Â* the used goods
stores are places i will go first.Â* i do need a
replacement pair of jeans for my old ones which
have lasted about 10yrs.Â* i only wear them when
we go out and about.Â* my work pants for the gardens
are hand-me-downs that were going to get thrown
away (i could have had another 15 pair but
compromised at five pair).Â* i suspect they will
last me the rest of my lifetime, very sturdy work
pants from a friend who's company was bought out
by another so they changed the uniform.
unfortunately the shirts were not to my suiting.

George, up early giving the dawg her meds, everyone in this household
has a bottle of something the doctors said was good for us. Tomorrow I
will be 78 years old and I don't expect any presents either. G I'm
aiming, eventually for 100 or more, yeah, that works, sure!

Â*Â* Â* congrats and all that on the BD and being
around and still kicking.Â*

Â*Â* songbird

I'm also very pleased by outliving most of my high school males in my
class. Several died in Vietnam and other fights, some just fell over
dead one day, and a few were deliberately killed by someone who didn't
like them. I liked most of my class mates but a few I cheered when I
read their names in the paper. Every small high school seems to have a
cluster of a-holes, mostly the jocks. Seems most of the women in that
small class are still alive, I don't go to reunion's very often so don't
see to many from 1957. Wife is on a tear again so I'm laying low, she
gets frantic about her garden and yard and then goes wild. Tried to get
her to let me hire someone for that stuff but she insists on doing it
herself, even with grands and greatgrands two blocks away. Some of her
ancestors were Germans and you know how hard headed they are. G


I'll be 78 in a couple of months. Went to an all boys Catholic high
school and for past 10 years there have been reunions for just the guys
but our 60th a couple of months ago included wives. It is bitter sweet
to go their and last one, a classmate I recall jogging in the park about
a year ago was wheeled in by his wife now suffering from dementia and
Parkinson's. Everybody now looks old which means I look old too.
The guys that look best are those still working or very active.

The class jock, who is really a nice guy, now suffers dementia. I
recalled him telling me that when he played college football, the whole
season he was in a fog. His dementia may be due to that.
  #37   Report Post  
Old 25-09-2017, 03:26 AM posted to rec.gardens.edible
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2014
Posts: 851
Default the storm

On 9/24/2017 7:41 PM, Frank wrote:
On 9/23/2017 3:44 PM, George Shirley wrote:
On 9/23/2017 1:22 PM, songbird wrote:
George Shirley wrote:
I seldom buy anything from Walmart, it seems that most of their items
are from some country I never heard of and the items have a less
than 30
day lifetime.

Â*Â* they have a Made in USA push (sorta) going on
as we are finding more items made here.

My wife buys cloth for sewing up stuff for the grands and
great grands so she stays happy with cheap stuff they have and the kids
don't keep the stuff long anyway. Heck, I have shirts and slacks that
are over 20 years old that still fit and aren't worn out as my daily
clothing is a pair of cheap shorts and a tee shirt that is about worn
out but feels good. I have good shoes that are older than some of my
grandchildren and no one knows the difference.

Â*Â* yes, the shorts i have on now are hand-me-downs
from someone else and i've got AC/holes through the
pockets and they are about see through from being
worn so much.Â* i don't wear them outside often as
i prefer to keep the direct sun off my skin most
of the time.Â* just a few minutes here or there for
Vit D and that's it.Â* t-shirt is a few years old
but a work shirt so it has a life span of another
five to ten years.Â* my shoes, i just added a good
layer of rubber to the gardening crocs so they
should last another 10-15 years.Â* i don't spend
money on clothes that often.Â* the used goods
stores are places i will go first.Â* i do need a
replacement pair of jeans for my old ones which
have lasted about 10yrs.Â* i only wear them when
we go out and about.Â* my work pants for the gardens
are hand-me-downs that were going to get thrown
away (i could have had another 15 pair but
compromised at five pair).Â* i suspect they will
last me the rest of my lifetime, very sturdy work
pants from a friend who's company was bought out
by another so they changed the uniform.
unfortunately the shirts were not to my suiting.

George, up early giving the dawg her meds, everyone in this household
has a bottle of something the doctors said was good for us. Tomorrow I
will be 78 years old and I don't expect any presents either. G I'm
aiming, eventually for 100 or more, yeah, that works, sure!

Â*Â* Â* congrats and all that on the BD and being
around and still kicking.Â*

Â*Â* songbird

I'm also very pleased by outliving most of my high school males in my
class. Several died in Vietnam and other fights, some just fell over
dead one day, and a few were deliberately killed by someone who didn't
like them. I liked most of my class mates but a few I cheered when I
read their names in the paper. Every small high school seems to have a
cluster of a-holes, mostly the jocks. Seems most of the women in that
small class are still alive, I don't go to reunion's very often so
don't see to many from 1957. Wife is on a tear again so I'm laying
low, she gets frantic about her garden and yard and then goes wild.
Tried to get her to let me hire someone for that stuff but she insists
on doing it herself, even with grands and greatgrands two blocks away.
Some of her ancestors were Germans and you know how hard headed they
are. G


I'll be 78 in a couple of months.Â* Went to an all boys Catholic high
school and for past 10 years there have been reunions for just the guys
but our 60th a couple of months ago included wives.Â* It is bitter sweet
to go their and last one, a classmate I recall jogging in the park about
a year ago was wheeled in by his wife now suffering from dementia and
Parkinson's.Â* Everybody now looks old which means I look old too.
The guys that look best are those still working or very active.

The class jock, who is really a nice guy, now suffers dementia.Â* I
recalled him telling me that when he played college football, the whole
season he was in a fog.Â* His dementia may be due to that.

Pro football players are trying to get something to help out the older
players who are having lots of problems. I never watch football,
basketball, etc. with the exception of baseball, which I dropped a few
years ago when I found that they, too, were getting lots and lots of
money for playing a game. My Dad and I played in the same league for
folks that just liked to play baseball. Dad had played baseball for
money when he was in his teens. Lots of small teams in Louisiana and
Texas charge a a buck to watch the game and the winner got the loot. Dad
says in the twenties that was really a good thing as he made less than a
dollar an hour working in an oil refinery and then go play baseball
somewhere and get a bucket of money. He told me that many times they had
to run for their transportation to not get beat up by the bystanders
that cheered the other side. Then I went to a high school that didn't
have baseball. Boo hoo. I played first base with the team from my first
ship as we sailors mostly liked baseball over anything else. That was
fun and I was also having fun going to the pistol and rifle ranges and
doing stunts with weapons. Got my first .22 rifle at 5 years of age and
a .45 Auto and a 12 gauge shotgun at 7. Got a whole rack of weapons here
in my office and the only loaded one is beside my bed, a .40 Glock, fine
weapon and somewhat lighter than my old Colt .45ACP. I can't hunt
anymore unless I'm in a vehicle due to problems from strokes years ago,
runs in the family and I've got 20 good years so far from the time of
the strokes. Now my legs are starting to give out due to damage to the
  #38   Report Post  
Old 25-09-2017, 05:24 AM posted to rec.gardens.edible
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2017
Posts: 44
Default the storm

On 9/24/2017 7:41 PM, Frank wrote:
On 9/23/2017 3:44 PM, George Shirley wrote:
On 9/23/2017 1:22 PM, songbird wrote:
George Shirley wrote:
I seldom buy anything from Walmart, it seems that most of their items
are from some country I never heard of and the items have a less
than 30
day lifetime.

Â*Â* they have a Made in USA push (sorta) going on
as we are finding more items made here.

My wife buys cloth for sewing up stuff for the grands and
great grands so she stays happy with cheap stuff they have and the kids
don't keep the stuff long anyway. Heck, I have shirts and slacks that
are over 20 years old that still fit and aren't worn out as my daily
clothing is a pair of cheap shorts and a tee shirt that is about worn
out but feels good. I have good shoes that are older than some of my
grandchildren and no one knows the difference.

Â*Â* yes, the shorts i have on now are hand-me-downs
from someone else and i've got AC/holes through the
pockets and they are about see through from being
worn so much.Â* i don't wear them outside often as
i prefer to keep the direct sun off my skin most
of the time.Â* just a few minutes here or there for
Vit D and that's it.Â* t-shirt is a few years old
but a work shirt so it has a life span of another
five to ten years.Â* my shoes, i just added a good
layer of rubber to the gardening crocs so they
should last another 10-15 years.Â* i don't spend
money on clothes that often.Â* the used goods
stores are places i will go first.Â* i do need a
replacement pair of jeans for my old ones which
have lasted about 10yrs.Â* i only wear them when
we go out and about.Â* my work pants for the gardens
are hand-me-downs that were going to get thrown
away (i could have had another 15 pair but
compromised at five pair).Â* i suspect they will
last me the rest of my lifetime, very sturdy work
pants from a friend who's company was bought out
by another so they changed the uniform.
unfortunately the shirts were not to my suiting.

George, up early giving the dawg her meds, everyone in this household
has a bottle of something the doctors said was good for us. Tomorrow I
will be 78 years old and I don't expect any presents either. G I'm
aiming, eventually for 100 or more, yeah, that works, sure!

Â*Â* Â* congrats and all that on the BD and being
around and still kicking.Â*

Â*Â* songbird

I'm also very pleased by outliving most of my high school males in my
class. Several died in Vietnam and other fights, some just fell over
dead one day, and a few were deliberately killed by someone who didn't
like them. I liked most of my class mates but a few I cheered when I
read their names in the paper. Every small high school seems to have a
cluster of a-holes, mostly the jocks. Seems most of the women in that
small class are still alive, I don't go to reunion's very often so
don't see to many from 1957. Wife is on a tear again so I'm laying
low, she gets frantic about her garden and yard and then goes wild.
Tried to get her to let me hire someone for that stuff but she insists
on doing it herself, even with grands and greatgrands two blocks away.
Some of her ancestors were Germans and you know how hard headed they
are. G


I'll be 78 in a couple of months.Â* Went to an all boys Catholic high
school and for past 10 years there have been reunions for just the guys
but our 60th a couple of months ago included wives.Â* It is bitter sweet
to go their and last one, a classmate I recall jogging in the park about
a year ago was wheeled in by his wife now suffering from dementia and
Parkinson's.Â* Everybody now looks old which means I look old too.
The guys that look best are those still working or very active.

The class jock, who is really a nice guy, now suffers dementia.Â* I
recalled him telling me that when he played college football, the whole
season he was in a fog.Â* His dementia may be due to that.

Hi Frank! In case I miss the up and coming date, happy birthday ahead of

  #39   Report Post  
Old 25-09-2017, 02:26 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2015
Posts: 259
Default the storm

On 9/24/2017 9:26 PM, George Shirley wrote:
On 9/24/2017 7:41 PM, Frank wrote:
On 9/23/2017 3:44 PM, George Shirley wrote:
On 9/23/2017 1:22 PM, songbird wrote:
George Shirley wrote:
I seldom buy anything from Walmart, it seems that most of their items
are from some country I never heard of and the items have a less
than 30
day lifetime.

Â*Â* they have a Made in USA push (sorta) going on
as we are finding more items made here.

My wife buys cloth for sewing up stuff for the grands and
great grands so she stays happy with cheap stuff they have and the
don't keep the stuff long anyway. Heck, I have shirts and slacks that
are over 20 years old that still fit and aren't worn out as my daily
clothing is a pair of cheap shorts and a tee shirt that is about worn
out but feels good. I have good shoes that are older than some of my
grandchildren and no one knows the difference.

Â*Â* yes, the shorts i have on now are hand-me-downs
from someone else and i've got AC/holes through the
pockets and they are about see through from being
worn so much.Â* i don't wear them outside often as
i prefer to keep the direct sun off my skin most
of the time.Â* just a few minutes here or there for
Vit D and that's it.Â* t-shirt is a few years old
but a work shirt so it has a life span of another
five to ten years.Â* my shoes, i just added a good
layer of rubber to the gardening crocs so they
should last another 10-15 years.Â* i don't spend
money on clothes that often.Â* the used goods
stores are places i will go first.Â* i do need a
replacement pair of jeans for my old ones which
have lasted about 10yrs.Â* i only wear them when
we go out and about.Â* my work pants for the gardens
are hand-me-downs that were going to get thrown
away (i could have had another 15 pair but
compromised at five pair).Â* i suspect they will
last me the rest of my lifetime, very sturdy work
pants from a friend who's company was bought out
by another so they changed the uniform.
unfortunately the shirts were not to my suiting.

George, up early giving the dawg her meds, everyone in this household
has a bottle of something the doctors said was good for us. Tomorrow I
will be 78 years old and I don't expect any presents either. G I'm
aiming, eventually for 100 or more, yeah, that works, sure!

Â*Â* Â* congrats and all that on the BD and being
around and still kicking.Â*

Â*Â* songbird

I'm also very pleased by outliving most of my high school males in my
class. Several died in Vietnam and other fights, some just fell over
dead one day, and a few were deliberately killed by someone who
didn't like them. I liked most of my class mates but a few I cheered
when I read their names in the paper. Every small high school seems
to have a cluster of a-holes, mostly the jocks. Seems most of the
women in that small class are still alive, I don't go to reunion's
very often so don't see to many from 1957. Wife is on a tear again so
I'm laying low, she gets frantic about her garden and yard and then
goes wild. Tried to get her to let me hire someone for that stuff but
she insists on doing it herself, even with grands and greatgrands two
blocks away. Some of her ancestors were Germans and you know how hard
headed they are. G


I'll be 78 in a couple of months.Â* Went to an all boys Catholic high
school and for past 10 years there have been reunions for just the
guys but our 60th a couple of months ago included wives.Â* It is bitter
sweet to go their and last one, a classmate I recall jogging in the
park about a year ago was wheeled in by his wife now suffering from
dementia and Parkinson's.Â* Everybody now looks old which means I look
old too.
The guys that look best are those still working or very active.

The class jock, who is really a nice guy, now suffers dementia.Â* I
recalled him telling me that when he played college football, the
whole season he was in a fog.Â* His dementia may be due to that.

Pro football players are trying to get something to help out the older
players who are having lots of problems. I never watch football,
basketball, etc. with the exception of baseball, which I dropped a few
years ago when I found that they, too, were getting lots and lots of
money for playing a game. My Dad and I played in the same league for
folks that just liked to play baseball. Dad had played baseball for
money when he was in his teens. Lots of small teams in Louisiana and
Texas charge a a buck to watch the game and the winner got the loot. Dad
says in the twenties that was really a good thing as he made less than a
dollar an hour working in an oil refinery and then go play baseball
somewhere and get a bucket of money. He told me that many times they had
to run for their transportation to not get beat up by the bystanders
that cheered the other side. Then I went to a high school that didn't
have baseball. Boo hoo. I played first base with the team from my first
ship as we sailors mostly liked baseball over anything else. That was
fun and I was also having fun going to the pistol and rifle ranges and
doing stunts with weapons. Got my first .22 rifle at 5 years of age and
a .45 Auto and a 12 gauge shotgun at 7. Got a whole rack of weapons here
in my office and the only loaded one is beside my bed, a .40 Glock, fine
weapon and somewhat lighter than my old Colt .45ACP. I can't hunt
anymore unless I'm in a vehicle due to problems from strokes years ago,
runs in the family and I've got 20 good years so far from the time of
the strokes. Now my legs are starting to give out due to damage to the

Gave up on following pro sports years ago. Commercialization has ruined
them. Back when I was a kid, we would go to church, Dad would drive to
Philly, we'd see a double header and be home in time for dinner. Today
it takes that long to play one game.

I like to hunt and shoot but am giving up hunting as all I have access
to is public land and not being handicapped the easy stands to access
are for handicapped only. I have use of all my facilities but as one
friend puts it, if it don't hurt, it don't work.

I have a Glock 23, .40 cal, and it is also hidden away, loaded if I need
it. I hunted deer with a variety of weapons and only one that I never
got a deer with was a pistol. I really liked to bow hunt and season is
on now and lasts til the end of January but park I hunt does not open
until next month and I may try a day or two. Also applied for a managed
hunt in another park which I get in on every 3 years or so. They drive
you to the stand, pick you up for lunch and take you back at end and
even find deer and take them out for you.
  #40   Report Post  
Old 25-09-2017, 03:11 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jun 2010
Posts: 3,072
Default the storm (was: Today's due diligence

Derald wrote:
songbird wrote:

they are completely non-destructive here as far as i
can tell.

These raccoons dig holes in great number that resemble squirrel
holes except for size, which relates directly to the size of the beast.
Fill them and the 'coons'll just dig more, often in the same places.
Not a problem for me but causes neighbor great anquish, primarily
because, at age 73, he has yet to master the practice of looking where
he places his feet outdoors.

lol - i often have the other layer of that problem
where i'll be watching where i'm stepping and get
poked by something up top (wind chime crossbar in
one garden is the worst).

at the moment the ground here is fried so hard that
not much is getting dug up anywheres.

setting records for highs the past three days and
probably tomorrow too.

i shall have to get out to water this morning, get
red peppers done sometime, give dad a call and see if
i can visit today or tomorrow.

sorting beans, of course, found one cross i'd been
aiming for for many years. roughly. it is of two of
the varieties that have consistently done well here
because they are both early and small, but very
prolific. two seeds, i will have to scan closely for
more, but i have to do it in sunlight because the
pattern is a series of dark red lines on a dark red
bean. not at all easy to see. usually if there are
two there are a few more in the batch, but it is like
finding the needle in the haystack because there's
several thousand.

a good hot day activity if i don't go visiting.

cheers, gotta run,


  #41   Report Post  
Old 25-09-2017, 04:47 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2014
Posts: 851
Default the storm

On 9/25/2017 7:26 AM, Frank wrote:
On 9/24/2017 9:26 PM, George Shirley wrote:
On 9/24/2017 7:41 PM, Frank wrote:
On 9/23/2017 3:44 PM, George Shirley wrote:
On 9/23/2017 1:22 PM, songbird wrote:
George Shirley wrote:
I seldom buy anything from Walmart, it seems that most of their items
are from some country I never heard of and the items have a less
than 30
day lifetime.

Â*Â* they have a Made in USA push (sorta) going on
as we are finding more items made here.

My wife buys cloth for sewing up stuff for the grands and
great grands so she stays happy with cheap stuff they have and the
don't keep the stuff long anyway. Heck, I have shirts and slacks that
are over 20 years old that still fit and aren't worn out as my daily
clothing is a pair of cheap shorts and a tee shirt that is about worn
out but feels good. I have good shoes that are older than some of my
grandchildren and no one knows the difference.

Â*Â* yes, the shorts i have on now are hand-me-downs
from someone else and i've got AC/holes through the
pockets and they are about see through from being
worn so much.Â* i don't wear them outside often as
i prefer to keep the direct sun off my skin most
of the time.Â* just a few minutes here or there for
Vit D and that's it.Â* t-shirt is a few years old
but a work shirt so it has a life span of another
five to ten years.Â* my shoes, i just added a good
layer of rubber to the gardening crocs so they
should last another 10-15 years.Â* i don't spend
money on clothes that often.Â* the used goods
stores are places i will go first.Â* i do need a
replacement pair of jeans for my old ones which
have lasted about 10yrs.Â* i only wear them when
we go out and about.Â* my work pants for the gardens
are hand-me-downs that were going to get thrown
away (i could have had another 15 pair but
compromised at five pair).Â* i suspect they will
last me the rest of my lifetime, very sturdy work
pants from a friend who's company was bought out
by another so they changed the uniform.
unfortunately the shirts were not to my suiting.

George, up early giving the dawg her meds, everyone in this household
has a bottle of something the doctors said was good for us.
Tomorrow I
will be 78 years old and I don't expect any presents either. G I'm
aiming, eventually for 100 or more, yeah, that works, sure!

Â*Â* Â* congrats and all that on the BD and being
around and still kicking.Â*

Â*Â* songbird

I'm also very pleased by outliving most of my high school males in
my class. Several died in Vietnam and other fights, some just fell
over dead one day, and a few were deliberately killed by someone who
didn't like them. I liked most of my class mates but a few I cheered
when I read their names in the paper. Every small high school seems
to have a cluster of a-holes, mostly the jocks. Seems most of the
women in that small class are still alive, I don't go to reunion's
very often so don't see to many from 1957. Wife is on a tear again
so I'm laying low, she gets frantic about her garden and yard and
then goes wild. Tried to get her to let me hire someone for that
stuff but she insists on doing it herself, even with grands and
greatgrands two blocks away. Some of her ancestors were Germans and
you know how hard headed they are. G


I'll be 78 in a couple of months.Â* Went to an all boys Catholic high
school and for past 10 years there have been reunions for just the
guys but our 60th a couple of months ago included wives.Â* It is
bitter sweet to go their and last one, a classmate I recall jogging
in the park about a year ago was wheeled in by his wife now suffering
from dementia and Parkinson's.Â* Everybody now looks old which means I
look old too.
The guys that look best are those still working or very active.

The class jock, who is really a nice guy, now suffers dementia.Â* I
recalled him telling me that when he played college football, the
whole season he was in a fog.Â* His dementia may be due to that.

Pro football players are trying to get something to help out the older
players who are having lots of problems. I never watch football,
basketball, etc. with the exception of baseball, which I dropped a few
years ago when I found that they, too, were getting lots and lots of
money for playing a game. My Dad and I played in the same league for
folks that just liked to play baseball. Dad had played baseball for
money when he was in his teens. Lots of small teams in Louisiana and
Texas charge a a buck to watch the game and the winner got the loot.
Dad says in the twenties that was really a good thing as he made less
than a dollar an hour working in an oil refinery and then go play
baseball somewhere and get a bucket of money. He told me that many
times they had to run for their transportation to not get beat up by
the bystanders that cheered the other side. Then I went to a high
school that didn't have baseball. Boo hoo. I played first base with
the team from my first ship as we sailors mostly liked baseball over
anything else. That was fun and I was also having fun going to the
pistol and rifle ranges and doing stunts with weapons. Got my first
.22 rifle at 5 years of age and a .45 Auto and a 12 gauge shotgun at
7. Got a whole rack of weapons here in my office and the only loaded
one is beside my bed, a .40 Glock, fine weapon and somewhat lighter
than my old Colt .45ACP. I can't hunt anymore unless I'm in a vehicle
due to problems from strokes years ago, runs in the family and I've
got 20 good years so far from the time of the strokes. Now my legs are
starting to give out due to damage to the nerves.

Gave up on following pro sports years ago.Â* Commercialization has ruined
them.Â* Back when I was a kid, we would go to church, Dad would drive to
Philly, we'd see a double header and be home in time for dinner.Â* Today
it takes that long to play one game.

I like to hunt and shoot but am giving up hunting as all I have access
to is public land and not being handicapped the easy stands to access
are for handicapped only.Â* I have use of all my facilities but as one
friend puts it, if it don't hurt, it don't work.

I have a Glock 23, .40 cal, and it is also hidden away, loaded if I need
it.Â* I hunted deer with a variety of weapons and only one that I never
got a deer with was a pistol. I really liked to bow hunt and season is
on now and lasts til the end of January but park I hunt does not open
until next month and I may try a day or two.Â* Also applied for a managed
hunt in another park which I get in on every 3 years or so.Â* They drive
you to the stand, pick you up for lunch and take you back at end and
even find deer and take them out for you.

Texas has a lengthy deer season, and, if I remember, hunters can take
several deer a season. It is not unusual to see deer grazing along
highways and we have deer come up to our back fence here in Houston
area. Seems a lot of Texan's no longer hunt deer, one of my grandson's
still hunts, the other never did hunt. My granddaughter's husband does
hunt and fish so some of that is still in the family. Grandson that
hunts is planning a trip for he and I as I have had a lifetime hunting
and fishing license since they first came out years ago. I will have to
go to the range and do some shooting before I can go as I haven't fired
a firearm in at least fifteen years, lived in cities to much I guess.
Grandson does give us a couple of packages of venison. We still like the
wild meat. My Glock is a 23, bought it used but it shoots okay. I'm
training my left hand to use the pistol as the right hand is partially
paralyzed, strokes again from years ago. I do miss my Colt .45 ACP, had
it since childhood and then gave it to my son. Many male Texan's got
their first guns in early childhood and were taught by their father's
like my Dad. Nowadays the schools are trying to keep guns from anyone
for some ungodly reason. I'm glad we old people and their older kids
went to a different school system.
  #42   Report Post  
Old 25-09-2017, 04:49 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2014
Posts: 851
Default the storm

On 9/25/2017 8:11 AM, songbird wrote:
Derald wrote:
songbird wrote:

they are completely non-destructive here as far as i
can tell.

These raccoons dig holes in great number that resemble squirrel
holes except for size, which relates directly to the size of the beast.
Fill them and the 'coons'll just dig more, often in the same places.
Not a problem for me but causes neighbor great anquish, primarily
because, at age 73, he has yet to master the practice of looking where
he places his feet outdoors.

lol - i often have the other layer of that problem
where i'll be watching where i'm stepping and get
poked by something up top (wind chime crossbar in
one garden is the worst).

at the moment the ground here is fried so hard that
not much is getting dug up anywheres.

setting records for highs the past three days and
probably tomorrow too.

i shall have to get out to water this morning, get
red peppers done sometime, give dad a call and see if
i can visit today or tomorrow.

sorting beans, of course, found one cross i'd been
aiming for for many years. roughly. it is of two of
the varieties that have consistently done well here
because they are both early and small, but very
prolific. two seeds, i will have to scan closely for
more, but i have to do it in sunlight because the
pattern is a series of dark red lines on a dark red
bean. not at all easy to see. usually if there are
two there are a few more in the batch, but it is like
finding the needle in the haystack because there's
several thousand.

a good hot day activity if i don't go visiting.

cheers, gotta run,


We don't have soil in our yard, it's five feet of clay covered with a
couple of inches of sand so we have raised beds for gardening.
  #43   Report Post  
Old 25-09-2017, 05:15 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2017
Posts: 44
Default the storm

On 9/25/2017 9:47 AM, George Shirley wrote:
On 9/25/2017 7:26 AM, Frank wrote:
On 9/24/2017 9:26 PM, George Shirley wrote:
On 9/24/2017 7:41 PM, Frank wrote:
On 9/23/2017 3:44 PM, George Shirley wrote:
On 9/23/2017 1:22 PM, songbird wrote:
George Shirley wrote:
I seldom buy anything from Walmart, it seems that most of their
are from some country I never heard of and the items have a less
than 30
day lifetime.

Â*Â* they have a Made in USA push (sorta) going on
as we are finding more items made here.

My wife buys cloth for sewing up stuff for the grands and
great grands so she stays happy with cheap stuff they have and
the kids
don't keep the stuff long anyway. Heck, I have shirts and slacks
are over 20 years old that still fit and aren't worn out as my daily
clothing is a pair of cheap shorts and a tee shirt that is about
out but feels good. I have good shoes that are older than some of my
grandchildren and no one knows the difference.

Â*Â* yes, the shorts i have on now are hand-me-downs
from someone else and i've got AC/holes through the
pockets and they are about see through from being
worn so much.Â* i don't wear them outside often as
i prefer to keep the direct sun off my skin most
of the time.Â* just a few minutes here or there for
Vit D and that's it.Â* t-shirt is a few years old
but a work shirt so it has a life span of another
five to ten years.Â* my shoes, i just added a good
layer of rubber to the gardening crocs so they
should last another 10-15 years.Â* i don't spend
money on clothes that often.Â* the used goods
stores are places i will go first.Â* i do need a
replacement pair of jeans for my old ones which
have lasted about 10yrs.Â* i only wear them when
we go out and about.Â* my work pants for the gardens
are hand-me-downs that were going to get thrown
away (i could have had another 15 pair but
compromised at five pair).Â* i suspect they will
last me the rest of my lifetime, very sturdy work
pants from a friend who's company was bought out
by another so they changed the uniform.
unfortunately the shirts were not to my suiting.

George, up early giving the dawg her meds, everyone in this
has a bottle of something the doctors said was good for us.
Tomorrow I
will be 78 years old and I don't expect any presents either. G I'm
aiming, eventually for 100 or more, yeah, that works, sure!

Â*Â* Â* congrats and all that on the BD and being
around and still kicking.Â*

Â*Â* songbird

I'm also very pleased by outliving most of my high school males in
my class. Several died in Vietnam and other fights, some just fell
over dead one day, and a few were deliberately killed by someone
who didn't like them. I liked most of my class mates but a few I
cheered when I read their names in the paper. Every small high
school seems to have a cluster of a-holes, mostly the jocks. Seems
most of the women in that small class are still alive, I don't go
to reunion's very often so don't see to many from 1957. Wife is on
a tear again so I'm laying low, she gets frantic about her garden
and yard and then goes wild. Tried to get her to let me hire
someone for that stuff but she insists on doing it herself, even
with grands and greatgrands two blocks away. Some of her ancestors
were Germans and you know how hard headed they are. G


I'll be 78 in a couple of months.Â* Went to an all boys Catholic high
school and for past 10 years there have been reunions for just the
guys but our 60th a couple of months ago included wives.Â* It is
bitter sweet to go their and last one, a classmate I recall jogging
in the park about a year ago was wheeled in by his wife now
suffering from dementia and Parkinson's.Â* Everybody now looks old
which means I look old too.
The guys that look best are those still working or very active.

The class jock, who is really a nice guy, now suffers dementia.Â* I
recalled him telling me that when he played college football, the
whole season he was in a fog.Â* His dementia may be due to that.
Pro football players are trying to get something to help out the
older players who are having lots of problems. I never watch
football, basketball, etc. with the exception of baseball, which I
dropped a few years ago when I found that they, too, were getting
lots and lots of money for playing a game. My Dad and I played in the
same league for folks that just liked to play baseball. Dad had
played baseball for money when he was in his teens. Lots of small
teams in Louisiana and Texas charge a a buck to watch the game and
the winner got the loot. Dad says in the twenties that was really a
good thing as he made less than a dollar an hour working in an oil
refinery and then go play baseball somewhere and get a bucket of
money. He told me that many times they had to run for their
transportation to not get beat up by the bystanders that cheered the
other side. Then I went to a high school that didn't have baseball.
Boo hoo. I played first base with the team from my first ship as we
sailors mostly liked baseball over anything else. That was fun and I
was also having fun going to the pistol and rifle ranges and doing
stunts with weapons. Got my first .22 rifle at 5 years of age and a
.45 Auto and a 12 gauge shotgun at 7. Got a whole rack of weapons
here in my office and the only loaded one is beside my bed, a .40
Glock, fine weapon and somewhat lighter than my old Colt .45ACP. I
can't hunt anymore unless I'm in a vehicle due to problems from
strokes years ago, runs in the family and I've got 20 good years so
far from the time of the strokes. Now my legs are starting to give
out due to damage to the nerves.

Gave up on following pro sports years ago.Â* Commercialization has
ruined them.Â* Back when I was a kid, we would go to church, Dad would
drive to Philly, we'd see a double header and be home in time for
dinner.Â* Today it takes that long to play one game.

I like to hunt and shoot but am giving up hunting as all I have access
to is public land and not being handicapped the easy stands to access
are for handicapped only.Â* I have use of all my facilities but as one
friend puts it, if it don't hurt, it don't work.

I have a Glock 23, .40 cal, and it is also hidden away, loaded if I
need it.Â* I hunted deer with a variety of weapons and only one that I
never got a deer with was a pistol. I really liked to bow hunt and
season is on now and lasts til the end of January but park I hunt does
not open until next month and I may try a day or two.Â* Also applied
for a managed hunt in another park which I get in on every 3 years or
so.Â* They drive you to the stand, pick you up for lunch and take you
back at end and even find deer and take them out for you.

Texas has a lengthy deer season, and, if I remember, hunters can take
several deer a season. It is not unusual to see deer grazing along
highways and we have deer come up to our back fence here in Houston
area. Seems a lot of Texan's no longer hunt deer, one of my grandson's
still hunts, the other never did hunt. My granddaughter's husband does
hunt and fish so some of that is still in the family. Grandson that
hunts is planning a trip for he and I as I have had a lifetime hunting
and fishing license since they first came out years ago. I will have to
go to the range and do some shooting before I can go as I haven't fired
a firearm in at least fifteen years, lived in cities to much I guess.
Grandson does give us a couple of packages of venison. We still like the
wild meat. My Glock is a 23, bought it used but it shoots okay. I'm
training my left hand to use the pistol as the right hand is partially
paralyzed, strokes again from years ago. I do miss my Colt .45 ACP, had
it since childhood and then gave it to my son. Many male Texan's got
their first guns in early childhood and were taught by their father's
like my Dad. Nowadays the schools are trying to keep guns from anyone
for some ungodly reason. I'm glad we old people and their older kids
went to a different school system.

My daughters father-in-law also hunts, and he makes venison sausage!
She is usually given a generous amount of it, and she passes on some
samples to us. That stuff is yummy!

  #44   Report Post  
Old 25-09-2017, 06:32 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2015
Posts: 259
Default the storm

On 9/25/2017 10:47 AM, George Shirley wrote:
On 9/25/2017 7:26 AM, Frank wrote:
On 9/24/2017 9:26 PM, George Shirley wrote:
On 9/24/2017 7:41 PM, Frank wrote:
On 9/23/2017 3:44 PM, George Shirley wrote:
On 9/23/2017 1:22 PM, songbird wrote:
George Shirley wrote:
I seldom buy anything from Walmart, it seems that most of their
are from some country I never heard of and the items have a less
than 30
day lifetime.

Â*Â* they have a Made in USA push (sorta) going on
as we are finding more items made here.

My wife buys cloth for sewing up stuff for the grands and
great grands so she stays happy with cheap stuff they have and
the kids
don't keep the stuff long anyway. Heck, I have shirts and slacks
are over 20 years old that still fit and aren't worn out as my daily
clothing is a pair of cheap shorts and a tee shirt that is about
out but feels good. I have good shoes that are older than some of my
grandchildren and no one knows the difference.

Â*Â* yes, the shorts i have on now are hand-me-downs
from someone else and i've got AC/holes through the
pockets and they are about see through from being
worn so much.Â* i don't wear them outside often as
i prefer to keep the direct sun off my skin most
of the time.Â* just a few minutes here or there for
Vit D and that's it.Â* t-shirt is a few years old
but a work shirt so it has a life span of another
five to ten years.Â* my shoes, i just added a good
layer of rubber to the gardening crocs so they
should last another 10-15 years.Â* i don't spend
money on clothes that often.Â* the used goods
stores are places i will go first.Â* i do need a
replacement pair of jeans for my old ones which
have lasted about 10yrs.Â* i only wear them when
we go out and about.Â* my work pants for the gardens
are hand-me-downs that were going to get thrown
away (i could have had another 15 pair but
compromised at five pair).Â* i suspect they will
last me the rest of my lifetime, very sturdy work
pants from a friend who's company was bought out
by another so they changed the uniform.
unfortunately the shirts were not to my suiting.

George, up early giving the dawg her meds, everyone in this
has a bottle of something the doctors said was good for us.
Tomorrow I
will be 78 years old and I don't expect any presents either. G I'm
aiming, eventually for 100 or more, yeah, that works, sure!

Â*Â* Â* congrats and all that on the BD and being
around and still kicking.Â*

Â*Â* songbird

I'm also very pleased by outliving most of my high school males in
my class. Several died in Vietnam and other fights, some just fell
over dead one day, and a few were deliberately killed by someone
who didn't like them. I liked most of my class mates but a few I
cheered when I read their names in the paper. Every small high
school seems to have a cluster of a-holes, mostly the jocks. Seems
most of the women in that small class are still alive, I don't go
to reunion's very often so don't see to many from 1957. Wife is on
a tear again so I'm laying low, she gets frantic about her garden
and yard and then goes wild. Tried to get her to let me hire
someone for that stuff but she insists on doing it herself, even
with grands and greatgrands two blocks away. Some of her ancestors
were Germans and you know how hard headed they are. G


I'll be 78 in a couple of months.Â* Went to an all boys Catholic high
school and for past 10 years there have been reunions for just the
guys but our 60th a couple of months ago included wives.Â* It is
bitter sweet to go their and last one, a classmate I recall jogging
in the park about a year ago was wheeled in by his wife now
suffering from dementia and Parkinson's.Â* Everybody now looks old
which means I look old too.
The guys that look best are those still working or very active.

The class jock, who is really a nice guy, now suffers dementia.Â* I
recalled him telling me that when he played college football, the
whole season he was in a fog.Â* His dementia may be due to that.
Pro football players are trying to get something to help out the
older players who are having lots of problems. I never watch
football, basketball, etc. with the exception of baseball, which I
dropped a few years ago when I found that they, too, were getting
lots and lots of money for playing a game. My Dad and I played in the
same league for folks that just liked to play baseball. Dad had
played baseball for money when he was in his teens. Lots of small
teams in Louisiana and Texas charge a a buck to watch the game and
the winner got the loot. Dad says in the twenties that was really a
good thing as he made less than a dollar an hour working in an oil
refinery and then go play baseball somewhere and get a bucket of
money. He told me that many times they had to run for their
transportation to not get beat up by the bystanders that cheered the
other side. Then I went to a high school that didn't have baseball.
Boo hoo. I played first base with the team from my first ship as we
sailors mostly liked baseball over anything else. That was fun and I
was also having fun going to the pistol and rifle ranges and doing
stunts with weapons. Got my first .22 rifle at 5 years of age and a
.45 Auto and a 12 gauge shotgun at 7. Got a whole rack of weapons
here in my office and the only loaded one is beside my bed, a .40
Glock, fine weapon and somewhat lighter than my old Colt .45ACP. I
can't hunt anymore unless I'm in a vehicle due to problems from
strokes years ago, runs in the family and I've got 20 good years so
far from the time of the strokes. Now my legs are starting to give
out due to damage to the nerves.

Gave up on following pro sports years ago.Â* Commercialization has
ruined them.Â* Back when I was a kid, we would go to church, Dad would
drive to Philly, we'd see a double header and be home in time for
dinner.Â* Today it takes that long to play one game.

I like to hunt and shoot but am giving up hunting as all I have access
to is public land and not being handicapped the easy stands to access
are for handicapped only.Â* I have use of all my facilities but as one
friend puts it, if it don't hurt, it don't work.

I have a Glock 23, .40 cal, and it is also hidden away, loaded if I
need it.Â* I hunted deer with a variety of weapons and only one that I
never got a deer with was a pistol. I really liked to bow hunt and
season is on now and lasts til the end of January but park I hunt does
not open until next month and I may try a day or two.Â* Also applied
for a managed hunt in another park which I get in on every 3 years or
so.Â* They drive you to the stand, pick you up for lunch and take you
back at end and even find deer and take them out for you.

Texas has a lengthy deer season, and, if I remember, hunters can take
several deer a season. It is not unusual to see deer grazing along
highways and we have deer come up to our back fence here in Houston
area. Seems a lot of Texan's no longer hunt deer, one of my grandson's
still hunts, the other never did hunt. My granddaughter's husband does
hunt and fish so some of that is still in the family. Grandson that
hunts is planning a trip for he and I as I have had a lifetime hunting
and fishing license since they first came out years ago. I will have to
go to the range and do some shooting before I can go as I haven't fired
a firearm in at least fifteen years, lived in cities to much I guess.
Grandson does give us a couple of packages of venison. We still like the
wild meat. My Glock is a 23, bought it used but it shoots okay. I'm
training my left hand to use the pistol as the right hand is partially
paralyzed, strokes again from years ago. I do miss my Colt .45 ACP, had
it since childhood and then gave it to my son. Many male Texan's got
their first guns in early childhood and were taught by their father's
like my Dad. Nowadays the schools are trying to keep guns from anyone
for some ungodly reason. I'm glad we old people and their older kids
went to a different school system.

When my father was a kid in the city, he would take his shotgun, get on
the bus, get off at the end of the line and hunt rabbits. Would not
happen today.

Deer drive me nuts. I can't hunt the ones in the yard as houses are too
close. A couple of years ago, one fall I was eating lunch to look out
and see 4 bucks in my back yard just coming out of velvet. I've counted
as many as 17 in the yard. My Chinese chestnuts are starting to drop
and if the wife is not around I'll pop them in a non-vital area with my
pellet gun. Year before last I shot 6 this way. I've thrown fire
crackers at them, they leave and come back a little latter and I need
more than one fire cracker to chase them.

Seniors in Delaware can hunt and fish free but need to get an exempt
license every year. Hunting license allows 5 deer with only a single
buck but you can buy a second buck permit and as many doe permits as you
want. I heard of one guy that works on an estate that gets 50 deer a
year. Another cook at a golf course got 18 one year.

I could not get our sons interested in hunting. Told a hunting buddy he
was lucky to have a son as addicted to hunting as he was. He said I was
much luckier because all my sons went to college and have good high
paying jobs. They do have interest in guns though. Oldest sons father
in law has a nice holster business and buys guns tax deductible for the
business using them to mold holsters.
  #45   Report Post  
Old 25-09-2017, 06:37 PM posted to rec.gardens.edible
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2015
Posts: 259
Default the storm

On 9/24/2017 11:24 PM, Muggles wrote:
On 9/24/2017 7:41 PM, Frank wrote:
On 9/23/2017 3:44 PM, George Shirley wrote:
On 9/23/2017 1:22 PM, songbird wrote:
George Shirley wrote:
I seldom buy anything from Walmart, it seems that most of their items
are from some country I never heard of and the items have a less
than 30
day lifetime.

Â*Â* they have a Made in USA push (sorta) going on
as we are finding more items made here.

My wife buys cloth for sewing up stuff for the grands and
great grands so she stays happy with cheap stuff they have and the kids
don't keep the stuff long anyway. Heck, I have shirts and slacks that
are over 20 years old that still fit and aren't worn out as my daily
clothing is a pair of cheap shorts and a tee shirt that is about worn
out but feels good. I have good shoes that are older than some of my
grandchildren and no one knows the difference.

Â*Â* yes, the shorts i have on now are hand-me-downs
from someone else and i've got AC/holes through the
pockets and they are about see through from being
worn so much.Â* i don't wear them outside often as
i prefer to keep the direct sun off my skin most
of the time.Â* just a few minutes here or there for
Vit D and that's it.Â* t-shirt is a few years old
but a work shirt so it has a life span of another
five to ten years.Â* my shoes, i just added a good
layer of rubber to the gardening crocs so they
should last another 10-15 years.Â* i don't spend
money on clothes that often.Â* the used goods
stores are places i will go first.Â* i do need a
replacement pair of jeans for my old ones which
have lasted about 10yrs.Â* i only wear them when
we go out and about.Â* my work pants for the gardens
are hand-me-downs that were going to get thrown
away (i could have had another 15 pair but
compromised at five pair).Â* i suspect they will
last me the rest of my lifetime, very sturdy work
pants from a friend who's company was bought out
by another so they changed the uniform.
unfortunately the shirts were not to my suiting.

George, up early giving the dawg her meds, everyone in this household
has a bottle of something the doctors said was good for us. Tomorrow I
will be 78 years old and I don't expect any presents either. G I'm
aiming, eventually for 100 or more, yeah, that works, sure!

Â*Â* Â* congrats and all that on the BD and being
around and still kicking.Â*

Â*Â* songbird

I'm also very pleased by outliving most of my high school males in my
class. Several died in Vietnam and other fights, some just fell over
dead one day, and a few were deliberately killed by someone who didn't
like them. I liked most of my class mates but a few I cheered when I
read their names in the paper. Every small high school seems to have a
cluster of a-holes, mostly the jocks. Seems most of the women in that
small class are still alive, I don't go to reunion's very often so
don't see to many from 1957. Wife is on a tear again so I'm laying
low, she gets frantic about her garden and yard and then goes wild.
Tried to get her to let me hire someone for that stuff but she insists
on doing it herself, even with grands and greatgrands two blocks away.
Some of her ancestors were Germans and you know how hard headed they
are. G


I'll be 78 in a couple of months.Â* Went to an all boys Catholic high
school and for past 10 years there have been reunions for just the guys
but our 60th a couple of months ago included wives.Â* It is bitter sweet
to go their and last one, a classmate I recall jogging in the park about
a year ago was wheeled in by his wife now suffering from dementia and
Parkinson's.Â* Everybody now looks old which means I look old too.
The guys that look best are those still working or very active.

The class jock, who is really a nice guy, now suffers dementia.Â* I
recalled him telling me that when he played college football, the whole
season he was in a fog.Â* His dementia may be due to that.

Hi Frank! In case I miss the up and coming date, happy birthday ahead of

Thanks. I know seniors my age that tell me they no longer buy green

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