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Old 12-03-2003, 02:44 PM
Joe Zorzin
Posts: n/a
Default latest issue of Distant Thunder, by the Forest Steward's Guild

This message was first sent to the Massachusetts forestry folks and enviros, etc.

----- Original Message -----

Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2003 4:58 AM
Subject: latest Distant Thunder, a publication of The Forest Stewards Guild

Yesterday I got in the mail the latest issue of The Forest Stewards' Guild publication - "Distant Thunder".

Great cover article by Mike Mauri, "Why Denying Highgrading as Silviculture Hurts Forestry". Mike discusses whether or not high grading should be considered a form of silviculture. Many of us have ranted that it isn't, while Mike says that we should claim it as silviculture but bad silviculture. Since to me the term silviculture has a positive meaning, I had a tough time allowing high grading to be considered a form of silviculture. But, the term, with roots in Latin, the language of my ancient gladiator ancestors, simply means "forest culture"- so it's easy to see how high grading can be viewed as "bad forest culture". As Mike says here, "one way to combat highgrading, however, is to start claiming it as a territory that is ours. To do so allows us to argue that highgrading is not an alternative to silviculture, but that it instead is bad silviculture" Now, it's too bad our forestry "leaders" just don't get it- too busy selling their souls to the devil.

Mike's other article about Fred Hunt's management of his 700 acre tree farm in Vermont was also very good. Just imagine how the logging and sawmills in our area could be humming with activity instead of slowly dieing off- if most of the Northeast forest land was this well managed. It appears that Fred's forest is an order of magnitude more productive than the average forest in the area. Now we all know that one large industrial concern recently acquired 7,000 acres of forest for less than nothing thanks to numerous schemes, scams, and subsidies. That firm will probably do a fair job of management. Perhaps it would have been smarter for society to have distributed 700 acres to 10 forestry consultants- who could then learn from Fred Hunt how to do the best possible management. But of course in this modern area of reverse Robin Hood ............

The other articles in this issue were all excellent- except for that letter to the editor by the guy in NY state who seems to think NY is a paradise of no rules and regulations, no licensed foresters. He says, "New York does well without logging regulations and licensing of professional foresters". Well, he can say that but that doesn't make it true. I sense that the author is not a forester, but a landowner. Perhaps he does good work on his forest- and he attends tree farm meetings and reads all the state and SAF propaganda, which of course affirm that all is well in the forests. All I know is that loggers often tell me how much they love working in the NY because there are no rules and they can get away with ANYTHING. Unfortunately for NY state, there are no rebels over there in the forestry profession attempting to change the system. There is a consulting foresters organization in NY, but I sense that their mission is to suck up to the forestry establishment in order to get referrals. In fact, over in NY- consultants- the ones accepted by the establishment- are called "cooperating consultants" - which means of course, "consultants who follow the party line and rock no boats". Once they become uncooperative, they have to walk the plank. The result being- no foresters over there presenting the truth to that misinformed forest owner. As we all know, the American Revolution began in Massachusetts.....

I'm glad to see that the Guild is now posting copies of Distant Thunder on the Guild's web site as soon as the issue comes out. For any of you who are not members of the greatest forestry organization this side of Neptune- you can download the most recent issue by going to and clicking on "view current issue". It's a pdf file which is viewable within Acrobat Reader, for which there is a link on that page.

Joe Zorzin

Stop The Lies

Mass. Assoc. of Consulting Foresters

"I never gave them hell, I just tell
the truth and they think it's hell."
Harry S. Truman

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