- Laelia perrinii x self
- Atlanta Show & Sale Friday-Sunday
- Re: Oerstedella schweinfurthiana Imgp2201.jpg - Oerstedella schweinfurthiana Imgp2201.jpg (1/1)
- Re: Orchid Weeds - epi_large_P7220135.jpg (0/1)
- Question about repotting
- Re: Is this a Keiki?
- Re: Is this a Keiki?
- Lincoln Orchid Society Show and Sale
- What are the issues?
- Kiki has a spike....break it or keep it?
- Orchids in Chicago
- cymbidium question
- Spiranthes sinensis
- NWOS Fall Show
- Leaf damage ID help pleaser
- Thrixspermum centipeda
- Port St. Lucie N/L now posted
- Two Spikes?
- DNA sequence question
- Recent S/H Articles in AOS Orchids
- "Baby Orchids".....
- Illinois grower closing, free orchids.
- Advice for deflasking Vanda seedlings
- New Orchid book for sale
- Active Online Forums
- My first home grown bloom
- Wal Mart strikes again.
- Auction!
- 2008 World Orchid Conference
- AOS - Orchids
- weirdest spike I have ever seen
- Pterostylis!!
- UK Morrison's £5 plants
- Is fluoride in the water toxic?
- is there money in orchids?
- Picture reference database update
- Miniatum vs garayi
- Habenaria culture
- fragrant vandas
- fragrant vandas
- Society Dues
- Looking for Miltonia cuneata
- Looking for orchid "corybas"
- making crosses
- Adding a new greenhouse
- Club Auction
- Wasps in the greenhouse
- looking for back issues
- Watering/fertilizing
- Trophy Ideas
- Chilean vs NZ Sphagnum Moss
- They're at it again...
- What a week
- Lighting... again....
- Dimorphorchis
- Lighting
- Orchidaceae Malaysiana
- San Francisco OrchidFest 2006 Shots now online!
- Paph flowering
- deflasking Tolumnias
- New orchid is loaded with roots
- where buy nutricote/dynamite
- Nutricote total and Throw n Grow
- October Newsletter posted
- Wow, this Phal is just amazing
- New Newsletter Editor
- Denver OS Show
- What ever happened to Orchid Blocks
- Fort Worth OS show this weekend... How do you say no?
- Congrats to Danny Lentz
- Brassia ochroleucha
- Name Game ... Brs. longissima x Brs. ochraleuca
- Newsletter & a thanks
- Orchid jewelry
- Bettencourt Acres in the Millwaukee, Wisconsin area
- cultural information on vanda tricolor var. suavis
- Orchid Calendar
- What's in a Genus?
- Wal Mart orchid pitures
- Taxonomy rant!
- Cattleyas shown in September issue of AOS
- black specs on Oncidium
- Taking a pot shot at plant presents
- clarification of lycaste species
- microfungus
- Cool article about Bob Fuchs
- Reverse Osmosis Waste Water
- Wal-mart Orchids
- My first spikes!!
- Beware of usenet replayer
- May I ask a favor please ?
- Reveals the Secrets to Growing Perfect Orchids
- Phrag. light and culture?
- RE Peter Boystrup
- Is this an orchid?
- Bringing Orchids Indoors
- little balls of sap
- Thrips control on Phals
- Propagating Crane Fly Orchid (Tipularia)
- CITES plants and hybrids: AOS judging & showing
- the orchids I moved outside
- anyone from Argentina?
- Catasetum question
- Name Tag Illegible????
- Just found that!
- Just another reason not to like the AOS
- Very high-intensity flourescent lights
- masdevallia tonduzii
- Care and Growing for Dendrobium/World Cup #2
- 'Magnisal' magnesium nitrate
- Oh, shucks! My paph malipoense bud-blasted :-(
- Field Trip!
- CORYANTHES vasquezii
- mini-Catt repotting in moss?
- Angraecum and Aerangis mounted Orchids
- Low E Glass
- Angreacum calceolus and Den. forbesii
- Mokara Salaya Red
- Cerco Miltoniopsis
- This Summer's observations...
- Leaf spot
- Another attempt from flask
- Cleaning Vanda Baskets
- "Getting care of orchids just right"
- Orchid Photo Theft
- Boycott Gettysburg
- Growing Orchids in Seattle
- 2 Problems
- Store ID tag markings on plants
- Off topic. Rubber plant in SH
- Orchids R in season....or not!
- I think it must be something in the water...
- I think it must be something in the water...
- Off Topic, HTML help
- How and when to repot my Phal
- protecting summer-flowering catts from japanese beetles
- Need Help
- Repotting help
- ID help please.
- A real headbanger
- Poland trip
- too much or too little water ?
- 'Rescue' orchid spiking!
- What Happened to Countryside Orchids?
- Top 10 Lawn and Garden Care Tips
- Request for the group...
- Sunburn
- Stranger in the Forest - Eric Hansen
- My Sick Phal
- No Roots on Keiki -- what now?
- Phalaenopsis not flowering anymore ...
- Looking for The Cattleyas and Their Relatives : Volume II: The Laelias
- Looking for a picture...X posted
- How much sunlight?
- Den nobile
- Orchid Trends
- Tiny Snails!
- Sander's List
- Eric Hansen
- Brsdm Lillian Oka 'Lillian'
- Slow release Fertilizer
- Is this an orchid?
- AOS/"Orchids" question
- Light - Phalenopsis vs EPLC, BLC and DGMNA
- Phrag Court Jester
- Success!
- Cattleya General Patton
- Very large Pots for Joe T
- how can one tell that a dendrobium is beginning to spike?
- Slippery floors and spa algaecide
- epiweb
- Nicotine solution for bugs?
- Tall Pots?
- Phal fertilizing question
- Variation in orchid crosses
- Is this orchid doomed?
- Naming contest update
- Sticky stalks
- lighting for a Doritis pulcherrima
- orchid reproduction news item
- Orchid Mounting Question
- Potting a Cattleya and a Dendrobrium "babies"
- Aerides green pod timings
- Heh. I love the clearance table. :P
- Rain
- Re: Question about Cym. Little Balck Sambo "Black Magic" AM/AOS
- Re: Question about Cym. Little Balck Sambo "Black Magic" AM/AOS
- Article about boarding orchids
- Wow! This would be a nice show to see!
- buying bulbophyllum
- Light absorbtion spectrum of various orchids
- Paphiopedilum keiki
- repotting phrag into Semi-Hydro question
- Can You ID These Flowers?
- Coalition for Orchid Species?
- Everyone should want one...
- Volcanic orchid [Summer1964] ID help?
- Unknown flower???
- picture link - test
- "Mirror Stemming"
- Re: pH water/medium
- Re: pH water/medium
- heilą friends
- Concept for Thought
- Re: pH water/medium
- From sci.bio.botany
- Funny quote of the day (NOT OT!!!)
- Peru project
- pictures
- Florida West Coasters
- Masd. exquisita trouble
- Water in the Land of Oz?
- Getting Australian Dendrobiums to grow
- Antique Monographs Online
- trying to identify a couple Phals
- New Forum Announcement
- A New Discussion Forum
- Phrag self pollination?
- A problem :o(
- John Varigos
- Re: the charm of species orchids
- So what left in the Bay Area...
- was repotting
- Re: the charm of species orchids
- Re: the charm of species orchids
- Any orchid societies in AZ
- How Bout This
- pruning reed stems
- Re: Boggarden orchids (1/1)
- Boggarden orchids (0/1)
- Cross Posting on Auto
- An invitation
- Probably a stupid question...
- 'Rhein' Zygos
- Krull-Smith site updated
- Score!
- Roots
- Rupicolous Laelias
- I have returned....
- What a shame...
- repotting
- Phal gigantea question
- New Phrags
- Orchid Queery
- Contest
- Ten Dollar orchids?
- Cattleya BLC Heron's Ghyll 'Nigrescens' AM/AOS
- Contest, All Y'all