View Full Version : Freshwater Aquaria Plants

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  1. Do I need substrate heating cables?
  2. Daphnia/shrimp & brown Crypt. wendtii
  3. Thinking about a planted tank
  4. Petrified Wood - PH
  5. Best bulb for 20 gal?
  6. Seltzer Water
  7. plants - how now?
  8. plants - how now?
  9. plants - how now?
  10. get a pH controller?
  11. How much plants in 35gal without CO2 injection?
  12. How much plants in 35gal without CO2 injection?
  13. need help Id plants
  14. CO2 reactor set up...Will this work?
  15. Flourite quandries...
  16. Chucks paludarium
  17. Top off and water change
  18. Plants in Remote Areas
  19. Plants in Remote Areas
  20. Light Question
  21. What to buy
  22. Coralife 6700K CF specs?
  23. Coralife 6700K CF specs?
  24. Garden Photography
  25. Anubia Roots
  26. Plants for very hard water
  27. what do you guys think about this?
  28. 150 plants on one page
  29. Bubble Count
  30. Plant guides
  31. Sunset Hygro - Legal USA states only
  32. Lead in the tank
  33. Doing my planted-tank homework
  34. Something killing my SAEs
  35. Apistogramma presentation & AUCTION! Sept 14th, San Diego
  36. How to keep plants down, and What is this????
  37. Re: Low, LOW light options - Thanks
  38. Planting a 3 week old tank and propagating a 2 year old sword rhizome
  39. Exporting of plants.
  40. Low, LOW light options
  41. Chlorophytum sp.
  42. Weird Algae Help
  43. Sunset Hygro
  44. Want to find the plants Amano Uses?
  45. To water change, or not?
  46. GWAPA fall workshop
  48. opinions re. profile
  49. Experiments with Peat Moss
  50. hard tap water
  51. where to buy plants in Sacramento/Davis area
  52. 10 gal. planted question....
  53. Amazon Sword plant
  54. Buying in Plants in Canada
  55. What 15 watt bulb to use?
  56. Advice for carpet look.
  57. FS: Various bits and bobs UK
  58. OT, oxygenation, was Re: Reverse Osmosis Question...
  59. Echinodorus div. rundbl
  60. Silicon Valley Aquarium Society Meeting Saturday, Sept 6
  61. FISH & AQUATIC PLANTS Auction, Southern CA, Spet 7
  62. Amazon Sword Plant
  63. Goodbye Jim Brown
  64. Thanks to LeighMo
  65. Thanks to LeighMo
  66. Tropica Master Grow in Denver area?
  67. Compact Smartlite vs Regular Flourescence
  68. PH Issue
  69. Re: pH- was Oops
  70. Lighting Question
  71. Beneficial Snails??
  72. Oops
  73. anubias yellowing
  74. Advice on lighting for a 75 gallon tank
  75. Impatiens?
  76. co2 bubbles coming too quickly
  77. To filter or not to filter
  78. DYI CO2 generator and cloudy aquarium
  79. Overdosing
  80. Reverse Osmosis Question...
  81. Need help deciding lighting system.
  82. Advice for new planted tank.
  83. plain old fluro
  84. CO2 Injection
  85. I Love LeighMo
  86. Best way to clean plants to prevent snails?
  87. Are these tubes OK?
  88. Flourite Alert for other beginners 8^)
  89. Potassium Permanganate...
  90. Advice on setting up a new tank with a sand only substrate
  91. Advice on setting up a new tank with a sand only substrate
  92. Poor Growth
  93. New SAE: Is this normal?
  94. Plants Available for USA
  95. Nymphaea Lotus
  96. How do you "kill" a noxious weed?
  97. Hygro Polysperma - Legal USA states only
  98. solenoid
  99. WTB: Amazon Frogbit
  100. Beginner's questions 2 - plant from internet
  101. Beginner's questions - regarding CO2
  102. tank pic on alt.binaries.aquaria
  103. Re: Snails - Benifit or Pest?////Zebra Snails
  104. Tropic sunset
  105. OK....Yeast in the tank
  106. Re: Advice needed for new aquarium with potting soil substrate
  107. pressurized or carbo plus??
  108. Vallisneria flower
  109. Re: Rotting Anubias
  110. Malaysian Trumpet Snails
  111. Snail Eater?
  112. Re: CO2 in a new and old way.
  113. co2 DIFFUSER?
  114. The best way to deliver CO2
  115. Re: CO2 in a new and old way. Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3). When it is mixed with an
  116. Pricing Fish!
  117. Snails - Benifit or Pest?
  118. Overdriving NO tubes
  119. Loach bribes (was Re: Advice needed for new aquarium... )
  120. Aquatic or not??
  121. Re: Advice needed for new aquarium with potting soil substrate and...
  122. Re: Advice needed for new aquarium with potting soil substrate and
  123. Sand or Gravel?
  124. Water cress in aquaria or pond??
  125. Advice needed for new aquarium with potting soil substrate and dying fish
  126. hornwort growth rates
  127. Plant bath?
  128. angel eats neons ?
  129. Tips to catch Bristlenose
  130. Seeking opinions about substrate options
  131. spider house plant and fish.
  132. No more stem plants for me!
  133. Where to buy...
  134. Waiting OK?
  135. PC ballast/socket & pin configurations
  136. Co2 Supply
  137. Re: Can 3' Feet Tank support this?
  138. What's the trick with cabomba?
  139. anything strange about this setup?
  140. White Cloud Mountain Minnow Breeding Habits
  141. Need Plants
  142. filter for fish ponds
  143. Algae Algae Algae
  144. Banana Plant
  145. Hornswort
  146. Hornswort
  147. Planted Bucket
  148. CO2 DIY SITE
  149. How often/much iron do you add?
  150. why is my Samolus Parviflorus doing bad?
  151. why is my Samolus Parviflorus doing bad?
  152. why is my Samolus Parviflorus doing bad?
  153. why is my Samolus Parviflorus doing bad?
  154. Include plants when cycling tank?
  155. Enough light for this tank?
  156. Please help ID and get rid of this kind of algae
  157. blue light question
  158. heavy metals?
  159. heavy metals?
  160. Azoo CO2 indicator question
  161. Setting up an office aquarium
  162. Manzanita Driftwood
  163. Manzanita Driftwood
  164. Manzanita Driftwood
  165. Algae -vs- Plants
  166. Algae -vs- Plants
  167. Algae -vs- Plants
  168. Plant diagnosis
  169. Plant diagnosis
  170. Light Timers
  171. Onion plant
  172. New Planted 60 Gallon Ready To Go
  173. New Planted 60 Gallon Ready To Go
  174. Aquatic plant club meeting - DC Metro
  175. Snails and Clown Loaches
  176. Cichlid Club! Anaheim, CA Aug 16th
  177. New Tank Lighting Question
  178. Nymphea Lotus Zenkeri - Question
  179. What are your personal goals with a planted tank?
  180. Great quality Java Fern on Aquabid.
  181. I finally found the right lighting!!!
  182. Pressurized CO2 tank problem
  183. Yet another lighting question...
  184. laterite and light
  185. laterite and light
  186. re-interpet antislime
  187. Identify this plant...
  188. interpet antislime
  189. Light terminology?
  190. identification
  191. San Diego Fish CLub & Auction, Sun, Aug 10th!
  192. Foreground vs. background plants?
  193. Lighting too much or too little?
  194. Best canister and CO2 diffuser?
  195. Pics of the Plant Fest in Florida
  196. Pics of the Plant Fest in Florida
  197. Looking for A. reineckii
  198. Re: Plant species?
  199. My Clown ate my Anubia bloom....Y?
  200. HELP -- Red brush algae starting to infest
  201. 7 Gallon Bowfront Lighting
  202. Hagen BioLife internal wet/dry filter?
  203. SAEs really can jump...
  204. Re: Aquascape
  205. Aquascape pictures
  206. Crypt's dying off?
  207. Re: Hagen BioLife internal wet/dry filter?
  208. Re: Weird kH/gH discrepancy...why aren't my plants growing?(long)
  209. Need advice on foreground plants
  210. Mosses
  211. Re: Weird kH/gH discrepancy...why aren't my plants growing?
  212. Metal Halide height?
  213. San Francisco Aquatic Plant Study Group Tonite
  214. substrate?
  215. Weird kH/gH discrepancy...why aren't my plants growing? (long)
  216. What lighting controller and tubes from this site...
  217. Water plant clasp
  218. Flourite Questions
  219. DIY co2 for longer than 7-14 days
  220. 55g planted setup
  221. 10gal planted tank?
  222. Can iron+trace fertilizer spoil?
  223. New to planted tanks
  224. Whats in yout filter
  225. Dark brown ALGEA on my swords!
  226. New picture of my new tank algae farm
  227. New picture of my new tank algae farm
  228. Re: Threadfin Rainbows UPDATE (LONG)
  229. Eclipse lighting
  230. What can I breed?
  231. Can I replace four 36 W compact fluorescent light tubes with 24 W?
  232. Caribsea Eco-Complete Sucess?
  233. Assorted aquatic bulbs.... question
  234. amazon sword sizing
  235. Sera Floredepot
  236. what type of algae is this???
  237. Good thread algae eater for 15 gallon tank with live plants
  238. Re: Good thread algae eater for 15 gallon tank with live plants - Correction it's fuzz
  239. Good thread algae eater for 15 gallon tank with live plants
  240. Plants Minneapolis/St. Paul
  241. How to plant banana lilies
  242. Threadfin Rainbows & Planted Tank
  243. need to find healthy aquarium plants -Eastern Iowa
  244. Identify the plant (now with pictures)
  245. aqualife reactor
  246. Re: So when does the algae show up?
  247. Lobelia cardinalis - FAILURE
  248. Re: "Tribbles" Cladophora Algae Balls
  249. Improve DIY CO2???
  250. Algae and CO2 question