- Do I need substrate heating cables?
- Daphnia/shrimp & brown Crypt. wendtii
- Thinking about a planted tank
- Petrified Wood - PH
- Best bulb for 20 gal?
- Seltzer Water
- plants - how now?
- plants - how now?
- plants - how now?
- get a pH controller?
- How much plants in 35gal without CO2 injection?
- How much plants in 35gal without CO2 injection?
- need help Id plants
- CO2 reactor set up...Will this work?
- Flourite quandries...
- Chucks paludarium
- Top off and water change
- Plants in Remote Areas
- Plants in Remote Areas
- Light Question
- What to buy
- Coralife 6700K CF specs?
- Coralife 6700K CF specs?
- Garden Photography
- Anubia Roots
- Plants for very hard water
- what do you guys think about this?
- 150 plants on one page
- Bubble Count
- Plant guides
- Sunset Hygro - Legal USA states only
- Lead in the tank
- Doing my planted-tank homework
- Something killing my SAEs
- Apistogramma presentation & AUCTION! Sept 14th, San Diego
- How to keep plants down, and What is this????
- Re: Low, LOW light options - Thanks
- Planting a 3 week old tank and propagating a 2 year old sword rhizome
- Exporting of plants.
- Low, LOW light options
- Chlorophytum sp.
- Weird Algae Help
- Sunset Hygro
- Want to find the plants Amano Uses?
- To water change, or not?
- GWAPA fall workshop
- opinions re. profile
- Experiments with Peat Moss
- hard tap water
- where to buy plants in Sacramento/Davis area
- 10 gal. planted question....
- Amazon Sword plant
- Buying in Plants in Canada
- What 15 watt bulb to use?
- Advice for carpet look.
- FS: Various bits and bobs UK
- OT, oxygenation, was Re: Reverse Osmosis Question...
- Echinodorus div. rundbl
- Silicon Valley Aquarium Society Meeting Saturday, Sept 6
- FISH & AQUATIC PLANTS Auction, Southern CA, Spet 7
- Amazon Sword Plant
- Goodbye Jim Brown
- Thanks to LeighMo
- Thanks to LeighMo
- Tropica Master Grow in Denver area?
- Compact Smartlite vs Regular Flourescence
- PH Issue
- Re: pH- was Oops
- Lighting Question
- Beneficial Snails??
- Oops
- anubias yellowing
- Advice on lighting for a 75 gallon tank
- Impatiens?
- co2 bubbles coming too quickly
- To filter or not to filter
- DYI CO2 generator and cloudy aquarium
- Overdosing
- Reverse Osmosis Question...
- Need help deciding lighting system.
- Advice for new planted tank.
- plain old fluro
- CO2 Injection
- I Love LeighMo
- Best way to clean plants to prevent snails?
- Are these tubes OK?
- Flourite Alert for other beginners 8^)
- Potassium Permanganate...
- Advice on setting up a new tank with a sand only substrate
- Advice on setting up a new tank with a sand only substrate
- Poor Growth
- New SAE: Is this normal?
- Plants Available for USA
- Nymphaea Lotus
- How do you "kill" a noxious weed?
- Hygro Polysperma - Legal USA states only
- solenoid
- WTB: Amazon Frogbit
- Beginner's questions 2 - plant from internet
- Beginner's questions - regarding CO2
- tank pic on alt.binaries.aquaria
- Re: Snails - Benifit or Pest?////Zebra Snails
- Tropic sunset
- OK....Yeast in the tank
- Re: Advice needed for new aquarium with potting soil substrate
- pressurized or carbo plus??
- Vallisneria flower
- Re: Rotting Anubias
- Malaysian Trumpet Snails
- Snail Eater?
- Re: CO2 in a new and old way.
- The best way to deliver CO2
- Re: CO2 in a new and old way. Baking soda is sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3). When it is mixed with an
- Pricing Fish!
- Snails - Benifit or Pest?
- Overdriving NO tubes
- Loach bribes (was Re: Advice needed for new aquarium... )
- Aquatic or not??
- Re: Advice needed for new aquarium with potting soil substrate and...
- Re: Advice needed for new aquarium with potting soil substrate and
- Sand or Gravel?
- Water cress in aquaria or pond??
- Advice needed for new aquarium with potting soil substrate and dying fish
- hornwort growth rates
- Plant bath?
- angel eats neons ?
- Tips to catch Bristlenose
- Seeking opinions about substrate options
- spider house plant and fish.
- No more stem plants for me!
- Where to buy...
- Waiting OK?
- PC ballast/socket & pin configurations
- Co2 Supply
- Re: Can 3' Feet Tank support this?
- What's the trick with cabomba?
- anything strange about this setup?
- White Cloud Mountain Minnow Breeding Habits
- Need Plants
- filter for fish ponds
- Algae Algae Algae
- Banana Plant
- Hornswort
- Hornswort
- Planted Bucket
- How often/much iron do you add?
- why is my Samolus Parviflorus doing bad?
- why is my Samolus Parviflorus doing bad?
- why is my Samolus Parviflorus doing bad?
- why is my Samolus Parviflorus doing bad?
- Include plants when cycling tank?
- Enough light for this tank?
- Please help ID and get rid of this kind of algae
- blue light question
- heavy metals?
- heavy metals?
- Azoo CO2 indicator question
- Setting up an office aquarium
- Manzanita Driftwood
- Manzanita Driftwood
- Manzanita Driftwood
- Algae -vs- Plants
- Algae -vs- Plants
- Algae -vs- Plants
- Plant diagnosis
- Plant diagnosis
- Light Timers
- Onion plant
- New Planted 60 Gallon Ready To Go
- New Planted 60 Gallon Ready To Go
- Aquatic plant club meeting - DC Metro
- Snails and Clown Loaches
- Cichlid Club! Anaheim, CA Aug 16th
- New Tank Lighting Question
- Nymphea Lotus Zenkeri - Question
- What are your personal goals with a planted tank?
- Great quality Java Fern on Aquabid.
- I finally found the right lighting!!!
- Pressurized CO2 tank problem
- Yet another lighting question...
- laterite and light
- laterite and light
- re-interpet antislime
- Identify this plant...
- interpet antislime
- Light terminology?
- identification
- San Diego Fish CLub & Auction, Sun, Aug 10th!
- Foreground vs. background plants?
- Lighting too much or too little?
- Best canister and CO2 diffuser?
- Pics of the Plant Fest in Florida
- Pics of the Plant Fest in Florida
- Looking for A. reineckii
- Re: Plant species?
- My Clown ate my Anubia bloom....Y?
- HELP -- Red brush algae starting to infest
- 7 Gallon Bowfront Lighting
- Hagen BioLife internal wet/dry filter?
- SAEs really can jump...
- Re: Aquascape
- Aquascape pictures
- Crypt's dying off?
- Re: Hagen BioLife internal wet/dry filter?
- Re: Weird kH/gH discrepancy...why aren't my plants growing?(long)
- Need advice on foreground plants
- Mosses
- Re: Weird kH/gH discrepancy...why aren't my plants growing?
- Metal Halide height?
- San Francisco Aquatic Plant Study Group Tonite
- substrate?
- Weird kH/gH discrepancy...why aren't my plants growing? (long)
- What lighting controller and tubes from this site...
- Water plant clasp
- Flourite Questions
- DIY co2 for longer than 7-14 days
- 55g planted setup
- 10gal planted tank?
- Can iron+trace fertilizer spoil?
- New to planted tanks
- Whats in yout filter
- Dark brown ALGEA on my swords!
- New picture of my new tank algae farm
- New picture of my new tank algae farm
- Re: Threadfin Rainbows UPDATE (LONG)
- Eclipse lighting
- What can I breed?
- Can I replace four 36 W compact fluorescent light tubes with 24 W?
- Caribsea Eco-Complete Sucess?
- Assorted aquatic bulbs.... question
- amazon sword sizing
- Sera Floredepot
- what type of algae is this???
- Good thread algae eater for 15 gallon tank with live plants
- Re: Good thread algae eater for 15 gallon tank with live plants - Correction it's fuzz
- Good thread algae eater for 15 gallon tank with live plants
- Plants Minneapolis/St. Paul
- How to plant banana lilies
- Threadfin Rainbows & Planted Tank
- need to find healthy aquarium plants -Eastern Iowa
- Identify the plant (now with pictures)
- aqualife reactor
- Re: So when does the algae show up?
- Lobelia cardinalis - FAILURE
- Re: "Tribbles" Cladophora Algae Balls
- Improve DIY CO2???
- Algae and CO2 question