View Full Version : Plant Biology
- 40+ Best Indoor & Outdoor Plants Decore in Kurnool | Plants Decore,Jute Pots container | Green Castle
- bryonet-l
- What are these (fruit/seed)s hanging in a rural So(uthern)CA(lifornia) area?
- Bionet discussion lists will be turned off this week
- Transmitting Science courses on Scientific Illustration
- WG: [Miappe] MIAPPE Organizational document RFC
- Bionet at 30 years of open science communication
- Postdoctoral positions at Lund University and SLU Alnarp
- WG: CVPPP at CVPR 2019 in Long Beach, CA
- 13 December 2018 at 16:00 - IPPN Imaging for Phenotyping Webinar -remote sensing for phenotyping - Helge Aasen
- Post-doctoral position: Plant-Plant interactions, defense and growth.
- FW: REMINDER - Call for Abstracts - 15th Gatersleben ResearchConference (#GRC2019) on Applied Bioinformatics in Crop
- Apply for the New Phytologist Tansley Medal - deadline 1 November!
- Early Stage Researcher position: Training on Remote Sensing forEcosystem modelling
- PostDoc position in Plant Phenotyping at the University of Copenhagen
- Professorship at the University of Bonn - Plant Pathology
- 5TH IPPS Adelaide, South Australia 2-5 October 2018 - Call forAbstracts deadline reminder
- FW: Postdoc position available at the Quint Lab
- FW: High-throughput wheat phenotyping workshop OPEN FOR REGISTRATION
- Workshop for future Junior Group Leaders
- Biometrics Eucarpia Conference in Ghent on 3-5 September 2018
- Syngenta seeking a Microscopy Team Leader
- Two positions available at Aarhus University, Denmark
- 5th IPPN Imaging webinar - The de.NBI/ELIXIR service "PGP" forphenomics data publication
- Reminder: INVITATION 2nd annual APPN Conference meets EPPN2020
- EPPN2020: 2nd Call for Transnational Access is open now!
- 3-year postdoc in Deep Learning
- internship opportunity in Hyperspectral Technology at Bayer
- Grant deadline approaching: 41st New Phytologist Symposium: Plantsciences for the future
- FW: EGU sessions related to plant phenotyping
- Course Mapping Trait Evolution, June 4-8, Barcelona (Spain)
- Anyone can recommend me a method for Soil sample microbial biomasscarbon measurement & Soil sample microbial biomass nitrogen measurement
- Photogrammetry course, May 21-25, Barcelona, Spain.
- Course Introduction to Geometric Morphometrics, April 30-May 5,Barcelona, Spain
- Register now for the 41st New Phytologist Symposium: Plant sciencesfor the future
- WG: Invitation to Plant Phenotyping Forum
- Early career plant scientists! Apply for the Tansley Medal
- WG: Invitation to Plant Phenotyping Forum
- Course From Phenotype to Genotype: The Genetic Basis of Shape, Jan23-26, Barcelona (Spain).
- Phd student position in barley temperature stress
- Call for Applications: Stoichiometric Ecotoxicology, a NIMBioSInvestigative Workshop
- EPPN2020/EMPHASIS Workshop, 22-24th of November, Tartu, Estonia
- WG: COST/EPPN2020 Workshop, 29-30th of September 2017
- FW: GPGR4 Travel Scholarships and the SSS Plant PhenomicPhridays--flyers attached to this e-mail
- Post-doc Positions in Japan and Sweden
- Plant gene set reconstructions with EvidentialGene are accurate
- Course Fluid Preservation, November 20th-24th, 2017, Barcelona, Spain
- One-week session on ecophysiology/phenotyping in Montpellier from 12to 16 June 2017
- FW: aMaizING postdoc position at the INRA AgroImpact (Estrées-Mons) laboratory in France
- Course The Use of Phylogenies in the Study of Macroevolution,October 16-20, 2017, Barcelona.
- EMPHASIS / Wheat Initiative Meeting on Phenotyping, 21/22 of April
- Call for Applications: Species' Range Shifts in a Warming World, aNIMBioS Investigative Workshop
- IPPN Survey: plant phenotyping
- AW: IAMPS 2016
- ERA-CAPS Call: Proposals with aspects of plant phenotyping - EMPHASIS
- WG: Survey about current status of plant phenotyping
- Painting on live trees.
- Survey about current status of plant phenotyping
- Call for Applications: Next Generation Genetic Monitoring, a NIMBioSInvestigative Workshop
- WG: COST FA1306: 5th call for Short Term Scientific Missions
- WG: Workshop: Seed Phenotyping, Costa Rica, 29.09-1.10
- DPPN/EURoot Winter School: Root Phenotyping
- Call for papers for Special Issue
- Course Population Genetics using R, October 5-9, Barcelona, Spain
- WG: EMBO Practical Course on Insights into Plant BiologicalProcesses through Phenotyping
- WG: BMVC 2015 Workshop on Computer Vision Problems in PlantPhenotyping (CVPPP 2015)
- Workshop on The use of Phylogenies in the Study of Macroevolution,Sep 28 Oct 2, Barcelona (Spain)
- WG: EMBO Practical Course on Insights into plant biologicalprocesses through phenotyping
- WG: Registration open: COST FA1306 Meeting 'The quest for tolerantvarieties - Phenotyping at plant and cellular level' at IPK Gatersleben
- Re: Pachypodium seed
- Course on Historical Biogeography, June 15-19, Barcelona, Spain
- Does anyone know the families of the following plants?
- OT - Suspected Hit & Run. 7-30-14.
- Course GMM and phylogeny in Barcelona: last call
- Global Arabidopsis protein interaction and gene regulation network
- Practical Summer Workshop in Functional Genomics at OSU
- Last call for course on Individual based models applied to Ecology,May 2014, Barcelona, Spain
- from a high school teacher
- Postdoctoral Position announcement
- culture in plants
- NOS promoter
- benzoylation of polyamines
- Jatropha
- Germinating Cedar of Lebanon Seeds - What am I doing wrong
- Yucca Stalks and Flutes
- Ornamental tree ID
- Mechanism of UV resistance by plant
- Re: sweet grass
- Re: sweet grass
- c12/C13
- Aloes
- Galvanometer connected to plants?
- airborn seed pods
- Hydroponic Nutrients with pH perfect
- Teaching ecology for engineers!!!
- question from a high school teacher
- DIPPI-C: G-cubed Special theme call for manuscripts
- Bioinformatics for transcriptomics - an online course
- FINAL Call for Abstracts: AGU session - d13C and Biomarkers
- AGU session: d13C and biomarkers
- Opportunity for data from the Santiago de Compostela
- Plants for the Future
- 3rd and final call for abstracts - 6th international Symposium on
- A thought
- Jasmine plant is drying up?!?!?!
- Hydroponic Tents
- Stems
- Plant Organellar Signaling from Algae to Higher Plants
- pH
- Introduction to microarray data analysis - distance learning course
- Hydnophytum
- wanted: info re sending/bringing seeds & plants back in to the U.S.
- Tenure Track Position: Plant Molecular Biology
- Plant Ecology: Tenure Track Position at University of Oklahoma
- gene and agent
- Gateway Destination Binary Vectors with Seed Specific Promoters
- Useful scientific website directory
- gene without agent
- Bioengeneering? TRANSGENICS? Harvests cultures on Human remains...
- Baldcypress
- Picture perfect portraits
- Live Oak Tree Struck by Lightning
- RE: Plantbio Digest, Vol 59, Issue 3
- questions
- Alberta Grass
- Question re: fertilizing plants
- PhD Position
- Flora of Altai
- Photo about Mirabilis jalapa
- kale
- Re: Wicked Plants
- Scientific Expedition to Discover a Patagonian Island
- Great Basin Bristlecone Pine (Pinus Longaeva) Seeds !
- Geranium in change of climate
- Does anybody have gDNA of Xanthomonas. campestris pv.armoraciae?
- Photo of Good afternoon flower
- Some gardening tips???
- Palm-type plant rerooting
- Geraniums on the roof
- Photos about Botany
- How to attach the seeds?
- (no subject)
- from a high school teacher
- Looking for bacteria that bio luminescence in water when exposed to asmall amount of elements or chemicals tia sal22
- Highly unusual tree--Upright Populus alba (white tower),not a pyramidalis
- Aperture Nepal
- I need the Identity of the plant in the photos.
- new mexico oak
- Bigger alder seeds and unusual cones
- Photos of Pelargonium
- acorn germination
- Lauletaan yhdessä iloinen joululaulu
- endosperm specific promoter.
- Re: [Plant-biology] Chlorella transformation vector
- Chlorella transformation vector
- Round Brilliant Diamonds
- Doubled Haploid Lines
- high school teacher question
- Which newsgroup can I post photos of plants for identification?
- Seeking variations of alder for breeding it as a grain crop
- Cultures
- Help identify plant (0/1)
- (no subject)
- Aristolochia seed
- AT&T Usenet Netnews Service Shutting Down
- Post-doctoral position INRA Dijon FRANCE
- balogh scientific books- catalog update
- Oil Seed Rape - a non-specific allergen?
- Growing seed / plant in only fresh water without draining questiontia sal2
- How do you measure the system potential in a plant?
- Orchidaceae: Spiranthes
- relative yield
- [Plant-biology] scroll to the bottom of this site
- Invitation to register!
- Text mining system for plant model organism: Arabidopsis
- [Plant-biology] very rare blackberry varity
- postdoc on rice phosphate transport, Lausanne, Switzerland
- Re: Plantbio Digest, Vol 45, Issue 1
- lignin
- Caudiciform Seeds
- The National Plant Genome Initiative at Ten Years: A Community Worksho
- RE: [Plant-biology] Re: Plantbio Digest, Vol 43, Issue 2
- Re: Plantbio Digest, Vol 43, Issue 2
- Effect of hyperbaric pressure on plants???
- International Science and Engineering Fair-Call for Judges
- Plant Chromatin
- Chloroplast forming a sphere in Ceratophyllum demersum
- Ubuntu wubilla Win-Eee PC 901 SD-kortille
- Relation NDVI-LAI
- [Plant-biology] Need information regarding lignin isolation
- Need information regarding lignin isolation
- Information about Ochna serrulata
- Lab space
- Please can anyone help me identify this plant ?
- Re: pollen storage
- Re: Pollen Advice Please
- Pollen Advice Please
- Light and chlorophyll development
- Early-bird registration reminder: Plant Reproductive biologyconference in Tucson, AZ, USA
- Polonia seeds
- Direction of vine winding
- Gel Strength
- What kind of house plant is this?
- Weedkiller, Nettles and any danger.
- pCambia1201 question
- Re: Onko tullut veroja takaisin?
- Challenge of Creating Man Eating Plants
- Plant Metabolic Network News Announcement
- LATCA chemical screening library, repost
- Screening library for plant chemical genomics
- PhD studentships in Biology
- New conference event for calendar
- Re: Plantbio Digest, Vol 36, Issue 5
- DNA and protein extraction
- Oxygen to plant roots
- invitation to submit plant cell biology images and videos toASCB Image & Video Library
- Plumeria Seeds
- invitation to submit plant cell biology images to ASCB Image &Video Library
- [Plant-biology] A request for info on OLINIA species
- fiddle leaf fig
- Help for the articles
- ellephants herbal medicine herbal medicine of native americansdiabetes herbal medicine strauss
- question
- tissue culture
- Re: Plantbio Digest, Vol 34, Issue 2 RE PLANT ID SOUGHT
- Shrub ID sought
- (no subject)
- South central NH growths. Can anyone ID?
- Bioinformatics Scientist Position (S.F. Bay Area)
- Re: Plantbio Digest, Vol 33, Issue 11
- arginine-sepharose
- Landscaping Shrubs: Spruce Up Your Yard
- Ficus enjamina leaf disease
- Agrobacterium tumefaciens EHA 105
- Bioinformatics Scientist Position
- Graduate student/ visiting scholar positions available at LakeheadUniversity, Canada
- Ficus benjamina leaf disease
- Faculty position in biofuel genomics
- Magical Houseplants
- Methods of determination plant causative pathogen
- Disease in Ficus Benjamina
- Aloe Variegata
- breeding software
- Re:Strange Fungi
- Strange Fungi
- Re: Plantbio Digest, Vol 32, Issue 7
- DNA extraction
- cotton and oakra tissueculture
- thanking you very much
- agrobacterium strains
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