How close to a house can I plant an apple treee?
"AL_n" wrote ...
I purchased a Cox's Orange Pippin apple sapling the other day, and ideally,
I'd like to blant it about 6ft from a neighbour's house. Is that okay to
do? I would not plant a large-growing tree so close to a house, but
according to the tag, this tree will have a spread of 2.6 mtrs, so I hope 2
mtrs away from the house's footings will be okay. What do you think?
Oh dear, Cox's are a devil to grow well (susceptible to almost everything)
and fruit (it needs a pollinator) and are best for commercial planting where
they can throw lots of chemicals at the trees. Good luck.
Regards. Bob Hobden.
Posted to this Newsgroup from the W of London, UK