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Old 13-03-2014, 05:05 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Martin Brown Martin Brown is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,262
Default How close to a house can I plant an apple treee?

On 13/03/2014 15:19, AL_n wrote:
Hi All,

I purchased a Cox's Orange Pippin apple sapling the other day, and ideally,
I'd like to blant it about 6ft from a neighbour's house. Is that okay to
do? I would not plant a large-growing tree so close to a house, but
according to the tag, this tree will have a spread of 2.6 mtrs, so I hope 2
mtrs away from the house's footings will be okay. What do you think?

I think that would be a bit close to the house and not good for either.

Also you have to consider the loss of light from its canopy when the
thing grows. It may shade windows in an annoying manner.

You don't say what rootstock it is on so it is hard to guess what the
actual size will be and I have found that some plants which grow small
at under 2m for me on heavy clay are rampant and 3+m elsewhere.

Martin Brown