Neglecting Orchids
"Roger Tonkin" wrote
Well, not quite what I mean, but:
I have 2 Phal orchids, one of which I water about every 2 weeks
and lives in a warm room (and by the way has just 2 flowers
left on the spike after 8 months in flower), the other every 4
weeks (there's not so much root) and lives in a cooler room.
Now I have a sudden opportunity to go away for 5 or 6 weeks and
am wondering what is best to do?
Should I give them both a really heavy water before going?
Should I move them to a cold north facing room?
Should I stand them near a bowl of water?
Anything else?
Give them a good morning drink before you go but don't let them stand in
water. Partially fill a bucket with water and stand the pot in that for an
hour then take it out and drain.
A cooler room is OK but not a cold room. Moving the warm one into a cooler
room should also initiate a new flower spike to grow.
They do love humidity so anything to increase that is fine as long as it
does not get too cold.
Those big fleshy leaves are also storage organs so providing they are firm
and fat the plants should be fine. Give them another good drink on your
return. It's always safest to water in the morning as water left lying on
the leaves and especially in the crown overnight will cause rot.
Regards. Bob Hobden.
Posted to this Newsgroup from the W of London, UK