Stop the extinction... 402
Please explain. Do you want bigger holes?
Nope. Less consumption!
The issue is not about garbage and recycling of paper or metals. It is
about lowering the consumption in the first place. Why should a smallish
proportion of the worlds population account for the majority of the
consumption. Don't dig bigger holes. Just don't polute the environment with
unnecesary consumption.
They are a panacea for a guilty conscience which
achieves nothing in the form of real conservation but meet the
driven statistical notions of international agreements.
A great man once said "There are lies, Bloody Lies and Statistics"
you ever espouse anything in this life, make sure that our argument is
upon more that statistics. Winston Churchill was a very astute man.
Yep, there are fisherman who still sweat that it's seals, other fishermen
something else - but NOT them - that's catching all the fish.
Yep, and a close look will probably show a combination of over fishing and
the ecological disruption of some goose that thought the seals needed
protection that changed the balance. A combination of to many seals and too
many fishermen. Does that make the fishermen completely responsible
toredress the situation. I think NOT.
All conservation arguments are based upon population and sampling
statistics. Neither of which can be relied upon as either accurate or
So they are therefore un accurate and biased?
Conservation groups tend to only include the results which aid
their cause. Their opposition does the same. The truth is somewhere in
mire in between.
Ah, some sense. Why doesn't your post follow this sense?
Because it is my opinion and as such does not have to agree with yours.
Your responses do however show a blinkered view or ecology and environmental
issues, commonly encountered in the wealth city person who has no real
concept of what living near the land is about. They rely on such paragons
of honesty as green peace for their scant knowledge.
PS I include myself in the "They" . I would not be on the Internet
resources if I was not.