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Old 21-02-2014, 04:43 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
David.WE.Roberts David.WE.Roberts is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jan 2013
Posts: 144
Default OT mobile phone coverage

On Thu, 20 Feb 2014 17:10:48 -0500, S Viemeister wrote:

On 2/20/2014 5:03 PM, David.WE.Roberts wrote:

On Android smart phones you can get free utilities which can tell you
which phone mast you are using and show you where it is on a Google

Could you recommend one?

Just having a look - I have three installed.

They have changed a bit since I last looked.

OpenSignal looks good - gives direction and strength of signal and rates
both voice and data.

Antennas seems to rely on a (possibly old) list of antennas rather than
direct detection.

RealSignal seems to be more of a signal strength and quality meter - good
for establishing if you have a poor signal and checking variation over
time. No mapping obvious - oh,hang on, found it.

Results - Antennas and RealSignal both show the same map and the same
location of masts (if I am reading the display correctly).

OpenSignal give me direction of signal and a location of the antenna on a
Google map which dies in with the direction pointer and is the local fire
station. So credible.

Of the three, I would try OpenSignal first.


Dave R