Thread: OT A Question
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Old 20-02-2014, 02:30 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
bert bert is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2012
Posts: 82
Default OT A Question

In message , Bob Hobden
"Bob Hobden" wrote..

Thinking of using this for a Quiz Night but not sure how many will
know it....

What is Plugstreet famous for?

Don't cheat by looking it up, just say yes or no if you knew the
answer, I'll post the answer tomorrow.

Firstly, thank you all for participating, in view of the response I
think, as I suspected, it too hard a question so won't use it.

The answer is Plugstreet is the place where the famous football match
between the German and British trenches took place on Christmas day

The real name of the town is Ploegsteert and it's in Belgium but the
Tommys called it Plugstreet and the name stuck.

You could modify the question to perhaps make it less difficult:- Which
famous football match took place in Plugstreet?