New neighbours
"bert" ] wrote in message
I understand what you are saying but some people have a problem with trees
overhanging into their space.
I had one new neighbour and the very first thing she said to me when I
tried to introduce myself was, "So it's your tree overhanging my garden,
get it cut back", no please or nice to meet you or anything. Yet another
moved into a mature garden with fruit trees and ornamentals, OK they
needed some pruning, and the first and only thing they did in the garden
was cut everything off at ground level, literally. 6 months later then set
fire to it all in the middle of the lawn and it stayed like that until
they moved on.
We had new neighbours bit like that. They had 2 trees on the large front
garden been there 35 years and were actually covered by covenants but they
cut one off at ground level. We managed to save the other one. First time
in 35 years we have conflict with a neighbour, fortunately not next door
but opposite.
There is no reason to do it, we have 450 ft gardens. and a branch or two has
never mattered.
But their dog barks far too much, they leave it and its up at the window
barking, and I've been good about it until now as it barks through my wall
all ferking day.
And if they take the backs of my fruit trees out again without consulting me
I will object to their dog. which I don't want to do. I love dogs. It's
left alone far too much and is up at the window looking for them and
barking, which drives me mad.