Thread: Pot shrub
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Old 08-02-2014, 01:49 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Janet Janet is offline
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Posts: 548
Default Pot shrub

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On Fri, 7 Feb 2014 20:20:45 +0000 (UTC), Kate

Hi all

Anyone got any good suggestions for evergreen shrubs that would do ok in
a large pot, shady north facing? Flowers would be nice, nothing too
boring like box or conifers

Thinking of a cammelia for one. Is that workable? What would go with it?


Kate x

If you do opt for a camellia, azalea or dwarf rhododendron (all
perfectly OK in that position IMO), don't forget to use ericaceous
compost in the planter, and make sure the planter is itself a decent
size to allow for root growth. Keep it fed and watered in the summer.

They will survive in tubs, but not show what they are capable of.
When we moved here 11 years ago, the entire garden was lawn, and the
previous owner of 20 yrs assured me "nothing else grows in this soil"
(she wuz wrong). She left behind several tubs of sad, elderly and
stunted dwarf rhododendrons, azaleas and a maple.

I planted them all out into the garden where they rapidly doubled and
quadrupled in size and are still expanding, flowering and thriving. One
of those previously stunted dwarf azaleas is now 6ft across and the
flowers hide the leaves.
