On Thu, 30 Jan 2014 Martin wrote:
What I quoted was the result of previous messages in this thread, which you
obviously still haven't read.
Yours was the first reply in the thread so there weren't any previous
messages that you could quote. Which means that you KNEW that it was a
link. So come on, stop pretending!
You didn't reply to my first post. You replied to something I posted today.
sigh No, I didn't! I did reply to your first message in this thread
which was yesterday, so stop wriggling. Look, here it is again - and
look at the date. Although my reader doesn't show the time of your
message it was actually 10:46:48, about forty-five minutes after Stuart
posted his original message.
================================================== ==
On Wed, 29 Jan 2014 Martin wrote:
On Wed, 29 Jan 2014 10:02:55 +0000, stuart noble
Anyone got any suggestions?
The hedge had been allowed to get out of hand for a few years by the
previous owners, so we have reduced height by a foot, and are wondering
whether to thin it out a little in the Spring. Maybe those bare stalks
will sprout leaves if the top is kept trimmed?
Any advice appreciated
You can't post .jpg files to this group, urg is a plain text only group.
He didn't! It's a link as denoted by "http:...." etc.
David Rance writing from Caversham, Reading, UK