Farming in South Dakota
----- Original Message -----
From: "Dean Hoffman"
Newsgroups: sci.agriculture
Sent: Friday, October 18, 2002 11:13 PM
Subject: Farming in South Dakota
: On 10/18/02 12:59 AM, in article , "Jim
: Webster" wrote:
: The UK governments policy now specifically says there is no strategic
: need for food production. As far as anyone can work out, the UK
: government has no real interest in any food production whatsoever.
: Yet yesterday a foriegn office minister did say that we must take steps
: to protect our strategic oil supplies, some of this is to source non-oil
: energy sources.
: --
: Jim Webster
: "The pasture of stupidity is unwholesome to mankind"
: 'Abd-ar-Rahman b. Muhammad b. Khaldun al-Hadrami'
: U.S. Politicians aren't covering themselves with glory either.
: American agriculture would shut down in a hurry without oil. The early
: 1970's oil embargo didn't leave a lasting enough impression. Research
: spending to reach energy independence should rank at the top of the list
: with defense spending.
Farming is using a great deal less fuel today than it did 20 years ago and
the rising tide of no till will decrease it further. When fuel is tight ag
has a very high priority.
As far a feeding the folks in the US we could shut down a large part of our
farming. 12,000,000 acres of cotton doesn't feed any one but cotton farmers.
A lot of wheat, corn and beans are for export.
In a really tight situation we could do like the UK with victory gardens in
WWII and save a very great deal of fuel. The Victory gardens were very
important to feeding the UK in just such a situation.
The UK will have to screw up really bad for the US to cut you off. Perhaps
taking up with the French might do it.