"Chris Hogg" wrote in message
On Sat, 18 Jan 2014 22:31:06 -0000, "Charlie Pridham"
Doesn't help with your Lampranthus problem, but how do you keep
off the Aloe? I have one and it gets chewed to bits, It got it from Sacha
and Ray to try outside, and so far it has gone through the last 3 winters,
but its a hollow victory as only the spare I kept inside bothers to
and that always looks a mess.
I grow Aloe striatula outside; it's the only one that has survived
with me, even allowing for the fact that we only get light frosts
here, very rarely below -2C. See
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aloe_striatula, although Wiki describes
it as a 'climbing aloe'. It doesn't show much tendency to climb with
me but forms a bush about 3ft tall and across. Copes well with salt
Gardening in West Cornwall overlooking the sea.
Mild, but very exposed to salt gales
Oddly I also tried Aloe striatula but as you say its a short plant so I
didn't give it a wall like the A cilliaris with the result it didn't last
even the first month of its first winter!