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Old 16-01-2014, 07:17 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
David Hill David Hill is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2012
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Default Large tree stump grindings

On 16/01/2014 16:59, Bob Hobden wrote:
"Broadback" wrote

I have has a dead large tree removed, the grinder came this morning
and ground it out. Now I need to get rid of all the grindings. I
intend putting it on a large compost heap, which already contains
grass cuttings and weeds. How long can I expect it to take for them to
become usable as mulching/compost? It is a large heap about a cubic

Sawdust only took about a year to become usable for us. We are on clay
and rotted sawdust/manure seems to break up the clay and keep the soil
open more than normal straw/manure.

Depends on the type of tree, Oak will take years where as a softwood
will break down in a year or so.
The harder the wood the slower to rot