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Old 14-01-2014, 11:32 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Martin Brown Martin Brown is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Aug 2006
Posts: 1,262
Default What to plant in waste area

On 14/01/2014 09:20, David Hill wrote:
On 14/01/2014 08:43, Pam Moore wrote:
On Mon, 13 Jan 2014 19:24:49 +0100, Timothy Murphy

I have a small waste area, 1.5 x 7 metres, by the side of my house,
and want to plant something to stop the weeds growing there.
I was thinking of potatoes or sweet peas.
Any other (or better) suggestions?

Spuds would out compete most things. If they were not edible they would
be classed as a pernicious weed. Very hard to get the last volunteer.

I'd like to plant as soon as possible.

Periwinkle would be evergreen, nasrurtiums annual.
Shrubs, I'd plant sarcococca.

Pam in Bristol

As the OP is in Italy I'd think asking in a more appropriate group would
be the answer

You sure about that? His footer claims he's at Trinity College Dublin.

Depends a bit what you want but calendula pot marigolds will look after
themselves in almost any kind of rough ground. As will the vigorous red
valerian which is almost a weed but pretty and good for butterflies.
Heather and lavender can take care of themselves in a drier spot.
Wallflowers, poppies and antirrhinum can also survive and self seed in
rough ground without much difficulty. I have some big straggly
antirrhinums "annuals" that have now survived a couple of winters!

Hydrangea petiolaris will grow up a north facing house wall nicely.

Martin Brown