alternative to corrugated iron for back of raised bed?
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17-12-2013, 06:02 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Jeff Layman[_2_]
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Sep 2008
Posts: 2,166
alternative to corrugated iron for back of raised bed?
On 17/12/2013 13:44,
Hello there
I am trying to get back into reuse an area of our garden which is a sort-of
raised bed. The bed is around 6ft wide and 5ft front to back.
It has brickwork to around 15" high at the front and two sides. At the rear the
brickwork has fallen away (was never properly made, I think), and the bed is open
to our neighbours fence - concrete post and cheap wooden fence panels. These are
also falling apart, so the soil is spilling out at the rear.
There is no real room between their fence and the back of the bed - perhaps a
couple of inches. I am trying to think of the best way to create a, possibly
temporary, back wall to the bed for next spring and beyond.
My initial though was for a short width of corrugated iron, jammed in between the
neighbours fence post and the back of the raised bed. I'm pretty sure this would
work well, but would be unsightly. so I'm looking for alternatives...
Are there any (cheap!) sheet materials which would be suitable for this, in terms
of flexibility, weatherproofing, etc., but would not be so ugly?
Thanks for any thoughts
jon N
What about a couple of sheets of corrugated PVC at right-angles to each
other? It is surprisingly strong along is length. Or you could fit a
single sheet to several batons which cross the corrugations; this would
add strength across the weak direction.
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Jeff Layman[_2_]
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