"David Hill" wrote
Pam Moore wrote:
David Hill wrote:
Despite some frosts and 2 strong gales (Winds gusting to over 55mph in
one and over 70mph in the other ) the Imperialis are around 14ft tall
with trunks like small trees
The flowers are starting to open despite everything
The D, Tennicaulis is looking more healthy chiefly because the foliage
is a bit shorter and is protected by the surrounding stems.
But if you look at the flower closely you will see this
Will you get seed from them? They look good.
I watered my wall-basket this morning: surfinia and bacopa still
flowering well. I've never had them still in flower in December!
No chance of seed Pam but I want to try to collect some pollen from them if
I can and try to store it to use next year on some earlier flowering
It would be an interesting cross with "The Bishop", 14 ft tall dark red
Regards. Bob Hobden.
Posted to this Newsgroup from the W of London, UK