"David Hill" wrote ...
Despite some frosts and 2 strong gales (Winds gusting to over 55mph in one
and over 70mph in the other ) the Imperialis are around 14ft tall with
trunks like small trees
The flowers are starting to open despite everything
The D, Tennicaulis is looking more healthy chiefly because the foliage is a
bit shorter and is protected by the surrounding stems.
But if you look at the flower closely you will see this
I found once the frost got to them (D. imperialis) they just collapsed and I
was left with the tree trunk like stems and little else except a black
sludge. Every year they got to upstairs window height with flower buds
growing bigger by the day and bang, gone. Very frustrating but a beautiful
architectural plant and a big talking point with those that had never seen
one before; I was constantly being asked by passers by what it was and was
never sure they believed me.
I lost ours in a bad winter, should have taken a few cuttings as insurance
but I had given one to a friend and thought that would be enough, it wasn't
as he lost his the same winter.
Regards. Bob Hobden.
Posted to this Newsgroup from the W of London, UK