On 2013-12-05 19:54:05 +0000, Chris Hogg said:
On Thu, 5 Dec 2013 13:49:03 +0000, sacha wrote:
I've often bought this from the wholesaler but don't know its proper
name. It's like lots of very tiny Mic daisies on a single stem. Does
anyone know its real name?
Googling for September flower (which I'm sure you've done) reveals
that the birth-flower for September is the aster (or morning glory),
which would tie with your description of it being like a Mic daisy.
Sounds rather as if your plant just an aster variety.
I'll do as Spider suggests and ring the florist wholsesaler tomorrow
but I doubt they'll know the proper name. It's always just sold as
'September flower' and I've never heard a name for it.
South Devon