On 2013-12-02 20:14:05 +0000, David Hill said:
On 02/12/2013 19:44, sacha wrote:
On 2013-12-02 18:41:17 +0000, Bob Hobden said:
"Sacha" wrote
I wonder why they don't mention my friend, took early
retirement/redundancy from being a Bank Manager at 47 and talked RHS
Wisley into employing him ( I'll work 7 days free and if I'm no good
you can look me in the eye and tell me to leave) became second
wheelbarrow man, his words, and is now a senior gardener in fruit.
Because they're trying to get young people, school leavers, into
gardening, I suppose? You may have heard the young gardener whose
school master told him that if the 'didn't pull his socks up', he'd end
up as a bin man or a gardener. And he said "I'd love to be a
gardener"! And now he is. Horticulture suffers from this image of it
as a 'last resort', rather than a real career. All power to your
friend and congrats for having the courage to make such a profound
change in his life but this is about school leavers and raising
horticulture from some kind of Cinderella position in last-chance job
saloons to a specific career choice, And may I say that there are some
high-profile garden experts who encourage that, even if unconsciously -
Alan Titchmarsh, Christine Walkden, Toby Buckland, Roy Lancaster, spring
to my mind. All have a thorough grounding in horticulture, not a
come-to-it-late-in-life amateur enthusiasm and really know plants, soil,
gardening. We need young people in the industry who have made a career
choice, not a "my careers teacher says I'm no good for anything else".
The skill in real gardening, real plant raising is enormous and it needs
to be recognised as such in career programmes for school leavers.
Oh Come on Sacha,
Everyone knows that as long as you can push a wheel barrow and use a
broom you can be a gardener if you can use a spade and a hoe then you
are really skilled.
The real problem is that in the UK the "Work Ethic" has almost
vanished, which is why we have so many workers from Eastern Europe now
working in British Horticulture.
The Average Brit would rather sit on his/her backside and do sweet FA.
A few years in further education and Uni and they are much to good to
work with their hands
It's time that Career advisers or vocational guidance advisers or what
ever they call themselves learned just what is available and required
in today's employment market, and schools/colleges got away from the
thinking that 70% of pupils going on to Uni then being largely
unemployed/ unemployable is better that having the same numbers in work.
I can teach a totally blind person to travel with a cane in a busy City
Centre and to cross roads, but I can't have a modern apprentice do any
work, such as water plants with a hose pipe unsupervised for 2 years.
David @ a still dry side of Swansea Bay
Yes, it's a question of rods for backs there. We know of someone who
started working in a bank (iirc), thought it was a dead end job and
trained to be an electrician. He is now never out of work and must be
taking home a small fortune. It was a good system when each tradesman
had a 'boy' working beside him and learning a trade. I wish we had the
old 'technical colleges' for those who didn't want to go on to
University but did want to make a career that didn't require a degree.
I can't help wondering if there wouldn't be more people keen and eager
to learn and remain in steady and lucrative work.
South Devon