Thread: Twitter OT
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Old 02-12-2013, 03:12 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Wendy Tinley Wendy Tinley is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2013
Posts: 28
Default Twitter OT

On 29/11/2013 19:20, sacha wrote:
Twitter can - in urg's terms - merely be a point of contact, a signpost,
Nobody is compelled to post to Twitter, you can just read it and follow
links that interest you. And indeed, nobody is suggesting it's a
substitute for informed debate/discussion. All of us that use it know
that is not the case! In urg use terms, I'd probably describe it as an
'alert' to what is available. As always, your choice.

Spot on Sacha... BTW, what is your Twitter account - or are you

You can find me (unsurprisingly) @wendytinley or @TNESheffield, one
personal and one business.

My best experience of late was on Friday evening when Twitter was full
of information about Comet Ison (Ison - Isoff - Ison and Isoff again)
after perihelion.

Wendy Tinley
SE Sheffield
4 miles west of junction 30 M1