On 2013-11-28 19:56:40 +0000, Bob Hobden said:
"Janet" wrote
wendy says...
Janet wrote:
wendy says...
Enjoyment of Twitter depends entirely on what you wish to get out of it.
Many a time I have learnt that something major is happening in the
In this context, the discussion is whether tweets have any relevance
to gardening discussion here on urg.
Not, twitter as a platform for world news, business advertisers, or
personal promotion by horticultural professionals and businesses.
With your thoughts in mind, I searched Twitter for tweets with
Agreed, not much (yet) but this 30 second search did find people seeking
helpful information about gardening. I've put the latest six below and
apologies for any profanities below. A 50:50 split between seekers of
information and advertisers.
Roberto Cea ?@studiocea 2 Nov
Hi @GardeningAus - is this young Aust Frangipani looking too 'sparse' or
is it normal growth habit? #GardeningHelp pic.twitter.com/j5VfaUcr7t
Jennifer Silvestri ?@Jenn_Silvestri 5 Sep
These *******s are eating my rose tree. Any tips on what to do?
#gardeninghelp #eatingmyroses http://instagram.com/p/d4sEIvIPzd/
Garden Escape ?@gardenescape 5 Aug
Unsure what to do in your garden this week? http://ow.ly/nD4aH
CarusoLandscaping ?@Caruso_Lawn 30 Jul
@kevin_lawton here's the help that you need to grow a luminous rose
bush! http://bit.ly/1586UrH #GardeningHelp
Garden Escape ?@gardenescape 30 Jul
Need some #summer #gardeninghelp ? Your question might already be
answered! http://ow.ly/npvyt
and how many of those gardening queries, can be discussed explained
or solved in a 140- character soundbite?
Which is, no doubt, the reason Monty Don tweeted that he would not be
answering any gardening question on Twitter.
That is exactly my point, the small space allowed means there cannot be
any meaningful discussion on Twitter on any topic.
Twitter can - in urg's terms - merely be a point of contact, a
signpost, Nobody is compelled to post to Twitter, you can just read it
and follow links that interest you. And indeed, nobody is suggesting
it's a substitute for informed debate/discussion. All of us that use it
know that is not the case! In urg use terms, I'd probably describe it
as an 'alert' to what is available. As always, your choice. More to
the point and back to the ORIGINAL point, you can look at
gardening//horticultural/design/landscaping blogs, without going near
Twitter or Facebook. So - why do we do so little of that, I wonder?
South Devon