Thread: Gardening blogs
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Old 28-11-2013, 06:31 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
sacha sacha is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2013
Posts: 815
Default Gardening blogs

On 2013-11-28 09:54:09 +0000, kay said:

Let It Be;995775 Wrote:

To follow such stuff in all the social media requires the brain of a
butterfly to be able to spend hours jumping from one inconsequential bit
rubbish to another - and at the end of it - learn nothing; other than
they want to believe, or foist their own beliefs on other butterfly

that could be said to apply to urg too! ;-)

This is along with having all your musings being logged by any security

group who wishes to drop in from time-to-time using their capture-all
applications (including GCHQ, Police, NSA etc.

Well, that'll apply to anything you do ...

Many people think what they read on the internet is 'gospel and
and everything outside it is simply a pack of lies that must be ignored!

Everyone develops a list of sources that they trust, whether it be the
internet, their Uncle Peter, or the Daily Mail. Some people apply their
critical faculties less than others in making a such a decision.

But what would I know? I'm just some fluffy-headed woman butterflying
around the social media! ;-))
South Devon