On 2013-11-27 18:16:48 +0000, Let It Be said:
Sacha wrote:
As the subject of social media and gardening has come up, this is a
link to what the author of this site considers to be the best
gardening blogs. It's their own opinion and I don't know all of the
blogs but some urglers might find one or two to their liking, others won't. It
is worth bearing in mind that only one blog (afaik) is written by
professional writers. By their nature many blogs are individual and
quirky and some are very annoying to the reader! I've looked at a few
of them at random and don't see anything annoying/dangerous on them.
One of those I like best is Fennel & Fern with some great photographs,
as well as recipes for the food people grow and tips on how to grow
And here's the RHS's list of blogs that were in their 'best blog'
competition http://www.rhs.org.uk/blogscompetition
I hope urglers will find things of interest to them there that can
also be brought to urg for discussion.
At the risk of being binned by you Sacha for not agreeing with your mindset.
To follow such stuff in all the social media requires the brain of a
butterfly to be able to spend hours jumping from one inconsequential
bit of rubbish to another - and at the end of it - learn nothing; other
than what they want to believe, or foist their own beliefs on other
butterfly brains.
This is along with having all your musings being logged by any security
group who wishes to drop in from time-to-time using their capture-all
applications (including GCHQ, Police, NSA etc.
I often wonder at what's happening to this country when people spend
hours in front of their computers logging into facebook, twitter etc
---------- ah shit! What's the use of even going there?
Many people think what they read on the internet is 'gospel and
inviolable' and everything outside it is simply a pack of lies that
must be ignored!
I simply don't understand this response. I'm suggesting that urglers
might like to read some gardening blogs, by professionals and/or
amateurs. I am not suggesting they take to Twitter and Facebook which
seem to have got dragged into this discussion by means of endless
repetition of how awful they are, sometimes by people who have never
looked at them. Once more and with feeling: I am suggesting reading
gardening blogs. Or follow the blog of just one person. I am NOT
suggesting reading Twitter or Facebook as a substitute.
South Devon