Thread: Orchid Myst
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Old 23-11-2013, 02:51 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Spider[_3_] Spider[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Mar 2010
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Default Orchid Myst

On 21/11/2013 09:42, Pam Moore wrote:
Has anyone used a product called Orchid Myst? I saw it and bought some
yesterday. It is a ready-mixed spray which you spray on leaves, aerial
roots and on the bark/compost, but not on flowers.

Pam in Bristol

Hi Pam,

You don't seem to have any replies, so I thought I'd drop in.
I don't use Orchid Myst, but would be very interested in your impression
of it in due course.

I have about 35 orchids (excluding the hardy ones) and they are kept
close together on two long window cills. I am sure this helps provide
its own local humidity (one of OM's claims). My feeding/watering regime
falls about every ten days. After 3 sessions of feeding, I have a
session of watering only. I don't buy a proprietary leaf shine product;
they're horrendously expensive! Insead, I routine wipe dusty leaves
with a soft tissue. Once in a while, if the leaves are looking really
dull and lack-lustre, I wipe them all (takes ages!) with a weaker than
usual fertiliser solution, which cleans them and gives them a filip, in
much the same way that OM does. When I do this, I miss out a feed to
make sure I'm not inflicting too much chemical brew on them.

All this seems to work and I bring most orchids back in to flower. I'm
dead chuffed this year, as I've managed for the first time to get all
three of my Cymbidiums to flower! :~).

I always fail to get Zygopetalum and Dendrobium to reflower and, indeed,
have lost a few.

If I were to try OM, it would be on the Cambria types whose roots are so
thin they don't hold onto moisture and nutrients as well as
Phaelenopsis, say. I certainly don't want to start spraying in the
living rooms - we've just got rid of a fungal problem in one room due to
a neighbour's garden wall butting up against our party wall, so I'm a
bit paranoid about encouraging fungus again.

On high ground in SE London
gardening on heavy clay