On 22/11/2013 19:45, Emery Davis wrote:
The owner of the horse is being criminally prosecuted.
You had a lucky escape. A cow was wandering on the lanes near us last
year and I popped into the nearest farm and reported it to the owner. No
sign of the cow later on when we drove past later.
It sounds like the French police / gendarmes are more diligent than the
British police. Back in England, a drunk driver once drove straight
across a blind bend near to my father's farm and straight through the
hedge into a field full of cattle. Apparently the police came and took
the driver away, he was unhurt but they neglected to inform us that
there had been an accident and that there was a huge hole in the hedge.
The first we knew about it was several hours later when we saw our
cattle wandering up the busy road past the house! They could easily have
caused a major accident like the one with the horse; simply because the
local plod were incompetent.
David in Normandy.