Thread: Frost
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Old 22-11-2013, 01:08 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Emery Davis[_3_] Emery Davis[_3_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Oct 2009
Posts: 868
Default Frost

On Fri, 22 Nov 2013 11:40:22 +0000, Jake wrote:

On Fri, 22 Nov 2013 10:51:46 +0000, Sacha

We had our first really sharp frost this morning. Part of the lawn was
white and up into the corner of the flower beds which always seems to be
the coldest bit. I don't know what it went down to - have to check that
- but it was certainly noticeably 'harder' than the last one or two
warning nips we've had.

A decent frost here too though no previous hint of frost this autumn.
Still, at last, the summer bedding has gone over. So a bit of clearance
to do over the weekend.

Currently in town but our neighbour at Ch. de Sassy posted a facebook
photo of snow yesterday. And I left about half of the seedlings out...

Got to go visit the gendarmes this afternoon to witness for a nasty
accident we were semi-involved with, involving a shire horse that had
gotten loose. We saw the horses in the road (it was night) so I was going
pretty slow, but this other guy in a little white citroen came around a
curve and into one at full speed. The horse basically exploded and
rolled up into his windshield; he skidded into my lane while fishtailing,
but I was able to get around him on the left and stop between him in the
ditch and the remains. Our car had horse all over it, too. The citroen
was crushed front to back and the roof was cut completely off, and it was
pink with (horse) blood all over. I believe the driver was airlifted out
and is alive, although they still hadn't managed to cut him free when we
were allowed to leave. The passenger was OK, with a broken wrist/arm
though, poor thing.

Gardening in Lower Normandy