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Old 17-11-2013, 07:53 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
sacha sacha is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Jul 2013
Posts: 815
Default All ABOUT THE New EU Seed Law Updated November 2013

On 2013-11-17 09:09:59 +0000, David in Normandy said:

On 17/11/2013 09:44, Road_Hog wrote:
On Saturday, November 16, 2013 2:23:11 PM UTC, David in Normandy wrote:

Reading your post, it seems the new law is a very bad thing for

gardeners. Presumably the law is intended to be a benefit for somebody

but who supposed to benefit from this draconian legislation?

Large corporations.

The EU and all other large legislative bodies are in the pay of
corporations (plutocracy) and eveything is done for their benefit. But
it will always be advertised as being for our benefit, in this case,
they'll probably say it is for health benefit and keeping us from
accidently eating bad plants.

It does seem like one of those ridiculous laws that will benefit almost
nobody. Thinking about it, I can't even see the large corporations
gaining from this as it will mean they will have to abandon seeds /
plants with low sales volumes and restrict their sales to large volume
sales e.g. those to farmers. Can't see how anybody will benefit to be
honest, except the bureaucrats and labs that will do the testing. It
sounds like the sort of insane bureaucracy that only French politicians
could dream up - laws for the sake of laws to make more artificial jobs
for bureaucrats.

Well I will continue saving seeds from one year to the next and
continue to swap seeds and cuttings with friends and neighbours. I can
see this hurting small nurseries, garden centres and small seed and
plant producers but gardeners will continue sourcing seeds and plants
from each other as always. Though I guess organised seed swaps (at
meet-ups or online) may become illegal?

Gardeners will be hanging around street corners wearing dark glasses
and raincoats stopping passers-by "Psst! Do you want some illegal
runner bean seeds."

Love this! Parsnip pushers! ;-)
South Devon