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Old 17-11-2013, 09:39 AM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Road_Hog[_2_] Road_Hog[_2_] is offline
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First recorded activity by GardenBanter: Nov 2013
Posts: 8
Default End of the allotments

On Saturday, November 16, 2013 6:08:53 PM UTC, kay wrote:
'Road_Hog[_2_ Wrote:


Do you not think, that the developer thought that people would just come

and take their plants etc. without causing problems are challenging

them, they would not have been happy to give 24 hour's notice? Let's

face it, they'd waited over 3 years, what difference would another day


The 3 years was the length of time the people had been using it as a

garden; the site had been derelict for a few years before that. So I

don't think there's anything to suggest that the delay in development

was anything to do with the garden.

You completely missed the point. Nowhere did I say that the allotments delayed the development.

The point i made was, that the developer had planning permission, but sat on it for three years, which is not uncommon, to wait until the market picks up. Therefore another 24 hours would have been no problem. If you've waited 3 years then another day is nothing. There was a good reason why they didn't wait another day (to give notice) and that reason is the hassle they would have got.