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Old 15-11-2013, 08:07 PM posted to uk.rec.gardening
Janet Janet is offline
external usenet poster
First recorded activity by GardenBanter: May 2013
Posts: 548
Default End of the allotments

In article , david@abacus- says...

Jock probably went in with his machine and the attitude "it's more than
my Jobs Worth to leave anything".

The exact opposite is the case; the clearance contractors were
sympathetic, and helped the guerrilla gardeners move trees and raised
beds to safety.

Now the ground is clear they can apply for planing with no chance of
anyone saying that the ground is being used for anything.

The planning permission was granted BEFORE the gardens were started.

Here's a telling picture of the "gardens".

" we must reluctantly accept that the landowners were within their
rights to reclaim the space.....
?We managed to speak to the contractors while they were in the process
of dismantling the site.
?They were sympathetic to our situation and have assisted us in
salvaging what remained of the raised beds and timber, and even some
fruit trees."

The bottom line is:

South Seeds started a short-term temporary project without permission
of the property-developer landowner, knew, and told the gardeners from
the outset the site had planning permission on it and would be cleared
for building 8 new houses. It's in a run down area of decrepit tenements
where new housing is desperately needed.

If you were a taxpayer in Scotland how would you feel about the
quarter of a million funding South Seeds got from the Scottish govt in

"South Seeds - the South Seeds Energy Catalyst project aims to deliver
practical advice and support to improve energy efficiency in properties
in the South Glasgow area by working with local energy partners to
maximise uptake of efficiency measures cut fuel bills and improve
people's lives. Tenements will be encouraged to tackle energy efficiency
by setting up Close Troops in which people will work together to improve
close efficiency and work alongside the local community to work together
to refurbish and manage green spaces for local food growing. £227,570"
