Greenhouse heaters
"Stephen Wolstenholme" wrote
"Bob Hobden" wrote:
I seem to be constantly buying and wiring up greenhouse heaters, came home
this afternoon and it's lucky I had a new spare in the garage. OK they do
outlast the guarantee but not by much.
Anyone found an electric greenhouse heater that I can wire into a separate
thermostat that lasts more that a couple of winters? Preferably not one
costs a fortune as some I've seen.
I use a domestic fan heater with a built in thermostat. It is set to
about 10 degrees C. Before the greenhouse it was running in my fish
house fro about 20 years so a relatively dry greenhouse is no problem.
My problem is I also grow a few orchids so the humidity is highish which
tends to rot stuff. I would have thought that heaters advertised as
Greenhouse Heaters would be made to cope with greenhouse conditions but it
appears not so.
I used to be into tropical fish too, had 5 largish tanks at one time and
bred a few species just for the fun of it.
Regards. Bob Hobden.
Posted to this Newsgroup from the W of London, UK